TarrantCounty Homeless Coalition
1415 E. Lancaster Ave., Fort Worth, TX76102POBOX 471638, Fort Worth, TX 76147-1406
817/509-3635fax 817/509-9089
Training Registration
Eviction Prevention -September 10. 2010
Fort Worth Housing Authority Auditorium 1201 E. 13th St.Fort Worth, TX 76102
Session 1: 8:30 am – 11:30 amSession 2: 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm
(Check- in will begin at 8:00 am for the morning session and 1:00 pm for the afternoon session. Sessions will begin promptly at the designated times.)
This training will feature best practices and insight on devising plans to prevent evictions of clients. Participants’ will learn the following skills and strategies:
- What are the roles of property management and supportive service staff
- Why is it important to provide written notice of lease violations
- What do you do when tenants miss paying rent
- What steps you should take to ensure evictions is the last resort
- Problem-solving before eviction becomes the necessary response
- The steps in the eviction process
The facilitator of this training will be Joyce Grangent, Senior Program Manager at the Atlanta office of the Corporation for Supporting Housing, and nationally-recognized trainer to Supportive Housing agencies and nonprofit organizations working with people to break the cycle of homelessness. Three (3) hours of training and/or .3 CEUs will be available with completion of the training.
Cost: $25.00 ($20.00 for current TCHC Members)
(Lunch will NOT be provided)
- Registration Payment
Check One: Session One (Morning) ORSession Two (Afternoon)
Check One: Check EnclosedCheck will be presented day of event
- Registration Information
Name: ______
Return form via fax, e-mail, or mail by noon on September 8, 2010 to:
Tarrant County Homeless Coalition
P.O. Box 471638
Fort Worth, TX 76147-2458
Fax: (817)509-9089 or e-mail
Please make checks payable to Tarrant County Homeless Coalition.
**Walk-up registration will be on a space-available basis.