Media & Communications Course

Course Description

This is an elective course for seniors and has an average level of difficulty. The emphasis will be on communication models and processes, interpersonal communication, group communication, public speaking, media history and cultural influence, and media career fields.


1 – Communication Is…

2 – Speaking and Listening

3 – Self as Communicator

4 – Interpersonal Communication

5 – Communication in Groups

6 – Public Communication

7 – Persuasive Communication

8 – Media Communication

9 – Media History

10 – Media Careers

Concepts covered:

Communication Processes and Purposes, Perception, Verbal and Nonverbal Communication, Listening, Self-Concept, Interpersonal Relationships, Group Communication and Problem-Solving, Public Speaking, Speech Writing, Audience Analysis, Persuasion, Mass Media, Cultural Storyteller, Cultural Forum, Media Literacy, Journalism, Photojournalism, Film, Public Relations, Lobby, Advertising.

Major Course Assessments

A variety of assessments will be used to evaluate mastery of course content including objective unit tests, essays, journals, research writing, creative writing, speech writing, presentation, analysis, and culminating projects.

Course Outcomes



* To know and understand a variety of theories, processes and terms relating to

human communication

* Begin to recognize and understand unspoken rules in human communication

* To understand how needs and roles impact human communication

* To understand the roles of sender and receiver in the communication process,

including public and persuasive situations

* To establish a vocabulary of key terms

* To know the basic history and relevance of various forms of media

Understanding & Application

* To understand and apply appropriately the key terms, concepts and

perspectives from the field of communication

* To understand and discuss important historical and cultural contexts (time,

place, and circumstance of production) about various media

* To understand the uses and influence of the media

* Identify and discuss the connections between their own personal experiences

and beliefs, and the media

* To be able to understand self-concept as it affects communication and improve

communication as a result


* To begin to distinguish denotative from connotative meaning

* To understand the importance of audience analysis and begin to design

messages accordingly as demonstrated through various projects

* To begin to recognize the scope and influence of communication and the media

* To be able to analyze various examples of media in terms of how its parts relate

to the whole

* To understand their personal roles and responsibilities pertaining to media


* To make and support with evidence assertions


* Demonstrate various communication concepts through a variety of projects

* Begin to clarify and articulate the primary features of one’s own theory of

communication and its role in human life and organization

* To demonstrate understanding of material and creativity by expressing one’s

self in different forms

* Demonstrate the ability to communicate orally and in writing as shown through

speeches, presentations, formal and informal writing assignments


* To begin to establish criteria by which to judge the merits of various

communication concepts and theories for the purpose of internalizing and

constructing a personal theory of human communication

* To begin to judge the merits of various forms of media and its role in human

communication and organization


* To gain confidence in the ability to prepare and deliver effective

communication in various forms

* To learn to work more effectively with, listen to, respect, and respond to the

opinions of others

* To begin to move to a less ego-centric view of human communication

* To develop confidence and positive feelings toward expressing one’s self in a


* To develop an awareness of the role of media in our lives

Major Resources/Texts (including but not limited to)

Person to Person, Fourth Edition. Chicago, IL: National Textbook Publishing, 1990.

Beebe, Steven and Susan Beebe. Public Speaking: An Audience Centered Approach. Boston,

MA: Parson Education/ABLongman, 2003.

Baran, Stanley. Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture, Third

Edition. New York, N.Y.: Magraw Hill Company, 2004.

The Breakfast Club. Dir. John Hughes. A & M Films, 1985.

The Outsiders. Dir. Francis Coppola. Perf. C. Thomas Howell. Zoetrope Studios, 1983.

Freedom Writters. Dir. Richard LaGravenese. Perf. Hilary Swank. Paramount Pictures, 2007.

The Truman Show. Dir. Peter Weir. Perf. Jim Carrey. Paramount Pictures, 1998.

The Village. Dir. M. Night Shyamalan. Perf. Joaquinn Phoenix. Touchstone Pictures, 2005.

Good Night, and Good Luck. Dir. George Clooney. Perf. George Clooney. Warner

Independent Pictures, 2005.

Classroom Policies and Procedures

Deadlines for major assignments and upcoming projects will be posted on my classroom blog, accessible through OLSH’s website, or through PowerSchool. Deadlines are always given well in advance of the due date of the assignment.

Late Assignment Policy:

  • Homework assignments (including, but not limited to, vocabulary exercises, journal entries, worksheets, study guides, book work) will NOT be accepted late unless otherwise stated by the teacher at the time the assignment is given. In the case of an absence, work that was due the day of the absence must be handed in the day the student returns to school. Make-up assignments and deadlines will be given as needed.
  • Longer assignments, including papers, essays, presentations, and projects, will have included a late policy on their descriptions. The late policy will always include a point deduction for each day late and also a date after which the project or paper will not be accepted for credit at all, resulting in a zero.

Classroom Conduct:

  • You are expected to treat your classmates and your teacher with the same amount of respect with which you wish them to treat you. See “Respect” document for classroom conduct expectations.
  • All school rules apply.

Cheating and Plagiarism:

  • Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated in this classroom. The school discipline code will be strictly followed. See your handbook for consequences.
  • Plagiarism means passing off the work of another as one’s own, and will absolutely not be tolerated in the classroom. Because it is a form of cheating, the consequences for plagiarism will be the same as those of cheating, listed above.

Other Policies:

  • This class moves quickly and requires both in and out of class work. Classroom participation is essential to your success in this course. See me with questions on assignments and/or topics discussed in class. Do not wait until the last minute to ask questions or email about requirements or areas of confusion.



Students are to be prepared to discuss assigned readings and topics in a mature and analytical manner. Active participation is a requirement and vital to the experience as well as outcome of the course.

Homework and CriticalJournals

Homework assignments will be given regularly. These will vary in point value and length. Students will keep a journal of critical/analytical responses to various pieces of literature assigned during each grading period. Entries will be graded on depth and accuracy of analysis


Students will take objective and essay tests of varying lengths and point values during the course of the year. These will include comprehensive midterm and final exams. Announced and unannounced reading quizzes will also be included in course work.

Writing Assignments

Students will write in several formats during the course of the year. Assignments will be of varying purpose and length. These topics and their point values will be assigned in advance. Papers will be graded based on content and consideration of the five essential elements of writing (Focus, Organization, Support, Style, Mechanics).


Grades are calculated based on points. Assignments and tests are assigned point values based on length and difficulty. The school grading scale, including honors weighting, will be used.


Students are expected to come to class prepared. This means that they should have all necessary materials (binder, textbook, novel, etc.). This also means that any assigned work, including reading, should be completed. If students do not come to class prepared, their grades will be docked.

Textbooks must be covered at all times.

Typed assignments must be formatted to the teacher’s specifications. If they do not meet these specifications, the grade may be docked or the assignment may not be accepted. Digital submission of some work is acceptable and the parameters for such submission will be discussed for each assignment.

Students are expected to make up any work or tests they have missed during absences. Tests must be made up in a timely fashion. It is the responsibility of the student to go to the teacher and set up a time for makeup work to be completed.

Dear students & Families,

Welcome! I am excited to have the opportunity to share class with you. These documents are for your information and include details about the course, materials needed and expectations for students.

Please read all the information thoroughly then sign, date, and return this acknowledgement page to me.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to working with you.

Take care,

Theresa K. Long

(412) 264-5140





Student SignatureDate

Parent/Guardian name: ______

Best way to contact guardian: ______


Parent/Guardian SignatureDate