Animal Emergency Response Plan
July 2008
Developed by MenomineeCountyEmergency Management
In cooperation with
The Local Animal Response Group
Version 1.2
Section / Contents / Page1.0 / Introduction / 3
1.1 / Purpose Statement
1.2 / Scope
2.0 / Affected Agencies/Responsibilities / 4
2.1 / Local Animal Response Group ( LARG)
2.2 / Support Agencies
3.0 / Planning Assumptions / 6
3.1 / Legal Considerations
3.2 / CountyAnimal Populations
4.0 / Concept of Operations / 8
4.1 / General
4.2 / Notification and Communications
4.3 / Public Information
4.4 / Response
4.5 / Recovery
5.0 / Review and Update / 18
6.0 / Approval / 19
7.0 / Appendices
A / Public Education Messages / 20
B / Animal Care Resources (Feed, Bedding, and Confinement) / 21
C / Animal Holding Areas for MenomineeCounty / 22
D / Hotels / Motels Accepting Animals / 23
E / Animal Transportation Resources / 24
F / Guidelines for Handling Horse, Cattle and Other Livestock During Emergencies / 25
G / Emergency Housing and Care for Household Pets and Exotics / 33
H / Veterinary Resources / 36
I / Volunteer Resources / 37
J / Local Animal Response Group / 38
K / MenomineeCountyDairy Farm Listings / 40
L / Menominee CountyBeef Farm Listings / 41
M / DeltaCounty Dairy Farm Listings / 42
N / Delta CountyBeef Farm Listings / 43
O / Mutual Aid / 44
P / Chart of Members / 45
MenomineeCounty Animal Emergency Response Plan
MenomineeCounty recognizes a need for pro-active disaster planning for its agencies, farms, businesses, and individual citizens. This animal disaster plan has been developed primarily for the safety of MenomineeCounty residents and visitors. It also supports the continuance of vital agriculture operations, promotes responsible animal care and companionship, and reduces harmful interactions between humans and non-domestic animals in the event of a disaster. It is intended to organize a system to allocate proper and pertinent resources.
Failure to plan for the animal population will affect the viability of disaster plans for people. For instance, if the disaster warrants an evacuation, many people will not evacuate without their animals or will delay their own evacuation to first make preparations for animals they must leave behind. These refusals or delays begin a chain reaction that can seriously jeopardize the overall disaster plan.
Further, failure to plan for animals prior to an emergency may lead to serious public health concerns during an incident. Injured, ill or, dead animals can pose disease and injury hazards to the public, which may add strain to an already over-taxed emergency medical system.
1.1Purpose Statement
To protect the public health, the public food supply, domesticated and wild animal resources, the environment, the agricultural economy, and to ensure the humane care and treatment of animals in case of an emergency, including floods, severe storms, tornadoes, drought, fire, explosion, building collapse, commercial transportation accidents, chemical spills, winter storms, power outages, or other situations that can cause animal suffering.
This plan is intended for use by MenomineeCounty government and agencies as a guideline for implementing immediate action to provide care and control of animals, thereby minimizing animal suffering in the event of a significant emergency. In the event of an emergency, care and control measures outlined herein will apply to all animals, wild and domestic, regardless of ownership.
2.1Local Animal Response Group (LARG)
MenomineeCounty Emergency Management
Responsibilities: Coordinate support agencies to manage animal protection in emergencies. Activate the EmergencyOperationsCenter, if necessary. Responsible for overall direction and control of the emergency incident.
Menominee County Public Health Department
Responsibilities: Provide services which address injuries/bites/diseases related to the protection of humans and animals. Assists the MDA and DEQ in the disposal of dead animals that may impact the public health and in minimizing zoonotic disease outbreaks during an emergency.
MichiganStateUniversity Extension of MenomineeCounty
Responsibilities: Assist in identifying and procuring additional resources, expertise, volunteers, personnel, equipment, and shelter as required to care for livestock and large companion animals during an emergency. Assist in identifying, surveying, and maintaining a list of large animal and equine sheltering facilities and transportation as part of the Local Animal Response Group.
