RPT 253 Instructional Resources

Module 4: Calico Rock Disaster

Table of Contents:

Introduction 2

Core Concepts 2

Module Resources 4

Student Assignments 6

Initial Scenario 6

Problem 1: The Big Spill 7

Problem 2: The Impossible Scenario-Disaster at Calico Rock 8

Problem 3: Epilogue to a Tradgedy 10


This document provides an overview of the Calico Rock Disaster module and is designed to be used in conjunction with the Capstone_intro.doc document. To ensure that previously learned skills are covered in this module, we have aligned the module with overarching course and curriculum core concepts. The core concepts relevant to this module are below.

For more information, see the Capstone_intro.doc document.

Core Concepts

Because this course requires that students apply all that they have learned previously in the curriculum, the core concepts for each module in this capstone course are arranged by previous courses in the RPT curriculum. These core concepts reflect skills that students should have gained from the other RPT courses, and will need to be kept in mind when evaluating the students’ work for the course.

RPT 103 Radiation Fundamentals

o  Understand nuclear criticality and the effect of mass and geometry in keeping fissionable materials in unfavorable configurations.

o  Describe how to maintain ALARA in any radiation situation (time, distance and shielding)

o  Calculate dose in terms of distance

o  Calculate dose in terms of time

RPT 113 Radiation Monitoring

o  Accurately operate G.M. detectors in order to determine the amount of radioactivity present

o  Accurately operate Ionization Chambers in order to determine amount of radioactivity present

o  Utilize techniques for determining neutron dose

RPT 223 Dosimetry

o  Accurately operate integrating dosimeters in order to determine amount of radioactive dose

o  Evaluate dose from external, gamma/beta fields

o  Evaluate dose from internally deposited radiation

RPT 233 Radiological Materials Control

o  Decontaminate tools and equipment

Overarching Skills

o  Describe and utilize the hierarchy of radiation protection standards and guidelines

o  Exercise human performance tools (e.g., STAR, SAFER, etc.)

Module 4 Calico Rock Disaster

The Curators of the University of Missouri

Copyright © 2009

A Product of DOL Grant # HG-15355-06-60

Page 11

RPT 253 Instructional Resources

Module Resources

All of these resources are intended to be used with students in this course.

Document / Description (all documents can be accessed at http://nsedu.rnet.missouri.edu/docshare):
Operating License rev. 1.doc / Facility Operating License
OTP-001(1).doc / Facility operating procedure OTP-001, rev. 1
OTP-001(0).doc / Facility operating procedure OTP-001, rev. 0
Working copy OTP-001.PDF / OTP-001, revision 1 with field changes
USNFSA Facility Description.doc / USNFSA Facility description
USNFSA Report.doc / US Nuclear Fuels Safety Agency report, Report of the Task Force on the Inadvertent Criticality Accident at the Calico Rock Nuclear Fuel Facility
CALICO ROCK SURVEY MAP.doc / Current survey map of the processing room
CALICO ROCK SURVEY MAP.doc / Post spill survey map
CR0332.doc / Radiation Work Permit (RWP)
CR2751.doc / ALARA pre- job briefing forms
NCRP106.pdf / NCRP Report 106, Limit for Exposure to “Hot Particles” on the Skin (1989)
NCRP116.pdf / NCRP Report No. 116, “Limitation of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation”
10cfr20.1001.pdf / 10 CFR 20.1001 (b)
10cfr20.1201.pdf / 10 CFR 20.1201
10cfr50.47.pdf / 10 CFR 50.47 (b) (11)
NUREG_CR-4884_U235.pdf / NUREG/ CR-4884, Interpretation of Bioassay Measurements, USNRC (1987). Only pages relevant to 235U are displayed.
NUREG_CR- 5455_vol1_Interpretation of Bioassay Measurement.pdf / NUREG/CR- 5455, Development of the NRC's Human Performance Investigation Process (HPIP), Vol. 1, Summary
NUREG_CR- 5455_vol2_Interpretation of Bioassay Measurement.pdf / NUREG/CR- 5455, Development of the NRC's Human Performance Investigation Process (HPIP), Vol. 2, Investigator’s Manual
NUREG_CR-6531_Effects of radiation on pig skin.pdf / NUREG/ CR-6531, Effects of Radioactive Hot Particles on Pig Skin, USNRC (1997)
NUREG_CR-6918 VARSKIN3.pdf / NUREG/CR-6918, VARSKIN 3: A Computer Code for Assessing Skin Dose from Skin Dose Contamination”, USNRC (2006)
STD 1098- 99 cn1 Rad Con Manual.pdf / DOE-STD-1098-99, “Radiological Control”
400-r-92-001.pdf / EPA-400-R-92-001
Root Cause Analysis.doc / Root Cause Analysis, Volume 2, Human Factors Resource Institute

Module 4 Calico Rock Disaster

The Curators of the University of Missouri

Copyright © 2009

A Product of DOL Grant # HG-15355-06-60

Page 11

RPT 253 Instructional Resources

Student Assignments

Initial Scenario

ALARA Review Objectives

1.  The student will be provided with:

a.  Facility Operating License

b.  Facility operating procedure OTP-001, rev. 1

c.  USNFSA Facility description

2.  Objectives:

a.  Develop a procedure for performing an ALARA review for processing 5% enriched 235U.

