Prof. Dr. Simone Munsch
Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie
Rue de Faucigny 2
CH-1700 Fribourg (Switzerland)
Zentrum für Psychotherapie
T +41 26 300 76 55
F +41 26 300 97 12

Curriculum Vitae (Short version)

Simone Munsch, Prof. Dr. phil.


Personal Information

Date of birth: 17 February 1970, in Basel (Switzerland)

Civil status: married, 3 children: Joshua 30.01.2001; Jannis 26.12.2002; Madlaina 16.07. 2004


2000 – 2006 cumulated habilitation thesis in Clinical Psychology, Venia docendi in Psychology, University of Basel

1997 – 1999 Dissertation thesis, PhD, University of Basel

1989/90 – 1995 studies in Clinical Psychology, University of Basel

Psychotherapeutic training and qualification

2011 Member of the directorate/ trainer and supervisor of the academy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children and Adolescents, AVKJ of the Universities of Fribourg and Zurich

2011 Director of the outpatient center for psychotherapy at the department of Psychology, Institute of family research and counseling of the University of Fribourg

2009 - 2012 Director of the training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy of the Universities of Lausanne and Freiburg

2002 - 2009 Trainer, supervisor, referee of the training in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy of the University of Basel

2003 Licensed psychotherapist FSP/ Bundesamt für Gesundheit, BAG

1996 - 2000 Master of advanced studies in cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, University of Basel

Professional Appointments

January 2015 Member of the scientific board of the Private Clinic Aadorf

January 2015 Member of the Swiss Anorexia Nervosa Foundation, SANS

March 2013 Member of career and interdisciplinary panel of the Swiss National Science Foundation, SNSF

2012 - 2013 Ad hoc research counselor of Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), division I (social sciences)

2012 Member of the directorate and president of the institute of family research and counseling, University of Fribourg

2011 Chair of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at the department of Psychology, faculty of Philosophy, University Fribourg/ Switzerland

2009 - 2011 Chair of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology at the Institute of Psychology, faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lausanne

01-07/ 2006 Guest researcher at the “Clinical and Health Psychology Research Centre," London School of Human and Life Sciences, Roehampton University (Prof. Dr. C. Vögele)

1999 - 2009 Post doc at the department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, faculty of Psychology, University of Basel

1995 - 1999 Assistant psychotherapist and psychotherapist in different clinical institution in Switzerland as well as study coordinator at the University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland

Research funding and prices (only projects receiving funding outside University are listed)

2016 - 2017 „BED - Binge-eating disorder treatment goes online“, main applicant, funded by Swiss Anorexia Nervosa Foundation (CHF 144’605)

2013 - 2016 „Relationship of stress and physical activity with psychological and physiological health in young children“ (co-applicant and head of subproject: Relationship of stress and PA with psychological well-being in young children: main applicant PD Dr. J. Puder, University of Lausanne;, CHF 450’000) funded by Swiss National Foundation; SNF-Nr.-CRSII3_147673/1 (overall funding: CHF 1’800’000)

2013 - 2016 „Psychological and physiological consequences of exposure to mass media in young women“, main applicant, funded by the Swiss National Foundation; lead agency project, lead. SNF-Nr. 1000014L_149416/1 (CHF 330’000)/ DFG (Euro: 310’100)

2013 - 2014 „Psychological and physiological consequences of exposure to the thin ideal promoted by mass media in ED patients“, main applicant, funded by Swiss Anorexia Nervosa Foundation (CHF 134’313)

2011 - 2014 „CBT in leadership“ co-applicant, main applicant Prof. John Antonakis (University Lausanne) funded by the Swiss National Foundation, SNF (SNF Nr.: 2001_10401, CHF 287'521)

2011 - 2014 „Binge Eating Disorder in Children“ co-applicant, main applicant Prof. Anja Hilbert, University of Leipzig, Germany, funded by the Swiss National Foundation, SNF (SNF Nr.: 100014_132045, CHF 400'000)

2007 Price of the faculty of Psychology: publications included in cumulative habilitation thesis (CHF 3’000)

2001 - 2003 „Training for obese children and their parents, Training für adipöse Kinder und deren Eltern, TAKE“, main- applicant, funded by the Swiss National Foundation (SNF Nr.: 3251-067078, CHF 200'000)

2001 „Training für adipöse Kinder und deren Eltern, TAKE“ funded by the academic society of Basel; Freie Akademische Gesellschaft (FAG), Basel (CHF 10'000)

Teaching activities at the University of Fribourg (summarized)

Lectures Clinical Child- and Adolescent Psychology (Psychopathology and Classification); Clinical Psychology I, II

Seminars and Colloquia Regulation disorders, ADHD in children and adults; research colloquia; developmental aspects of insomnia disorders and treatment

Supervision of theses (currently) Master: 35; bachelor: 25 (master and bachelor: co-supervision together with assistants to the chair), doctoral: 8, habilitation:1

Reviewing /Editorial Board

2015 - Editorial Board of Frontiers Psychology: Eating Behavior (Review Editor)

2014 Editorial Board of European Eating Disorders Review

2013 Scientific board of Verhaltenstherapie

2010 - 2012 Co-Editor by Swiss Journal of Psychology (Editors: Fred Mast, Adrian Bangerter

Ad hoc reviewing for (diff. Journals, funding institutions):

Appetite; Behavior Therapy; Behavior Research and Therapy; European Eating Disorders Review; Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy; International Journal of Eating Disorders; Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology; Journal of Health Psychology; Obesity Facts; Psychiatry Research; Kindheit und Entwicklung; Swiss Journal of Psychology; Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie; Zeitschrift für Klinische Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie; Verhaltenstherapie

Swiss National Foundation, SNF; German Research Foundation, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG

(May 2016)