Michigan Department of Agriculture-Animal Industry Division
Responsibilities: Assist in providing information and direction whenever possible with regard to the general health of animals. Responsible for enforcement of state regulations concerning animal health and the movements of animals affected by those regulations.
MenomineeCounty Sheriff - Animal Control Division
Responsibilities: Provide and coordinate personnel and equipment to collect, rescue and shelter stray or aggressive companion animals. Assist in identifying, surveying, and maintaining a list of small animal sheltering facilities and transportation as part of the Local Animal Response Group.
MenomineeCounty Private Veterinarian
Responsibilities: Assist in providing information and direction with regard to the general
health of animals within their expertise. Provide assistance with identifying needs of animals in shelter situations.
MenomineeCountyAnimal Shelter
Responsibilities: Provide trained personnel (staff or volunteers)and equipment to assist in the protection of animals during an emergency, working in cooperation with animal control division.
2.2Support Agencies(Any of these may also be considered for the LARG)
Michigan Veterinary Medical Association
Provide information on local veterinarians. Encourage their involvement in local animal emergencies and disasters.
Private Veterinarians and Veterinary Clinics
In accordance with clinic policies, provide trained personnel, equipment, and shelter as required to care for pets from evacuated citizens and in cases when established animal shelters are filled or destroyed. Provide medical care within their area of expertise.
MenomineeCountyFarm Bureau
SupportMichiganStateUniversity Extension, if requested, in providing and identifying facilities, equipment, and trained personnel to assist in the transportation and housing of farm livestock in an emergency shelter situation.
Local Animal Rescue Groups
Provide trained volunteers and equipment to assist in the rescue and sheltering of animals during an emergency.
US Forest Service at National Forests
Provide confinement for displaced livestock in grazing areas.
Private Farms, Kennels, and Stables
Provide shelter and supplies to care for displaced livestock and / or domesticated animals.
MI Dept. of Environmental Quality
Provide resources necessary for protection of environment and water quality related to animal carcass disposal and decomposition.
MI Department of Natural Resources
Provide trained personnel and equipment as required to protect sick and/or injured non-domestic animals. Coordinate measures to minimize damage and danger to wildlife, as appropriate.
Licensed Wild Animal Rehabilitators
Provide housing and care to sick and/or injured non-domestic animals in cooperation with MDNR.
USDA Farm Service Agency (CountyOffice)
Chairs and coordinates the activities of the USDA County Emergency Board which provides damage/loss assessment of local agricultural commodities; the USDA-CEB includes representatives of local USDA agencies.
County Executive Director
(906) 753-6921
(906) 753-2217fax
Through effective animal protection planning and organization, all disaster relief efforts will be more expedient.
The owners of household pets, exotics and livestock, when notified of an impending emergency, will take reasonable steps to shelter and provide for animals under their care and/or control. Owners of animals should make every effort to have all animals identified and to maintain records of this identification. Some livestock species require identification by law, and owners must keep these records.
Natural, technological, or manmade disasters could affect the well being of domesticated and / or non-domesticated animals. This, in turn can affect the county’s overall emergency response plans.
MenomineeCounty plans for animal-related emergency situations and implements response and recovery operations utilizing local resources. State, federal, and private organizations may provide animal care and rescue assistance in emergencies, when requested.
Animal protection planning ensures the proper care and recovery of animals impacted during an emergency. This includes measures to identify housing and shelter for animals, establish methods of communicating information to the public, collect stray or lost animals, procure necessary supplies for the care of the animals, and plan for animal release and return to owners or to natural habitat for non-domestic animals.
Public information statements, including locations where animals may be accepted during emergency situations, will be issued through various media outlets.
A large-scale emergency in MenomineeCounty may warrant an immediate response from state and local personnel, agencies, and organizations. However, emergency situations may become compounded due to the nature of the emergency and may also require activation of additional specialized agencies through mutual aid agreements.
