The Board of Supervisors South Abington Township, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania held its regular meeting on Monday, September 11, 2017 at the Township Building, 104 Shady Lane Road, Chinchilla, Pennsylvania.

Chairman Stanton called the meeting to order at noon.

. Giles Stanton Present

Joseph Sproul Present

Mark Dougherty Present

David G. O’Neill, Twp. Manager Present

William Jones, Solicitor Present

Christine Griswold, Sec’y. Treas. Present

Minutes of the Meeting of 7/10/17 were read and approved as read. Minutes of the 8/14/17 Meeting were read and approved with the correction that The Trygar lot purchase was seconded by Joseph Sproul and unanimously approved.

Money was received from the following:

Amtrust $ 3,543.64 ROD $22,823.91

Lacka County $ 5,395.10 Magistrate $ 2,183.83

CJR $ 182.47 Susan McLane $12,566.60

Comcast $42,990.23 J Falcone $ 265.00

Penndot $ 2,727.85 ZMB Vending $ 175.00

Ransom $ 5,156.76 Newton $ 5,218.15

CHC $ 2,194.40

Mark Dougherty motioned, Joseph Sproul seconded, and bills were unanimously approved for payment from the following funds:

General Fund $329,021.69 Sewer Fund $65,700.26 Highway Aid $34,233.91

Recreation Fund $5,228.84 Fire $47,404.48 PR# 17&18 $137,821.95

Kevin Joyce, Joyce Advertising; Mr. Jayne, and his attorney John Appleton, were all in attendance to discuss placing a vinyl ad that would be hooked onto the wall at Jayne Brothers. The question is whether or not the ad constitutes a billboard. The ad could be half wall or full wall. After discussion, the trio was directed to the Zoning Hearing Board. Planning Commission member, Len Gorney, in attendance, stated the subject has previously been investigated and took exception to the comment that all billboards are LED. Mr. Joyce, in closing, referred to the sign as a wall billboard.

The Millett Development Co-Application Agreement HOP needs an escrow amount based on the construction estimate amount.

The Manager reported that the sewer change for the Shady Lane Tunnel project has been approved. Ms. Ann Stopper, Newberry Circle, has proposed a resolution on redistricting reform that is under review by the Solicitor; and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dougherty, Beverly Drive send correspondence thanking the Board for recent work done on their street.

Ms. Griswold read the following 2018 MMO’s: Police Pension-$430,882; Non-Uniformed Pension-$64,046 and Cash Balance-$1,991. Giles Stanton motioned to approve the MMO’s, Mark Dougherty seconded and it was unanimously approved to place these amounts in the 2018 budget.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned to executive session to discuss a personnel issue regarding a retirement at 12:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Griswold

Township Secretary