Watch the documentaryStraightlacedthrough Kanopy: When prompted about your “library”, enter Sacramento City College, then use your SCC credentials to log in. After viewing the video, answer the following questions.
1)Provide a summary of the video, in your own words.
2)One review of the documentary reads as follows: “Straightlaced is a compelling film that offers a unique lens into the lives of adolescents across America. While there are repetitive moments—and one might wish that the producers had spent more time with fewer students, delving deeper into the complexities of their social, emotional, and intellectual experiences—the film serves as a powerful introduction to adolescents’ struggles with gender and sexuality.” What did you think?
3) What do you think were some of the key messages and themes in Straightlaced? Do these agree with your experiences, with what you’ve experienced or observed in your schools and community?
4) According to the students in the film, what are some of the rules or norms for what itmeans to be a girl? A guy? Where do these rules come from? Do you feel that young people are limited from doing things they do want to because of gender pressures?
5)In the video, Sky says, My experience is that there’s not two genders; there’s really a spectrum. …And part of growing up is finding out where you fit on that spectrum.” What does this mean? What do you think?
6)In the video, Briseida talks about her struggle to regain a “sense of self” after coming out as a lesbian: “You know how people say that you’re hiding in the closet?” she notes. “It’s not a closet . . . it’s sort of like a prison.” What does she mean?
7)How do you think a person’s race or ethnicity might be connected toexpectations they face about how their gender is supposed to act?
8)How do you feel about some of the more tragic stories in the film—the girl who turnedto drugs and ended up in jail, the students who faced violence and harassment atschool, the young man who committed suicide? What can be done to prevent traumasLike these?
9) How does this video connect with content we discussed in class? Would you recommend the video for future classes to watch?