Millikan Middle School

Class Guidelines & Course Syllabus

8th grade Mathematics

Dear Parents/Guardians:

Welcome to 8th grade math. I will be your child’s Math teacher for the 2017-2018 school year. Please read the following information with your child, sign and date the bottom portion. Your child should keep the syllabus in his/her binder for the entire school year.

Classroom Expectations

Every student has the right and responsibility to uphold a class environment that supports respect for each other and provides a learning environment that is free from distraction. Students are expected to maintain a code of behavior that does not violate another student’s right to the best education possible. Students are also expected to maintain a code of behavior that does not violate the teacher’s right and responsibility to create and maintain that environment, which is also safe, positive and healthy. All students will be expected to do the following:

1.  Follow all school rules.

Ø  No gum, candy, or beverages, other than water, during class.

Ø  No digital music devices may be used in the classroom, no texting or cell phone calls.

2.  Respect everyone and all property.

Ø  No shouting, profanity, or other class disturbing behavior will be tolerated.

Ø  Do not disturb others – students are expected to stay on task.

Ø  Do not interrupt the teacher or other students by having side conversations during learning opportunities. Teachers have a responsibility to maintain an environment that maximizes learning.

Ø  Writing on surfaces in the classroom will not be tolerated.

3.  Bring 2-pencils, a red pen, color pencils, glue sticks, your math notebook, loose leaf paper.

4.  Be helpful.

5.  Work Hard! You might Make Mistakes! But you will Grow! And as a result you will Learn!

Consequences will result from failure to meet these expectations

UP TO AND INCLUDING class suspension.

Class Procedures

Ø  Each day all students are expected to have the materials listed in number 3 above.

Ø  All students will be expected to clear their desks when the period begins of all unnecessary items. Any item that becomes a distraction to any student may be confiscated by the teacher or the administration.

Ø  When you enter the classroom, take a look at the boards. You will find the day’s agenda, objectives, and standards to be covered in the day’s lesson.

Ø  Class will begin with Warm-up then a study team discussion on the previous night’s homework assignment.

Ø  Class-work will be posted on the board and is to be done as assigned.

Ø  Class-work is always done as a team. Each study team member has a role in the team that is to be fulfilled.

Ø  Students will approach problems conceptually. The only way students will master the concepts is by being actively involved in the learning.

Homework Policy

·  Homework will be assigned daily.

·  Homework will be posted most of the time on schoology, as well as always on the board.

·  Homework is checked daily.

·  Homework needs to be open and ready when the bell rings.

·  Homework needs to be completed in pencil, dated, titled with section number, page number, done neatly, problem written down and all work must be shown, on time in order to receive credit. .

·  Homework accounts for 20% of the grade as well as a work habits grade.

·  Three or more missing or incomplete assignments per five week grading period will result in a U in work habits.

·  Unexcused late homework will receive ½ credit within 1 week.

·  All late work, must be turned in at Nutrition or Lunch only in person.

·  Your child is responsible for homework assigned when student is absent.

·  I am available on Wednesdays afterschool and at lunch for tutoring if you fall to a C or lower or for whomever would like to stay in my classes. Tutoring will begin on September 6th, 2017.

Absent Responsibilities

·  Students need to make up any missed tests/quizzes afterschool by the following Monday, or Wednesday (whichever comes first).

·  Homework should be complete day after absence.

·  I will not chase you around to remind you about missed quizzes, tests, or assignments.

Each day a student misses class lessens, lowers their ability to be successful in the course. Daily work, class participation, and learning about the required mathematics standards can only take place if the student is in school to learn about them. This class is NOT about completing worksheets and taking tests; it is about understanding mathematical concepts so that the student has the intellectual tools to create a better future for themselves and others in the next generation. Experience has taught me that more absences have a direct link to lower grades.


Course: Grade 8 Mathematics

Text: California Math, CCSS, Course-3

Required Supplies

·  Textbook

·  Agenda (provided by school)

·  Sharpened pencils

·  Eraser

·  Colored Pens for correcting (any color except black)

·  College ruled paper

·  Small Calculator

·  Two composition books or spiral notebook(for all notes, warm-up activities, and for homework assignments). Need ONLY one in class at all times.