Radiation Work Permit Objectives

1.  The student will be provided with:

a.  Facility Operating License

b.  Facility operating procedure OTP-001, rev. 1

c.  USNFSA Facility description

d.  Blank RWP

e.  Current survey map of the processing room

2.  Objectives:

a.  Develop a procedure for writing an RWP.

b.  Write an RWP for processing 5% enriched 235U using the procedure developed above, including:

·  Dosimetry requirements

·  Protective clothing requirements

·  Respiratory protection requirements

·  Bioassay requirements

·  Instructions for handling material

·  Posting requirements

·  Contamination control requirements

ALARA Briefing Objectives

1.  The student will have:

a.  Facility Operating License

b.  Facility operating procedure OTP-001, rev. 1

c.  USNFSA Facility description

d.  Blank ALARA pre- job briefing forms

2.  Objectives:

a.  Develop an ALARA pre- job brief for processing 5% enriched 235U using the procedure and documents above.

Module 4 Calico Rock Disaster

The Curators of the University of Missouri

Copyright © 2009

A Product of DOL Grant # HG-15355-06-60

Page 11

RPT 253 Instructional Resources

Problem 1: The Big Spill

Instructor notes

1.  The processing rooms have unsealed concrete floors and walls.

2.  The operators were using OTP-001, revision 1 for this work.

3.  The operators were processing a batch of 5% enriched 235U

4.  Nitric acid reacts with protein in the skin and causes the skin to turn yellow. Relatively small yellow patches of skin are not a health threat, but are an indication that the nitric acid/ uranium oxide solution was in contact with the skin.

5.  The potential for an intake should be assessed using in- vitro bioassay. The results of the in- vitro bioassay should be used to determine the dose from the intake. The dose standard should be the occupational dose limits of 10 CFR 20.

6.  The presence of yellow skin is an indication of contact with the nitric acid-uranium solution. The dose to the skin can be estimated based on the size of the yellow patch, the known concentration of uranium in the solution, and NCRP Report 106, Limit for Exposure to “Hot Particles” on the Skin (1989), which is conveniently based on exposure to uranium. Alternatively, the computer code VARSKIN can be used to estimate the dose. The dose standard should be the occupational skin dose limits of 10 CFR 20.

7.  The student should use DOE-STD-1098-99, “Radiological Control” (aka, the Rad Con Manual) in the preparation of the RWP and in consideration of the various activities involved in the cleanup process.

Student tasks

1.  Describe how Jack should respond to the spill. What are his immediate actions?

2.  Write an RWP for the facility cleanup, including:

·  Dosimetry requirements

·  Protective clothing requirements

·  Respiratory protection requirements

·  Bioassay requirements

·  Instructions for handling material

·  Posting requirements

·  Contamination control requirements

3.  Develop an ALARA pre- job briefing for the cleanup workers.

4.  Describe how Jack should assess the internal dose to the workers from the spill. What techniques should he use to determine if there was an intake? If there was an intake, how would Jack determine the dose? What dose standard would Jack use to determine the severity of the intake?

5.  Describe how Jack should assess the skin dose to the workers from the spill. What techniques should he use to determine if there was contamination on the skin? If there was skin contamination, how would Jack determine the dose? What dose standard would Jack use to determine the severity of the skin dose?

6.  Design a cleanup process.

7.  Determine survey instrumentation and survey techniques for the cleanup.

8.  Determine the dosimetry and respiratory protection requirements for the workers doing the cleanup.

9.  Design a bioassay program, including type of bioassay, the need for follow-up bioassay, and calculation of worker dose from an inhalation intake


1.  Facility Operating License

2.  OTP-001, revison 0

3.  OTP-001, revision 1

4.  USNFSA Facility Description

5.  NCRP Report 106, Limit for Exposure to “Hot Particles” on the Skin (1989)

6.  10 CFR 20.1201

7.  NUREG/ CR-4884, Interpretation of Bioassay Measurements, USNRC (1987). Only pages relevant to 235U are displayed.

8.  NUREG/ CR-6531, Effects of Radioactive Hot Particles on Pig Skin, USNRC (1997)

9.  NUREG/CR-6918, VARSKIN 3: A Computer Code for Assessing Skin Dose from Skin Dose Contamination”, USNRC (2006)

10. DOE-STD-1098-99, “Radiological Control”

11. Post spill survey map

Problem 2: The Impossible Scenario-Disaster at Calico Rock

Instructor Notes

1.  The students do not have complete information for this problem. This is intentional. At this point in the event, there is a lack of information and decisions must be made based on knowledge and the information available. As an example, the students must describe the likely course of ARS for the operators, but the student does not know the dose to the operators. The students must see the event through Jack’s eyes, i.e., the description of the operators at the time of discovery, and their knowledge of ARS. Likewise for the task of writing an RWP for the emergency responders without survey information. The students must use the information available, and their knowledge of criticality accidents and neutron interactions with matter.

