Dear TMC / Sport Council Members

It gives me great pleasure to report on the status within the SWD Sport Council and Region.

1. Council Meetings

Since our last TMC and WCSC meeting we have held one (1) Executive and two(2)

Management meetings. We will have our AGM on 3 June 2011.

2. Interim Coaches Commission

They have held two (2) meetings in preparation for the Regional launch which is scheduled for June 2011, at KenakoAcademy, George. At present they are gathering data from all the provincial federations of registered and qualified coaches. They are also preparing for the Provincial Launch on 5 – 7 October 2011 at KenakoAcademy, George

2. Women in Sport

We have an active Committee with many future plans.

  1. WOMEN LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP: Will cover: Teamwork; Stress Management; Organizational Skills and Gender Equity.
  1. LADIES BREAKFAST: to get a group of women together and share sports highlights with each other. To focus on sport by women and promote sport in the rural & disadvantaged areas. The main focus will be encouragement & empowerment of women in sport in particular.
  2. SCHOOL GIRL’S BREAKFAST: Secondary Schools. To encourage learners to participate in sport and develop value for sport by women. Sport in a young woman’s life is an advantage for their future.

3. Zoar - Projeck

In Zoar (farming community) SWD Biathlon and the Zoar Sport Council is running a

development programme. 30 Athletes and 5 teachers from 3 schools are part of

this project. This project will run for 6 months and then the sustainability will be


4. School Sport

There seem to be a lot of uncertainly about the new structure proposed by the

National Federation, SASCOC and the Departments of SRSA and Education. No

real structureis yet proposed, we hope the Launch of the new School structure will bring calm and harmony into School Sport. I also trust that the engagement of DCAS with the Provincial Federations and school codes on 13 May 2011 shared some light on the process.

5. Regional TMC Structure

We are experiencing problem with our regional TMC structure – scheduled meetings

are nottaking place. This had a negative influence on the data gathering from Provincial Federations on certain expects of the Provincial Transformation Charter. We as the Executive of the SWD Sport Council will have to take serious action, to rectify the situation before it further deteriates, especially before our AGM on the 3 June 2011.

6. Establishment of Satellite, Academy - Oudtshoorn

Many things have been said and promised made in this regard the past 2 years. It is high time that these promises bear now fruit. R1milj. Has been set aside for the establishment of the SateliteAcademy in Oudtshoorn. The Chief Director has mentioned that these money will be paid into the Oudtshoorn Municipals Account what for:

-We don’t understand

-The Academy will be hosted by the Defense Force & on their grounds not the Municipality property:

This is a concern to us that needs further discussion.

In our eyes this is a problem that needs to be address very soon between DCAS and the SWD Sport Council and if needs be by SASCOC. OudtshoornMunicipality has a record / reputation of mismanagement and are almost all be time in the news because of bad service delivery.

7. Cycling-

Cycling SWD received some funding from the Lotto and is in the process of building

a Cycling Race Track in Bridgton, Oudtshoorn. They have already, identified land in

this regard.

8. Transformations

Two projects have been started with funding for this purpose, to change the face, of Golf andSailing. Golf will start a project known as “Girls Love Golf” in George and Sailing willacquire new equipment to do development in the disadvantaged communities of MosselBay

9. Administration

It is time that SASCOC and DCAS deliver on their promises of funding for the opening of Regional and Provincial Offices. (SASCOC will remunerate 2 persons and DCAS 1 person) We should also look again at the allocation of Conditional Grants and the Allocation for Mass Participation. The time has come, that DCAS show us delivery results on their investments in this regard.

10.Outstanding Issues

We still seek some answers to what happened to the Buffelsdrif project.

everybody within DCAS is silent yet money was allocated / budgeted for this


Dear Members I trust you find this report in order.

Yours faithfully

Compiled by: Mr. G.Munro and Dave van der Walt and read by Ms.A Stripp