PTO Community Mapping

Organizing Meeting Nov 28, 2008

facilitattion and report writing by Hannah Lewis

Notes: “/” indicates my inability to read the word or location clearly, so I have given a few possible options it could be. Any other punctuation (such as “?”) is copied as it was written on the post-its. Locations are in brackets unless otherwise indicated.

Letters reflect the colour of the post-its:

P - Pedagogy of the oppressed

T - Theatre of the oppressed

A - Antiracism, Anticolonialism

O - Other

·  Ontario Public Interest Research Groups (all across Canada, many especially in Ontario) P

·  Indigenous Gathering (Winnipeg) A

·  Tracy Mitchell (Saskatoon) T

·  Concrete Theatre (Calgary) T

·  All Nations Theatre, Stephen Campbell (Calgary) T

·  Stage Left, Michel (Calgary) T

·  Headlines Theatre (Vancouver) T

·  B:C:Clettes Bike Theatre/Dance Group (Vancouver) T

·  Youth Co (Vancouver) T

·  Aboriginal arts and culture groups (Vancouver) A

·  Fyre Jean Graveline (UNBC) A

·  Rebecca Belmore (BC/UNBC) A

·  Native 2010 Resistance (BC/Northern BC) A

·  Dra Maide (South Africa) T

·  Zisize Drama Project (South Africa) T

·  CALE – Shirley Walters (South Africa) P

·  Centre for Visual Methdologies (South Africa) P

·  C.T.O. (Rio) T

·  Freire CTR (Sao Paulo) P

·  Tristal Castro-Pozo (Brazil) T

·  Haitian Theatre of Oppressed (Haiti) T

·  Danny Calden/Caldeu/Calder (Panama) T

·  Tony Hall, Jouvay Popular Theatre (Trinidad) T

·  In Place of War (UK) T

·  Threatre-Ed. Network (UK) T

·  Creative Juices Lab, Noh/Nol Budget Films (UK) T

·  Cardboard Citizen’s (Iceland/UK) T

·  Trapese Popular Education Collective (UK) P

·  REFLECT ActionAid (UK) P

·  Cosmino (Poland) O

·  Popular Theatre Switzerland T

·  C.T.O. (Paris) T

·  Spanish Popular Education GRP/GNP (Spain) P

·  Peter Mayo (Malta) P

·  Popular Theatre in Turkey T

·  TOR (Nigeria) A

·  Mag/Meg-Net Theatre (Kenya) T

·  Sir Raten/Ratan Tata Trust (India) O

·  GOA Popular and Env. Ed. Ass. (India) P

·  Pakistan T

·  Jana Sanskriti (India) T

·  Sanjay ? trainer (India) T

·  War Remnants Society (Vietnam/Cambodia) P

·  UTS Popular Education (Sydney Australia) P

·  Kabuki Society (Japan) T

·  PEPE, Popular Education for Peoples Empowerment (Philippines) P

·  Little Havana Comm. Group (Miami/Florida) O

·  Migrant Worker Support Centers (California) O

·  Craigslist Foundation SFO (California) O

·  Google Foundation (California) O

·  Polynesian Cultural Center (Hawaii) T

·  Children’s Theatre ? (Austin, Texas) O

·  Omaha Nation Theatre, John ? (Omaha) P

·  South Side Community Theatre (Chicago) T

·  South Side Community Groups (Chicago) A

·  “African Schools” (Chicago) P

·  National Storytelling Centre (Knoxville/North Carolina/Virginia/Kentucky) O

·  Highlander (Georgia/Tennessee) P

·  Project South (Atlanta/Georgia) P

·  Post Secret travelling exhibit (Ohio) O

·  Play for Peace (USA) T

·  Brecht Forum (New York) T

·  Top Lab (New York) T

·  Cody Institute (Halifax) P

·  Marie Mumford/Munford I.P.I. (Peterborough) T

·  Native Studies at Trent, Lynne Davis (Peterborough) A

·  KWIC (Peterborough) P

·  Nozhem Theatre (Peterborough) T

·  St. Joseph Immigrant Women Centre (Hamilton) O

·  Black Action Defence Ctte., FCJ (Hamilton) A

·  Marrit Taylor (Curve Lake) A

·  Camp Ten Oaks (Ottawa) P

·  Algomo U. Native Studies Department (Sault St. Marie) A

·  Andy Houston (Waterloo) T

·  Ted Little aft./att. Theatre (Montreal) T

·  Jessiva Blever (Montreal) T

·  Theatre Optative Labs (Montreal) T

·  Clay and Paper Theatre (Toronto/Montreal) T

·  Lib Spry. (Montreal) T

·  Paulo and Nita Friere Centre (Montreal) P

·  Friendly Spire Theatre Band (Toronto/Montreal) T

·  Action Read (Guelph) P

Toronto/Other unspecified Southern Ontario:

·  Transformative Learning Centre O

·  St. Stephens O

·  Bonnie Bristow, OISE Prof – invisible theatre T

·  York U. Theatre T

·  Children’s Peace Theatre T

·  Red Pepper Spectacle Theatre T

·  Aiding Dramatic Change T

·  St. Joseph House O

·  ODSP Action Coalition, Sharon Dever O

·  Community Arts, Jumblies O

·  Infusion Lab O

·  No One Is Illegal A

·  Ontario Coalition Against Poverty O

·  Circle of Support Indigenous Caucus A

·  Tina Lopes A

·  St. Chris P

·  Jumblies Theatre T

·  Kytes T

·  Michel Chechov Tech., Cynthia Ashenburger T

·  Pariticpatory Democracy and Active Citizenship Conference P

·  Theatre for Liberation Project T

·  University Settlement O

·  St. Christopher Work T

·  Sistering O

·  Canadian Indigenous People and Groups, urban and rural O


·  Native Earth T

·  Capoeira, Lang Lui P

·  2010 Resistance A

·  CAAN Canadian Aboriginal AIDs Network A

·  Mujers El Fsente, A/ Question A

·  Stop Food O

·  Trails Youth Initiative O

·  Mammalian Diving Reflex T

·  Tree of Peace Society A

·  Parkdale Project REAP P

·  Toronto Friendship Centers A

·  St. FX Adult Ed. P

·  Mixed Company T

·  OPIRG York, Toronto P

·  Camp Kirk P

·  Otesha Project O

·  Photographers and filmmakers O

·  Bassio Nuevo, No Cops A

·  Alucine film project O

·  Basics A

·  Deh-Ba-Je/Te-Mu-Jie/Tie T

·  William Commanda, Victory 1st A

·  Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid A