Dear Students and Parents,May 6, 2015
This is the rubric for an AP Human Geography ABC Review Book over the materiallearned in class. The project grade will count for an optional TEST grade. The rubric explains exactly how the points are earned. Please discuss the project and plan a strategy for getting it completed by the due date, Monday, May 18th by 8:00 pm via email. Any projects received AFTER the 8:00 pm deadline will NOT be accepted. If you have any questions, you can email me at r assistance. I have sample pages from past ABC Books that students may look at in class to get ideas from or to help them better understand what the final product should look like. All work on the actual ABC Book project will need to be completed outside of class. However, the school library is open daily before and after school for students that need to use computers here.
AP Human GeographyABC Review Book Rubric
Category / Scoring Criteria / Points / Teacher EvaluationA-Z Terms / Student uses 26 different terms to EXPLAIN the major events and concepts covered in the APHUG book selected; 1 for each letter of the alphabet. 18 of the terms must START with the letter chosen from the alphabet, but up to 8 can be anywhere in the term. However, the letter must be larger and standout from the term. Unit information must be grouped according to the Planning Page - See Mrs. Galm for examples if you need help. / 18
(3 for each unit)
Accuracy of
4-5 sentence summary / Terms and Concepts are properly explained/taught.
Content is presented in the student’s words, not “cut and pasted” from research references. Summaries are typed, easy to read, and grammatically correct. / 52
Picture that accurately represents each event/person / Each summary must have a pictorial representation of the term, person, or concept being explained. It should be neat and help enhance the understanding of the term being explained. / 10
Overall Effort Shown / The overall presentation has a neat, professional look.
It is clear that the project took time and effort to complete. The student used their time to complete the best project they could. / 10
Comprehensive Coverage of the book / The student’s project covers aspects of the ENTIREcourse and EXPLAINS them.PLANNING PAGEmust be turned in the by 5/19 or scanned and sent with PPT via email. / 10
Score / Total Points / 100
Dear Students and Parents,May 6, 2015
This is the rubric for an AP Human Geography ABC Review Book over the material learned in class. The project grade will count for an optional TEST grade. The rubric explains exactly how the points are earned. Please discuss the project and plan a strategy for getting it completed by the due date, Monday, May 18th by 8:00 pm via email. Any projects received AFTER the 8:00 pm deadline will NOT be accepted. If you have any questions, you can email me at for assistance. I have sample pages from past ABC Books that students may look at in class to get ideas from or to help them better understand what the final product should look like. All work on the actual ABC Book project will need to be completed outside of class. However, the school library is open daily before and after school for students that need to use computers here.
AP Human Geography ABC Review Book Rubric
Category / Scoring Criteria / Points / Teacher EvaluationA-Z Terms / Student uses 26 different terms to EXPLAIN the major events and concepts covered in the APHUG book selected; 1 for each letter of the alphabet. 20 of the terms must START with the letter chosen from the alphabet, but up to 8 can be anywhere in the term. However, the letter must be larger and standout from the term. Unit information must be grouped according to the Planning Page - See Mrs. Galm for examples if you need help. / 18
(3 for each uit)
Accuracy of
4-5 sentence summary / Terms and Concepts are properly explained/taught.
Content is presented in the student’s words, not “cut and pasted” from research references. Summaries are typed, easy to read, and grammatically correct. / 52
Picture that accurately represents each event/person / Each summary must have a pictorial representation of the term, person, or concept being explained. It should be neat and help enhance the understanding of the term being explained. / 10
Overall Effort Shown / The overall presentation has a neat, professional look.
It is clear that the project took time and effort to complete. The student used their time to complete the best project they could. / 10
Comprehensive Coverage of the book / The student’s project covers aspects of the ENTIREcourse and EXPLAINS them. PLANNING PAGEmust be turned in the by 5/19 or scanned and sent with PPT via email. / 10
Score / Total Points / 100