2.  The instructor should utilize the following resources for this problem (Located in “Instructor only resources” file under “4. Calico Rock Disaster”)

·  Calculation of the Absorbed Dose for the Overexposed Patients at the JCO Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura, J. Radiat. Res., 42: SUPPL., S137–S148 (2001). (docshare file: absorbed dose victims Tokaimura.pdf)

·  The Pathology Of Multi-Organ Involvement: Two Autopsy Cases From The Tokai-Mura Criticality Accident, DOI: 10.1259/bjr/70312032. (docshare file: Brit. J. Radiology Supplement 27 No. 1, pp. 13.pdf)

·  Chromosome Aberration Analysis in Persons Exposed to Low-level Radiation from the JCO Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura, J. Radiat. Res., 42: SUPPL., S107–S116 (2001). (docshare file: chromosome abberation analysis Tokaimura.pdf)

·  Brief Note and Evaluation of Acute-radiation Syndrome and Treatment of a Tokai-mura Criticalit Accident Patient, J. Radiat. Res., 42: SUPPL., S167–S182 (2001). (docshare file: evaluation and treatment ARS Tokaimura.pdf)

·  DOE Report on Tokaimura. (docshare file: DOE report Tokaimura.pdf)

·  USNRC Report on Tokaimura. (docshare file: NRC Takai-mura accident report.pdf)

·  Initial Symptoms of Acute Radiation Syndrome in the JCO Criticality Accident in Tokai-mura, J. Radiat. Res., 42: SUPPL., S157–S166 (2001). (docshare file: Initial symptoms ARS Tokiamura.pdf)

Student Tasks

1.  Determine the accident type, and describe the radiation conditions the response team will likely encounter

2.  Develop an accident response plan

3.  Write an RWP for emergency responders

4.  Establish dose limits for the emergency responders

5.  Develop an ALARA pre- job briefing for accident responders, including turn- back dose rate, emergency dose limits, and consequences of receiving a dose in excess of the Federal Occupational Dose Limits of 10 CFR 20.

6.  Determine dosimetry requirements for the accident responders

7.  Determine monitoring instrumentation to be used during the response

8.  Determine bioassay protocol for emergency responders

9.  Develop a facility and area cleanup and recovery plan

10. Develop an environmental monitoring plan for long- term monitoring

11. Describe the likely initial ARS symptoms for the three members of Team Gold.

12. Describe the likely course of ARS and the likely outcome for the three members of Team Gold.


1.  Facility Operating License

2.  OTP-001, revison 0

3.  OTP-001, revision 1

4.  OTP-001, revision 1 with field changes

5.  USNFSA Facility Description

6.  DOE-STD-1098-99, “Radiological Control”

7.  10 CFR 20.1001 (b)

8.  10 CFR 20.1201

9.  10 CFR 50.47 (b) (11)

10. EPA-400-R-92-001

11. NCRP Report No. 116, “Limitation of Exposure to Ionizing Radiation”

Problem 3: Epilogue to a Tradgedy

Instructor Notes

1.  Please refer to the document, Problem 3: Root Causes and Corrective Actions (Located in “Instructor only resources” file under “4. Calico Rock Disaster”)

Student tasks

1.  Determine the casual factors and root causes for the accident. The Root Cause Analysis (RCA) should consider the following areas:

·  Management oversight

·  Regulatory oversight

·  Safety culture

·  Process design

·  Equipment design

·  Procedures

·  Training

·  Change management

·  Emergency planning

2.  Develop Corrective Actions to Prevent Recurrence (CATPR) for each root cause

3.  (a) Evaluate the Root Causes developed above with respect to US Nuclear Regulatory Commision Regualations for nuclear power plants (10CFR50, 10CFR19, 10CFR20), or US Department of Energy Regulations for operation of DOE facilities (10CFR835), and the associated documents, (b) Describe how the regulations address the Root Causes with respect to the Root Causes in the 9 areas identified above, and (c) Determine if the regulations and associated documents provide adequate safety with respect to the Root Causes in the 9 areas identified above.


1.  Facility Operating License

2.  OTP-001, revison 0

3.  OTP-001, revision 1

4.  OTP-001, revision 1 with field changes

5.  USNFSA Facility Description

6.  US Nuclear Fuels Safety Agency report, Report of the Task Force on the Inadvertent Criticality Accident at the Calico Rock Nuclear Fuel Facility