Fundamentals Lesson Plans (Reception & Y1/2)

Week 1
Lesson Objectives (LO):Develop the ability to maintain balance with different body parts / Main theme:Understanding balance
-Exploring the kingdom! High 5 tag with balance
-Walking along a throw down line with arms out by the side & one foot in front of the other (tightrope style)
-Encourage and challenge the children to walk backwards across the line
-Balance a bean bag/cone on the top of the head whilst walking forwards
-Hopscotch in teams of 5 / Teaching points:
Arms out by your side, look straight ahead, good posture, small and slow steps and trust yourself.
Week 2
LO: Develop the ability to jump in a variety of ways and hop over a short
distance / Main theme:Understanding how to jump & land correctly
-Exploring the zoo (Acting/moving like monkeys, rhinos, cheetahs, giraffe)
-Jumping off the branches (thrown down lines). Kangaroo & Frog jumps, two feet to two feet and maintain balance. Land on two feet then one. Vertical jump
-Speed bounce in pairs (cone on the floor and two feet jumps either side)
-Leaping lily pads. Frog or kangaroo jump onto hoops/flat cones and try and make it to the end without falling into the pond! Teams of 6/7 and child who is jumping must be holding a cone to then give to person next in line etc. / Teaching points:
Bend knees, arms by your side & bent slightly, explode upwards using the arms.
Week 3
LO:Develop the ability to catch a ball using two hands / Main theme:How to pass & receive using our hands
-Exploring the park! Cricket special (1- Beanbag round the waist, 2- Beanbag through the legs, 3- Beanbag in the air, clap once & catch, 4- beanbag on the floor & pick up someone else’s, 5- swap beanbag with someone)
-Rolling/sliding in pairs whilst seated across the frozen lake
-Stand up & progress onto throwing underarm (over the lake)
-Feed the ducks. Divide the hall with a line of hoops down the middle and cones either side (about 5/6 big steps away). Aim is to land beanbag inside the hoop whilst throwing underarm
-Develop onto one of the pairs standing inside the hoop and making five catches and swapping over. / Teaching points:
Little fingers together, cupping action, hands close together (when catching). Nice controlled rolling/throwing to partner.
Week 4
LO:Develop the ability to throw a ball using one hand towards a target. / Main theme:Throwing a ball with accuracy and control
-Cricket special with bean bag
-Re cap of last week, sliding in partners aiming for the cone with bean bag. 1 point if you hit your partners cone
-Throwing underarm to each other with basketball/football/dodgeball
-Through the gates. Set up a selection of 2 cones 1m apart and aim is either roll the ball through & partner stop it or throw it through & partner catches it. Add point system for each time a catch is made.
-Triangle of trust.. in 3’s throwing the ball to one another / Teaching points:
One foot in front of the other, sideways on, bend elbow, rock from back to forwards and release as high as possible, aiming for partners hands.
Week 5
LO: Understand how to run effectively, dodge using the correct foot and
remain active for the whole lesson / Main theme:Movement & spacial awareness
-High 5 Tag with balance
-Follow the leader in pairs
-Toilet tag
-Stuck in the mud (Use 2-6 taggers)
-Zig zag relays in 5s
-British bulldog
-Traffic lights game (green= jog, yellow= sidesteps & red= balance on one leg) / Teaching points:
Eyes forward in direct of travel, change direction with outside foot, lower body & centre of gravity and always be on your toes to move.
Week 6
LO:Using the skills learnt in the previous weeks / Main theme:Stations
-Bean bag throw
-Speed bounce
-Dishes & Domes
-Balance dice
-Pyramid game / Teaching points:
Encourage team work, attitude and including others for each station.