Certification Subcommittee
MichiganState Police Headquarters
Recruiting Conference Room
Tuesday,November 25, 2008
Meeting Minutes
PRESENT:John Bawol, James Fyvie,Gary Johnson, Steve Leese,James Loeper,Harriet Miller-Brown,Vic Martin, Leonard Norman, Dave Piasecki (by conference call), Christina Russell, Scott Temple (by conference call)
ABSENT: Dale Gribler (w/notice)
A. Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. with a roll call of members.
Ms. Mary Jo Hovey and Ms. Amanda Noxon were introduced as the newest staff members of
the State 9-1-1 Office. Mr. Gary Johnson was introduced as the newest addition to the
Certification Subcommittee.
B. Approval of August 19, 2008MeetingMinutes
Mr.Loeper made a MOTION to approve the minutes of May 6, 2008. Mr. Leese supported, the MOTION carries.
- Old Business
1. CountyCompliance Reviews
i. CrawfordCounty –The on-site visit was held on May 29 and 30, 2008. Due to current legislative issues/work involving the State 9-1-1Office, the report is not complete. Ms. Hovey is working on a draft reportwhich should be ready in a couple of weeks for the member’s review.
ii. AlpenaCounty– A 2nd on-site visit is scheduled for Friday December 12. Ms. Miller-Brown and Mr. Bawol will be visiting the center and will meet with officials regarding work completed on the recommendations made to them based on the original on-site review.
- SaginawCounty3-1-1System
Additional information was submitted by Mr. Tom McIntyre regarding charges on their phone bills for the 3-1-1 system. Members discussed this additional information and are concerned that if 9-1-1surcharge monies are approved to fund this system, this could cause some problems in the future. Would other PSAPs want to use their 9-1-1 surchargemonies for other projects or systems? The Subcommittee feels that they should not set a precedent of funds being used for other purposes.
Mr. Loeper made a MOTION that based on additional information received by the
Certification Subcommittee, their position has not changed regarding this issue. They are requesting that SaginawCounty cease paying for the3-1-1 system with 9-1-1 surcharge monies and that no monies are to be refunded. Mr. Temple supported. All Subcommittee members voted to approve except Mr. Fyvie, who opposed. The MOTION carries.
- Rulemaking
Ms. Miller-Brown received and discussed the responses to inquiries that she made to the MPSC based upon the information presented at the June 24, 2008 meeting. Members briefly discussed the meeting with MPSC and what the next steps are in this process.
Certification Subcommittee
November 25, 2008
Page Two
Mr. Piasecki has volunteered to assist Ms. Miller-Brownin drafting the documents needed to begin the rulemaking process.
- Model 9-1-1Plan
Mr. Fyvie reported thatas soon as therevisions in the law are complete, this project will move forward. Once the draft Model 9-1-1 Plan is complete, the MCDA will approve.The SNC and AG’s office will also need to review the document before it is finalized and shared with all PSAPs in Michigan.
D. New Business
1. Discussion of Additional Members to the Certification Subcommittee
Margie Hatfieldfrom HillsdaleCounty and Kelly Page from Troy PD have requested
inclusion on the Certification Subcommittee.
Members voiced concern that Ms. Page is a supervisor – The 9-1-1 directors might have
issue with her coming to their centers and advising them on policy, procedures, etc. Following discussion, the members felt as though at this time Ms. Page needs some further experience actually running a center. Mr. Bawol took their comments under advisement and will discuss her application with the Sheriff Gribler. He will recommend to Sheriff Gribler that Ms. Page not be added at this time to the Certification Subcommittee.
Regarding Margie Hatfield, since she is currently a Deputy Director, members feel as
though she will be a good addition to the subcommittee. She has the experience and
background necessary for this type of commitment.
Mr. Bawol will recommend to Sheriff Gribler that Ms. Hatfield be added to the Certification
- Certification of Counties for Wireless funds
Ms. Miller-Brown advised the members that we do not have to certify the counties for the
release of wireless funds. In the future, this will be part of the rulemaking process.
- New County for Compliance Review
JacksonCounty was chosen as the next county for a random compliance review. Correspondence will be mailed out to the PSAP Director and Chair of the CountyCommissioners advising them of this actionregarding their center. They are a general fund/surcharge county and are a consolidated dispatch.
E. Public Comment- None
F. Next Meeting
The next meeting will be Tuesday, March 3, 2009, at 2:00 p.m.location to be determined
G. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m.