


WEDNESDAY 5th June 2013

Minutes of a meeting of the Cemetery Committee held on Wednesday 5th June 2013 at the Baptist Church, Broad Street, Pershore commencing at 7.00pm.

Present:- Cllr C Parsons MBE (Chairman)

Cllr G Amphlett Hawkins

Cllr P Colloby

Cllr R Gillmor

Cllr G Price

Cllr A Rowley

Cllr C Tucker

Cllr M Winfield (non member)

Items referred by members of the public

There were none

176. Election of Chairman

Cllr Parsons was nominated as Chairman by Cllr Rowley and seconded by Cllr Tucker. There being no further nominations Cllr Parsons was duly elected Chairman for the ensuing year.

177. Election of Vice Chairman

Cllr Amphlett Hawkins was nominated as Vice Chairman by Cllr Rowley and seconded by Cllr Colloby. There being no further nominations Cllr Amphlett Hawkins was duly elected Vice Chairman for the ensuing year.

178. Apologies

There were none

179. Declarations of Interest

There were none

180. Minutes

It was proposed by Cllr Gillmor seconded by Cllr Colloby and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held 3rd April 2013 be signed as a true record of the proceedings.

181. Matters of report from the minutes

a. The Clerk advised that she had been unable to obtain firm quotations for work

to the pointing of the cemetery wall but anticipated this could be undertaken in house

over the coming months..

b. The Clerk advised that the works to the side of the container had now been undertaken although with the vehicle now being parked there the surface had not been specified as accurately as necessary.

c. The Clerk advised that a cash settlement of the insurance claim had been negotiated and to date only the long reach hedgecutter and leaf blower had needed to be replaced.

182. Finance

Members accepted the draft budget comparison to the end May and it was agreed a report on the fees to be charged for the refurbished chapel would be brought to the next meeting of the committee.

183. Cemetery Chapel

a. Members had been to inspect the chapel works prior to the meeting and noted progress. A faculty for heating in both chapels had been applied for and members agreed to pay the £120 fee to change the meter to a dual tariff to make sure the night storage heating costs were charged at the most economic rate.

Members noted that the microfiche reader had been disposed of as agreed and authorized the Clerk to contact various electronic organ suppliers to ascertain whether a second hand organ could be purchased to replace one currently in the chapel which no longer worked properly.

Cllr Parsons explained the proposed P A and loop system for the chapel and it was agreed an amplifier be purchased nearer the end of the works if funds allowed.

Cllr Parsons also advised that new jack chains and flex were to be installed for the pendant lighting which would extended to hand just below the tie bars. Various options for lighting the chapel were being considered but whilst the internal scaffolding was in place it was difficult to judge the most suitable.

Some lights had been salvaged from the library which may be suitable.

Members also agreed that the small bosses in the north chapel should be picked out with gold paint and a small working group would meet shortly to undertake this work. Cllr Parsons advised he was also investigating the possibility of obtaining a bell to hang in the spire.

It was also agreed to aim to hold an opening ceremony, inviting as many of those who had been involved as well as local dignitaries and the Bishop of Worcester. Invitations will be sent out once a date has been agreed.

184. Cemetery

a. Members considered the Clerks report on the options for the lodge and the possibility of the Heritage Lottery bid to enable the building to become the cemetery office and a centre for researching family history. Further partnership working had been agreed in principle with the County Council and following debate members agreed that the Clerk continue with the bid for the capital aspect of the project. Cllr Gillmor advised that once the initial works were complete other sources of finance may be available for future expenditure.

b. The Clerk advised members that she had submitted a bid for LEADER funding

to enable the cemetery paths to be resurfaced and made more suitable for disabled

access and the result would be known the following week.

c. Members considered the standard of work of the new grass contractors and Cllr Parsons outlined the issues that had arisen over the past two cuts which had been brought to the Managing Directors’ attention. The Clerk had arranged to meet the contractors again on the occasion of the next cut to ensure that a satisfactory level of performance was achieved.

185. Cemetery Field

Members considered three options for the layout of the cemetery field as a new cemetery including a car park, access for funeral vehicles and a footpath to the existing cemetery. Members agreed to make the final decision once a more detailed debate had been held in confidential session.

186. Use of Second Chapel

Members noted the proposed use of the south chapel as a gathering room once the refurbishment was complete but Cllr Parsons reminded members of the Town Council resolution to write to neighbouring properties to obtain their view for a cremator in the chapel. It was agreed that there were a large number of projects currently being undertaken and the timing of the letter could be left for a few months. It was therefore agreed to defer the decision to the next meeting of the committee.

Cllr Rowley asked that consideration be given for the Clerk to investigate the possibility of an award for the work done on the chapels in their refurbishment and it was agreed the Clerk should investigate this.

187. Items for Information

The architect had asked for agreement on the colour of the guttering and the Clerk will circulate the colour chart once it is available.

188. Items for future agenda

Book of Remembrance

Garden of Remembrance


Owing to the confidential nature of the following agenda items it was proposed by Cllr Colloby seconded by Cllr Tucker and RESOLVED “that in accordance with the provisions of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, 1960, as amended by the Local Government Act 1972, the public and press be excluded from the remainder of the meeting owing to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted” ie: agenda item 14, Cemetery Field

189. Cemetery Field

It was agreed that option C be put forward for a more detailed design for the cemetery as this was possible within existing right of access and the Clerk was asked to enter into pre application discussions with the District Council.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 20:40

Signed……………………………………………. Date……………………….