·  1 section in your 3 Ring Binder for math to hold quizzes, tests or handouts. DO NOT THROW THEM AWAY! You will need these for the final.

·  Students must have all their supplies by Monday, August 21st, 2017.

Tests and Quizzes

·  A test or quiz will be given weekly. All assessments will be based on homework assignments as well as content covered in class.

·  All Work must be shown in pencil to receive credit. Two Points will be deducted if done in pen.

·  Two point will be deducted if name and/or period # is not written on test.

·  If a student misses a quiz/test (due to an excused absence), student needs to make up AFTER school on the next MONDAY or WEDNESDAY, which ever comes first.

Grading Scale

Grades will be based on a points system. Earned grades will be as follows:

A = 90 – 100 B = 80 - 89% C = 70 - 79% D = 60 - 69% Fail = 0 – 59%

Grading Criteria

Mathematics Criteria
Activity / Pct
Tests / Quizzes / 45%
Class-work / 20%
Alternative Assessment / 15%
Homework / 20%

I cannot give credit for work, if I don’t know who did the work and what the assignment is. ALL WORK MUST HAVE A HEADING! WORK THAT IS TURNED IN: In the unlined area at the top of the page, on the right side, write your name (first and last), date and class period. ALL WORK: must have an assignment title, page number and problem numbers on the top line of the page.

Tests / Quizzes (45%)

To prepare for the Individual Test, study teams will take a group test at the end of a chapter. Individual quizzes will be used to measure skills.

Classwork (20%)

Participation points will be given to ensure that all study team members are contributing fully to the team classwork. Occasional classwork assignments will be collected and graded for accuracy and effort.

Alternative Assessment (15%)

(Math Notebook | Class Materials | Exit Tickets | Projects) Notebooks will be checked at each grading period. Points will be given for completeness of notebooks, materials checks, exit tickets and projects.

Homework (20%)

Homework will be assigned almost every school day . Unexcused late homework will receive partial credit, but WILL NOT be accepted after the final deadline.

Save all papers until the end of the year! This is your evidence of work and will assist you in reviewing material.

Restroom Policy

Students are to use the restroom during nutrition and lunch. Only in the case of an extreme emergency will a student be permitted to leave class to use the restroom.

Work Habits / Cooperation

Check System for both Work Habits and Cooperation Marks:



5 Week

Report / 10 Week
Report / 15 Week
Report / 20 Week
E / 0-1 / 0-2 / 0-3 / 0-4
/ 2-3 / 3-5 / 4-7 / 5-9
U / 4 & up / 6 & up / 8 & up / 10 &up


Verbal or Written Praise, Homework Pass, Extra Credits, Participation in Special School Activities, and of course EXCELLENT Marks in Cooperation and Work Habits

Easy Access to Ms. Rad

There are many different ways to contact me.

1.  You may contact me through the school: 818-528-1600

You may leave a message for me and I will try to return your call within 24 hours.

2.  I am available before school and after school for students having any questions or concerns. If you should like to meet with me, let me know in advance that you are coming so that I can be in the room.

3.  I welcome parents to come and visit. If you call ahead, I can make sure to have your student’s records readily accessible when you arrive.

4.  E-mail me at or Schoology and I will try to respond to you by the next day.

Any of the before mentioned information are subject to change at my discretion.

I am looking forward to the fun and excitement that we will have this year as we explore the fascinating world of mathematics. I know that for many of you, higher math is a scary subject, and you are already full of anxiety, but trust me, if you learn to relax and play with your numbers this can become your favorite subject.


Ms. Samandari Rad

Please keep the above guidelines for your reference.

Return the lower portion, dated and signed by parent/guardian and student.


Cut here ------

Understanding and Acceptance of Expectations, Procedures, and Policies

I have read and understand all the above expectations, procedures, grading criteria, policies and consequences for Ms. Rad’s classroom.


(Please Return to the Teacher)

I have read and understand the policies and procedures as described in the syllabus.


Period: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Student Name (print):______

Student Signature:______

Parent/Guardian Name (print):______

Parent/Guardian (sign):______

Does your parent speak English? Yes or No

If not what language do they speak: ______

Phone: ( ) ______- ______

Alternate phone: ( ) ______- ______

Parent’s Email (optional):______

Student’s Email (optional):______