3.1Legal Considerations
It is important to note that animals can be classified broadly into two categories: privately owned and publicly owned. Livestock and companion animals are private property; they belong to individuals or entities and have an economic value that may require compensation if those animals are ordered destroyed. Wildlife, both game and non-game species, belongs to the people of the State of Michigan, and separate laws govern them. Each category has laws that govern how animals are cared for and handled. Some of the most important:
Animal Industry Act (Public Act 466 of 1988, MCL 287.701 et seq.)
Prevention, control, and eradication of infectious, contagious diseases, or toxicological contamination of livestock and domesticated animals; importation and movement requirements; indemnification in some cases
Michigan Public Health Code (Public Act 368 of 1978, MCL 333.1101, et seq.)
Prevention and control of diseases impacting humans; license of veterinary medicine; use of controlled substances for animal euthanasia
Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (Public Act 451 of 1994, MCL 324.101, et seq.)
Wildlife and habitat conservation and management, including taking, possession, and protection
Animals Running at Large (Public Act 328 of 1976, MCL 433.11, et seq.)
Escaped livestock running at large
Dangerous Animals (Public Act 426 of 1988, MCL 287.321)
Confinement and destruction of dangerous animals; penalties
Bodies of Dead Animals Act (Public Act 239 of 1982, MCL 287.651 et seq.)
Disposal requirements for livestock
Dog Law (Public Act 339 of 1919, MCL 287.261)
Licensing, regulating, destruction of dogs; payment for losses
Additionally, there are many other state laws, as well as federal laws and regulations that control the care and handling of animals.
In an emergency situation, the Emergency Management Act (Public Act 390 of 1976, MCL 30.401 et seq.) may be used, and depending on the circumstances, the laws and regulations governing both domestic and wild animals may be suspended as provided by law.
National Agricultural Statistics Service - 2002 Statistics for MenomineeCountyBeef Cows / 91 farms / 1,898 animals
Milk Cows / 62 farms / 7,108 animals
Hogs and pigs / 23 farms / 540 animals
Sheep and Lambs / 21 farms / 153 animals
Poultry: Layers / 23 farms / 810 animals
Poultry: Meat / 4 farms / 200 animals
These numbers represent a significant component of planning for an emergency. Resources for housing as well as feeding surviving animals in a disaster situation
must be predetermined.
Appendix K - MenomineeCounty Dairy Farm Locations
Appendix L - Menominee CountyBeef Farm Locations
Appendix M - DeltaCounty Dairy Farm Locations
Appendix N - Delta CountyBeef Farm Locations
Nationally, approximately 60% of households own companion animals, with most owning more than one animal. Based on the year 2000 census figures for MenomineeCounty the number of companion animals in the county is estimated as follows:
Dogs / 9,771Cats / 14,593
Birds / 2,211
Horses / 1,526
Exotics / ???
The primary and support agencies will manage and coordinate,or assist in coordinating, local animal protection activities. These agencies will use established animal protection and support organizations, processes, and procedures. Responsibility for situation assessment and determination of resource needs in the event of a large-scale emergency lies primarily with Menominee County Emergency Management, the local incident commander, and MenomineeCounty Animal Control, or the designated lead member of the LARG. Depending upon the nature of the emergency, other partners may assist as listed under primary and support agencies in section 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 of this plan.
When county resources and mutual aid agreements are insufficient, animal protection assistance and resources such as food, medicine, shelter material, specialized personnel, and additional veterinary medical professionals, will be requested from the State of Michigan via processes outlined under the Michigan Emergency Management Act, PA 390. Should the need for State or Federal resources arise, the StateEmergencyOperationsCenter will coordinate the requests for assistance.
Animal protection operations will be managed using the MenomineeCounty Emergency Actions Guidelines and NIMS - the National Incident Management System. Public health concerns will be managed in accordance with appropriate Delta-MenomineeDistrict Public Health Dept. plans and procedures.
Animals included under the plan: Domestic and non-domestic.
The sheltering, protection, and identification of domestic animals (including livestock) are the responsibility of their owners. (In times of extreme necessity, public interests may take precedence.)
