June 7-8, 2008 Brushy School, Sallisaw Oklahoma

Hello Jackson Cousins

It is hard to believe it has been nine months since our first gathering of the Jackson cousins. We had planned to have it at the Civic Center in Sallisaw but as word spread of the reunion, we fast outgrew the Center. Our next choice was Sallisaw Dam Park, but the park did not have the area and electric we needed to cook and have a PA system. Thanks to our cousin Wilma Newman who suggested we might have the reunion at Brushy School. We were afforded the use of the school cafeteria area and the kitchen and I would like to thank the school for letting us use their facilities. We will be able to use the gym as well as the cafeteria in 2008.

Unofficial count of attendance at the first reunion was 311 attendees from California, Washington, Arizona, Arkansas, Texas and of course


Randy and Helen Jackson traveled the farthest coming from Hockinson, Wa. Randy is a descendant of Jesse B. Jackson.

The auction and raffle went very well. Karla Rozell sold the raffle tickets. We hope to have even more items in the 2008 raffle and auction. Some of the money earned from the sale of tickets and the auction will be used to buy the meat for the 2008 reunion.

Wilma Newman and Bobby Jack Campbell organized the kitchen crew. Their helpers were Diana Martin, Kathryn Cunningham, Shana Sharp, Sharon Jackson, Glenn Hutson and Kaitlyn Thomas. They did an excellent job making sure everything was set up for lunch and did cleanup afterward. They spent more time in the kitchen then visiting so in 2008 we would like to find some ladies from the Sallisaw area that would be willing to do setup for lunch and the cleanup afterward. So if you know of anyone not related that would be willing to do this please send a note to the Jackson Reunion address or email.

Thank you Wilma Newman for taking charge of the reunion when we had a family emergency and had to travel to California. You did an awesome job on such short notice.

Lorene Hutson has worked hard on 2008 t-shirt design. Colors have been chosen for each line of Abraham and Melissa’s children. If you are not sure what line you descend from contact Lorene at or Helen at or you may call 360-944-0255. The colors are as follows:






The t-shirts are $10 each and need to be ordered no later than May10. Please send payment to:

Lorene Hutson

321 W Chickenfight Road

Atoka Ok 74525

The theme of the 2008 Reunion is “Down on the Farm”. If anyone would like to wear clothing of the 1800-early1900, please do. Tom Brooks who is a cousin from Calif would like to do a short documentary on the Jacksons so if you could wear clothing like they did in that era just until pictures are taken it would be appreciated but not required.

Freddie Apana of Stanton Ca was the first to suggest a Jackson Reunion for all of Abraham and Melissa’s descendants. She is her Mom’s caregiver and unfortunately her Mom’s health has not allowed Freddie to join us at the reunion. Thank you Freddie for getting us started.

Thanks to each of you that helped to make our 2007 Jackson Family Reunion such a huge success. If you know someone that wants to attend send us an address so we can send an invitation. Better still just tell them to come and join in the fun. Enclosed is a self addressed stamped postcard. Please fill out and return so we know how many will be attending this year.



Clara Bailey Flossie Norrid

JC Jackson Herman Stamps

Troy Morris Juanita Bryant

Gene Hall JC Worth