Strategic Planning Grants

Grant Application for Requests of $2,700 or Less


Date of Application:

Applicant Name:


Organization Address:

City, State, ZIP:

Telephone: () Facsimile: ()

Contact (if another) Telephone: ()

Email Address:

Eligibility, Commitment, and Guidelines

I. Strategic Planning Grants

A.  The grants will be limited to $2,700 maximum per credit union per year. Funding is intended to be limited to strategic planning costs. Planning costs include but are not limited to the following:

1.  Costs are one time per calendar year and must be used for credit union strategic planning initiatives.

2.  Intended to enhance credit union performance through the process of strategic planning.

B. Credit unions eligible to apply for strategic planning grants are:

1. At or below $50 million in assets can be funded at 75% of the request up to


2. Over $50 million in assets can be funded at 50% of the request up to $2,700.

3. Must demonstrate operational soundness using some of the following indicators to

make this judgment: ROA, net worth, delinquency levels, and others that may

influence the financial well-being of the credit union.

C. Credit unions will submit a completed grant application including all required information to the Foundation by fax or e-mail for approval on or before the annual deadline. Strategic planning funding, once awarded, can be used up until the end of the calendar year. Funds that remain unused will be withdrawn and the credit union will need to reapply for funds during the next grant cycle, if such a cycle is put in place.

D. The Foundation staff will evaluate all grant applications on a regular basis after the grant deadline in a timely manner. Once a funding decision has been made, the credit union will be notified via phone or e-mail.

E. Once a grant application has been approved and a grant agreement has been signed, payment will be made to the credit union by check or funds transfer.

F. While the Foundation can provide a list of experienced planners, credit union

management may elect to use this service or select a planner of their choosing.

II. Purpose of Grant (1-2 Paragraphs or less): Please describe in a few sentences when you will

be conducting your planning session, describe your need, and provide a brief outline of the


Amount of Grant Request: $

Total Amount of Leveraged Funds: is the credit union contributing any funds to this project and/or you applying for any funds from NCUA or any other entity for this project?

Please list any pending grant applications or sources for funding, such as from the credit union.

List Source(s)




If you have unmet financial needs for your project, how will you fund those?

Do you anticipate requesting funding from our Foundation for this or a similar-related project within the next calendar year?

Yes No

Will you be able to do any part of this project without funding from our Foundation?

Yes No

Name of Person Responsible for Proposal

and Completion of Project.


Print name Date





Please include the following with your application:

1)  Most Recent Call Report 5300 / Organizational Financial Information if credit union applicant or IRS 990 or most recent audit in nonprofit, 501(c)(3) applicant

2)  Letter from the Chair of the Board of Directors in support of this application