Volunteer Positions and Requirements
BGC = Background Check SS = SafeSport
Competitive Level:
Head Coach: BGC/SS
- Appointed by Board
- Volunteer hours – full hours
Asst Coach/Goalie Coach: BGC/SS
- Appointed by Head Coach
- Volunteer hours – full hours (approved by Head Coach)
Team Rep: BGC/SS
- Appointed by Secretary of Board
- Volunteer hours – full hours (approved by Head Coach)
Competitive Games – All teams are responsible to fill the following positions: (no volunteer hours are given)
- Time Clock: N/A
- Score Board: N/A
- Penalty Box: BGC
- Locker Room Monitor: BGC/SS
· Must have a player on the team/must be same sex
· Stay in locker room at all times with players/until coach says to step out
· Shift is before and after game
Concession Stand: N/A
- sign up through dibs
- volunteer hours – various (per shift)
I/P (Mite) Level:
Coach: BGC/SS
- Appointed by IP Coordinator
- Volunteer hours – hours various (approved by IP Coordinator)
Team Rep: BGC/SS
- Appointed by Secretary of Board
- Volunteer hours – hours various (approved by IP Coordinator)
Concession Stand: N/A
- sign up through dibs
- volunteer hours – various (per shift)
BGC = Background Check SS = SafeSport
Tournaments – Competitive and I/P :
Time Clock: N/A
- sign up through dibs
- volunteer hours – various (per shift)
Score Board: N/A
- sign up through dibs
- volunteer hours – various (per shift)
Penalty Box: BGC
- sign up through dibs
- volunteer hours – various (per shift)
Music: N/A
- sign up through dibs
- volunteer hours – various (per shift)
Greeter: N/A
- sign up through dibs
- volunteer hours – various (per shift)
Chuck-A-Puck: N/A
- sign up through dibs
- volunteer hours – various (per shift)
Announcer: N/A
- sign up through dibs
- volunteer hours – various (per shift)
Concession Stand: N/A
- sign up through dibs
- volunteer hours – various (per shift)