
Telephone 307-746-4451

Fax 307-746-3289

Dear Parent/Guardian,

As a result of the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), your child can receive extra help in the areas of math, reading, andlanguage arts. This free tutoring service is offered to students whose families meet specific requirements, including income limits under the law. Newcastle Elementary is contacting you because it has been identified as being in School Improvement.

This free tutoring program is called Supplemental Educational Services (SES) and is a federal program defined by NCLB. A list of approved tutoring programs in your area is enclosed and also available on the Wyoming Department of Education website. The attached programs have been approved by the Wyoming Department of Education and can provide your child with tutoring that is coordinated with what is being taught in school. You can choose a free tutoring program that is best for your child.

When deciding which tutoring program is best for your child, you may want to ask the following


  • When and where will the tutoring take place (e.g., school or a community center)?
  • How often and for how many hours in total will your child be tutored?
  • What programs, by grade levels and subject areas, are available for your child?
  • What type of instruction will the tutor use (small group, one-on-one, or


  • What are the tutors’ qualifications?
  • Can the tutor help if your child has disabilities or is learning English?
  • Is transportation available to and from where the tutoring will take place?

If there are cases where more students request tutoring than can be served through available funding, priority will be given to low-performing students as determined by the district.

Please call 307-746-2717 if you have any questions about these services. If you would like to select a tutor now, you can fill out the enclosed provider selection form and mail it back to Newcastle Elementary School in the stamped envelope provided. There will be two enrollment windows for eligible students. The first will run from September 21-October 19, 2015. A second enrollment opportunity will begin January 19, 2015 and end February 2, 2016.

Thank you,

Heidi Stutzman

Asst. Principal

Title1 Coordinator

Enclosures:Approved Provider List

Provider Selection Form





Student’s Name (Printed)



Check the Box that Applies:

My son/daughter WILL participate in the Supplemental Educational Services program as it isdescribed in No Child Left Behind.

  • I am selecting the state-approved provider from the list provided to me.

First Choice: ______.

(State-approved provider’s name)

Second Choice: ______.

(State-approved provider’s name)

Third Choice: ______.

(State-approved provider’s name)

  • I understand that if funds are insufficient to cover the supplemental educational services for all of the students who choose to participate, participation will beprioritized on the basis of academic need as defined by the district.

My son/daughter WILL NOT participate this academic year in the Supplemental EducationalServices program as it is described in No Child Left Behind.


(Signature of parent/guardian) (Date)


(Printed name of parent/guardian) (Contact number)