Monday, November 2, 2015

5:30 p.m. – Arroyo Room 1


Eugene Hernandez
Benjamin Williams
Irwin Silon
Joe Moreno
Irene Galvan
Dr. Monte E. Perez (LAMC) / Charbel Sefier (PMO) absent
Daniel Villanueva (LAMC) absent


The meeting came to order in the CAI, Arroyo room at 5:20 pm. The meeting minutes from September, February or June were not available for approval.


Report from the President in the absence of the project director

  The new Project Director is Charbel Sefier, but was unable to attend the CCOC meeting due to a previously scheduled vacation. The new project manager has worked for LACCD as a regional project manager and has promoted to LAMC Project Director. He is very familiar with the construction projects at LAMC and the LACCD construction process.


  The furniture, fixtures and equipment package preparation is ongoing and change orders for the stairs are completed and are being repaired.

Question: What is wrong with the stairs?

Answer: The stairs were twisted and did not meet permit standards.

  Although Teo Sierra worked very quickly and managed to get the construction of the Media Arts building up to date faster, we have James Anderson who has worked on the Media Arts building for almost 10 years. He is very familiar with the building construction plans and its problems and has kept it on track during the Project Manager’s transitions.

  The building will be completed in 2016, but will not be available for use until spring of 2017.

  The Faculty met and decided to remain the building Arts, Media and Performance.


  All the elevators had to be brought up to ADA standards and are completed except the panel in the Collaborative Studies building. This building has only one elevator and could not be shut down during the regular semester. It is scheduled for renovation during Winter Break.

  ADA related projects are named 40J projects. All 40J projects are funded by the District.

  There is one final restroom in the IA building scheduled for renovation on the north side of the building. The rest have been completed.

  The CCOC requested a group tour to view the areas of construction concerns around the campus

  The health services center is moving from the bungalow behind the Collaborative Building into the area of the old bookstore located in the campus services building. The move in date is March 2016.

  The receiving area off the loading dock in the campus services building will be expanded. This will give the receiving department additional space to receive orders and supply deliveries.

  The old culinary arts classrooms in the Instructional Arts building, rooms 1006 and 1007 are being converted to a 70 seat lecture hall and an office space for the Cal Works department.

  The President noted that LAMC is at capacity for classrooms and offices and while trying to expand additional course offerings there are no additional classrooms available.

Question: What about the area across the street from the campus? Can we place bungalows there?

Answer: Yes, leasing bungalows to use in that space would be a temporary option.

Question: How many faculty do we have on campus?

Answer: We have about 98 full time faculty and 200 part time faculty.

  Once the Media Arts building opens and is available for use that will alleviate some of the pressure for classroom and office space.

Question: What about the basement of the CAI building? Is that space available?

Answer: The CAI basement is for additional CAI classes, but we do not have the faculty to teach the additional classes. We are hiring an additional CAI instructor soon.

  A CCOC member says that 12345 Hubbard St. has 1.2 acres of land that is unused and LAMC can possibly meet with the owners to purchase the property to use for additional classroom space.

  The President noted that LAMC does not have the funds to purchase the property, but with a new bond proposal and its possible approval, we will have the funds to purchase it and to continue the construction goals.

  The President is meeting with a LA County Board Supervisor soon to discuss the possibility of making the entrance and exit of the El Cariso golf course one. The issues of making this happen have been resolved. Funding for the project is the concern.

  A CCOC member requested 2 audits:

o  How many members from the community have been hired to work construction for the any of the buildings on the campus?

o  How many days has the Instructional Arts Building been disabled for student usage?

  The President noted that there is a Board of Trustees resolution which requires all contractors employed by the LACCD to participate in the project labor agreement and to ensure that 35% of all construction union workers within the campus’s local zip codes are hired. The District has an enforcement department to ensure that minimum hires from the area are hired. The PMO should be able to provide the audit information regarding the number of days the building has been unavailable to students.


  The President is working with SIBL on creating a possible joint usage agreement for the 32 acres behind the El Cariso golf course. The idea is to remove the original plans and make new plans to create a NCAA baseball field and change the current design that removes the field away from the endangered wildlife.

  The idea is to create a new NCAA baseball field for LAMC students and offer a 50 year lease to maintain the entire 32 acres for the life of the lease and not interrupt the SIBL little league program.


  The CCOC membership wanted an update to the community access to computers in the LRC. The President noted that a decision to move the computers to the bottom floor of the campus center would be the best location for the computers and the easiest area for community members to access the computers.

  The President will inform the CCOC at the next meeting when the computers will be available for use.


  The CCOC members would like additional information on the international student requirements. The President will bring the requirements to the next meeting.

  The President informed the CCOC members that new committee membership is required. The CCOC needs a K-12 member, a CCOC member at large and an alternate member.

  The President informed the CCOC that the La Opinon newspaper published an article about the CAI building and the staff and students.



The meeting adjourned at 6:35 pm with the committee member’s agreeing on the next scheduled meeting date for Monday, January 4, 2016 at 5:30 pm.


a.  January 4, 2016

b.  March 7, 2016

c.  May 2, 2016

d.  July 11, 2016

e.  September 12, 2016

f.  November 7, 2016

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