Central Texas Section


Austin Chapter Committee Meeting
Catfish Parlour, Austin, Texas
2007 November 13
11:30 AM – 1 PM


Name: / Organization / Title / Present
Mike Noth, P.E. / IEEE / Chairman / Yes
Stacy Smith, P.E. / IEEE / Vice Chairman / Yes
Stan Friend / IEEE / Secretary / Yes
Rheuben Hair / IEEE / Treasurer / No
Bobby Speer / IEEE / Treasurer Elect / Yes
Don Drumtra / IEEE / Webmaster / Yes
Catalina Martinez / IEEE / Webmaster Elect / Yes
Ron Brown / IEEE / Past Chair / No
Steve L. Kanetzky, P.E. / IEEE / Past Chair / No
Roy Matthews, P.E. / IEEE / Past Chair / Yes
Walter May, P.E. / IEEE / Past Chair / Yes
James Mercier, P.E. / IEEE / Past Chair / Yes
Sama Nuthalapati, Ph.D. / IEEE / Guest / Yes
Dakota Kanetzky / IEEE / Guest / Yes

If this differs from your understanding, please notify Stacy Smith.

Description of Subject or Action / Action By
1.  Transition into 2008 / All current officers to transfer their activities to their 2008 counterparts over the next six weeks. The official transfer date is January 1, 2008.
2.  2008 Chapter Committee. The chapter membership approved the two new officers and confirmed the ten other Chapter Committee members / Mike to send a confirmation message to Tom Grim.
James to print new nametags
3.  NEC update class. Stacy has confirmed the dates of the classes. Grayboy's fee is $2000 per day plus expenses. / Mike to send out strawman fee schedule for consideration
Mike to find old sponsor's list and call or send out message to others to call.
Stan to contact Square D
Don to post announcement on Homepage
Mike to look for old flyer in records box
Don to look for old announcement
Description of Subject or Action / Action By
4.  NEC Publications: The committee members agreed to the following prices: NEC: paper $60, CD ROM $85, Handbook: hardback $90, CD ROM $150. / Mike and Stan to draft instruction email to membership.
Don to check with CTS treasurer on check payee.
Don to draft instructions for Homepage
Stan to compile orders and provide to Gilbert by the end of November.
5.  Engineer of the year / Mike to convene committee.
6.  CTS Austin Luncheon: Sherry Gillespie said farewell. Tom Grim reviewed L31 reports, provided organization history--chapter bylaws were voided by IEEE reorganization creating chapter committees under sections. Chapters now meet Region and Section guidelines / Stacy to resubmit any missing L31 reports
7.  Review old paperwork / Mike to review and pass box to Don
Don to copy history for Website and pass box to Stan
8.  November meeting (Ethics) payment / Mike to do paperwork for section to write a check to the speaker
9.  January meeting / Mike and Stacy to continue to contact speakers
10.  Website photos / James and Walter to send photos to Don
Mike to take photos of Catalina and Bobby if they do not have ones to post
11.  Website: conversion is complete. Don passed profiles, ID, and password to Catalina. New Web URLs sent to John Purvis and Tom Grim requesting new IDs / Don to continue to fix broken links
12.  Posting job announcements of placement firms / Placement firms must be clearly identified and the location and type of job spelled out.
Future Meeting/tour Ideas- Smart Grid, Valmount Steel, UT new generator and SF6 Substation, JJ Pickle, Long or Bass Concert Center, DVR @ AE, LCRA dam, Power Lab @ UT, SMI Cement Plant, Sequin, AFD – City codes for wreck-out, etc.
Recorded by Don Drumtra