Domestic animals that are lost, stray, incapable of being cared for by their owners, or a danger to themselves or the public will be the responsibility of the Local Animal Response Group. These animals will be sheltered, fed, and, if possible, returned to their owners. If the animals cannot be returned to their owners, their disposition will be handled in accordance with established animal control guidelines. The animal control guidelines regarding holding periods may need to be extended to provide time to locate owners during a time of disaster.
Non-domestic animals should be left to their own survival instincts. Non-domestic animals out of their natural habitats that are a danger either to themselves or the public will be the responsibility of the MI Department of Natural Resources. These animals will be returned to their natural habitat if possible.
4.2Notification & Communications
This plan and its procedures will be activated in the event of an emergency that results in a significant need for animal protection. MenomineeCounty Emergency Management will determine when these procedures will be implemented and notify the appropriate primary, support, and mutual aid agencies. MenomineeCounty Emergency Management will maintain a call down notification system which will include the call-in of volunteers experienced in the handling of various type of animals.
Communications among the emergency management coordinator, the Local Animal Response Group, and support agencies will occur primarily through telephone, facsimile, and cellular telephone transmission. Amateur radio will be used as a backup system if other communication is impossible due to the nature of the emergency situation. MenomineeCounty Emergency Management will maintain a list of radio and TV stations for the purpose of public notification when necessary.
Step 1 – Emergency Management Coordinator contacts the designated lead member of the Local Animal Response Group (LARG), who will serve as part of EOC structure.
Appendix P- Responsibility Chart
Step 2 – The Lead Member of the LARG initiates call-down procedure to members.
Step 3 – The lead member of LARG or his/her designee from the LARG membership will contact additional support agencies as needed.
4.3Public Information
The MenomineeCounty Public Information Officer will be responsible for the coordination of all media activities and press releases associated with the protection of animals.
Checklist of Public Information Officer ResponsibilitiesNotifying the public of appropriate shelters at which to leave lost/stray animals, animals that citizens cannot care for, or animals that need immediate medical assistance. (Appendix A)
Delivering instructions to the public to prepare their pets or farm animals for an impending emergency. (Appendix A)
Obtaining animal-related information from members of the LARG and/or its support agencies.
Promoting public awareness and instructing animal owners on how to prepare and react to all types of disasters through literature, community relations and/or seminars.
Disseminating public messages for the purpose of recruiting of volunteers to assist where needed in the event of a disaster
- The Public Information Officer will work with the LARG prior to an animal incident to develop press release templates for anticipated animal emergencies.
- During the response phase, the Lead Member of LARG will provide continued updates to the PIO on the animal response effort. This will include general information on the response and special instruction for the general public, as well as for pet owners, local veterinarians, kennels, agricultural producers, etc. as applicable.
- The PIO will provide information to the media, public and key audiences as appropriate.
The owners of pets or livestock, when notified of an emergency, will take all reasonable steps to evacuate, shelter, and care for animals under their control.
4.4.1 Search and rescue procedures
Equine, cattle, and other livestock
Equine, cattle, and other livestock loose or in need of assistance due to the emergency will be the responsibility of the owner; or in the event of the death or evacuation of their owners, will become the responsibility of the Local Animal Response Group (LARG). All reasonable steps will be taken to involve the owner in this process. However, the LARG will identify key people who have animal handling training and understand the basic emergency management concepts (ICS training) to assist rescue efforts if needed.
Appendix B – Animal Care Resources
Appendix E – Animal Transportation Resources
Appendix I – Volunteer Resources
Domestic pets
Domestic pets loose or in need of assistance due to the emergency will be the responsibility of the owner. In the event of the death or separation from their owners, pets will become the responsibility of the Local Animal Response Group (LARG).All reasonable steps will be taken by LARG to provide assistance under these circumstances. Prior to an incident, LARG will identify key people who have animal handling training and understand the basic emergency management concepts (ICS training) to assist rescue efforts.
Appendix B – Animal Care Resources