Our Ref: C/Excursions/DW/LS
November 2017
Dear Parent/Carer
I am pleased to offer your child an opportunity to be part of an Art trip to Liverpool and Manchester on 14 and 15 June 2018. The trip will take two days with one overnight stay and the excursion is open to all Year 9 GCSE Art and Graphics students.
The trip will allow students to widen and develop their knowledge and understanding of the Arts, and use this experience as inspiration for their work. Students will study the context of art movements and individual practitioners and develop an appreciation of the wide spectrum of art and design specialisms.
Day 1:
Visit Tate Liverpool for gallery visit and talk.
Visit Walker Art Gallery for gallery workshop and talk.
Visit Metropolitan Museum.
Visit Crosby beach to see Gormley sculptures.
Dinner at local Pizza restaurant.
Day 2:
Breakfast/Packed lunch
Visit to Lutyens crypt and Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral.
Visit to public art sculpture by Plensa.
Gallery visit to Manchester City Art Gallery.
The cost of the excursion which includes everything on the itinerary is £90.00. The first instalment of £30 is due by Thursday 14 December 2017. The second instalment of £30 must be paid by the end of January and the final payment of £30 made by the end of April. Cheques payable to Scalby Learning Trust.
Under the terms of the 1988 Education Act we are not permitted to levy a charge for this visit. However, no School funds exist to cover the cost and we are therefore seeking a voluntary contribution per student. However, the visit cannot take place unless each parent/carer makes the full contribution. You should also be aware that, should you cancel your child’s place after payment of the initial deposit, cancellation charges will apply. I can provide details of these upon request.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Donna Wilkinson
Head of Art and Graphics
Please return to: Mrs D WilkinsonRe: Art trip to Liverpool/Manchester June 2018.
Student Name: ...... Mentor Group: ......
(Please print)
(Please tick as appropriate)
I give permission for my son/daughter to go on the Art trip.
I enclose a £30 deposit (to be taken to Mrs Staton in the Student Excursion Payment Office in the Languages block on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday break time). Cheque payable to Scalby Learning Trust.
I have completed a medical form for my son/daughter for the school.
Signed: ...... (Parent/Carer)Date: ......