Membership Application

Breeders, exhibitors, and pet owners are invited to become members of the RUSSIAN TSVETNAYA BOLONKA CLUB OF AMERICA. The four categories of membership are Regular, Family,Junior and Foreign.


Youmustbeatleast18yearsold, be in good standing with the AKC and all rare breed show organizations, subscribe to the purposes of the Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka Club of America andownorco‐ownaTsvetnayaBolonkathatis registered with the RTBCA, the AKC,or anacceptableforeignregistry.

FamilyMembership:$30.00.Familymembershipisopentotwo members

livingatthesameaddress.Eachmembermustbeatleast18yearsold, be in good standing with the AKC and all rare breed show organizations, subscribe to the purposes of the Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka Club of Americaandownorco-own a Tsvetnaya Bolonka that is registered with the RTBCA, the AKC, or an acceptable foreign registry

Junior Membership: $15.00. Open to persons ten through seventeen years of age who have demonstrated an interest in the Tsvetnaya Bolonka and the purposes of the Club. Junior members cannot vote or hold office, and do not count when determining a quorum. On reaching the age of eighteen, a junior member may apply to the Club to convert his or her Junior membership to a Regular or Family membership.



quorum.ThemembershipofanyRegularorFamily memberwhonolonger resides in the United States shall automatically convert to a Foreign membership. If the member re‐establishes residence in the United States, the member may change his or her membership back to a Regular or Family membership.

Breeder referral page: Any member who wants a listing on the Breeder Referral Page of the club website must pay an additional fee of $15.00 annually for the listing. The fee is due on January 1 each year for a listing for that year.

Send the completed application with the appropriate dues to:

Robbie Sternlicht

RTBCA Membership Chairman

2712 Bennington Rd.

Fayetteville, NC 28303


Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka Club of America Membership Application




Phone (____)______-______E-mail______


Please place an X in front of each category that applies:

____Pet Owner____Breeder _____ Exhibitor

Type of membership: Regular ______Household ______Junior______Foreign______

Name and Registration Number of each Tsvetnaya Bolonka you own or co-own.

Registered Name Registration Number




List others on the back of this application.

Do you plan to show any of your Tsvetnaya Bolonka? ______

Do you plan to breed your Tsvetnaya Bolonka? ______

What other breeds do you own? ______

Have you bred or shown before? ______

I am interested in: Obedience___ Breeding___ Exhibiting___ Agility___ Other___(describe on back.)

Other dog clubs of which you are or have been a member and the membership length:




Please list any skills or experience you can share with the club:


I am in good standing with all rare breed show organizations and registries as well as the AKC. I agree to abide by the RTBCA Constitution and By-laws.



MEMBERSHIP DUES MUST ACCOMPANY APPLICATION. Please enclose a check or money order in US funds payable to RTBCA

RTBCA Membership Form Rev. January 2016