Part 1: This part introduces student the perspective of industrial relations, which include;
Chapter 1:Approaches to industrial relations:
- Understand the definitions of industrial relation.
- Understand the different views of employment relationship and the interaction in an industrial relations system; unitary perspective, pluralist perspective, Marxist perspective (their view toward conflict and trade unions), input-output model, system concept, social action approach, control of labor process, human resource management.
- Understand the integral nature of the concepts of conflict, co-operation and regulations.
- Identify the importance and difficulties of comparing industrial relations in different countries and the issue of convergence and divergence in industrial relations.
Industrial Relations
Chapter 2:Context of industrial relations
The important of knowing the context of industrial relations and
understand what constitute the context, which include;
- The industrial relations ‘system’ (roles, relationships, institutions, processes and activities exist in variety of industries and level in organizations).
- Other segments of social activity (economic, social, political and technology).
- Time (for example today’s problem stem from yesterday’s decision, its solution as environments change become a problem in the future). Also to understand attitudes, expectation and relationships manifest by the participants are at least the product of past individual and their collective experiences.
- Mass media, it is important to understand that mass media able to shape attitudes, opinions and expectations. For most people information and knowledge come from media however the media not only reporting but also interpreting issues and present them to public based on their perspectives. Their view able to shape the public opinions.
Chapter 3:Concept and value in industrial relations.
Industrial relations is not an objective science. Therefore
perceptions in industrial relations are individuals and value laden. In
this chapter student is introduced to different concepts and values
that commonly mentioned and argued in industrial relations. The
different concepts and values involve include;
- Fairness and equity.
- Power and authority.
- Individual and collectivism.
- Right and responsibility.
- Integrity and trust.
Part 2: This part introduces the participants in the industrial relations system, which include;
Chapter 4-6:Trade unions
- Understand definition of trade unions and the differences between trade unions and other workers’ association.
- Understand the definition of trade union in Malaysia and its implication and understand the Malaysian Trade Union Act
- Understand the different between trade unions structure and trade union organization.
- Trade unions development: organizational, political and legal development.
- The function of trade unions: power, job regulation, social change, and members services and self fulfilment.
- The union of employers.
Chapter 7: Management
- Understand the different level of managements,
- Strategy developments.
- Management objectives, management styles and management strategies.
- Human resource Management and its issues.
- HRM typology of non-union organization.
- Understand the Malaysia employers’ Association.
Chapter 8:Government
- Understand what constitute government and its relationship with political party.
- The roles and objectives of government related to industrial relations.
- Government intervention and strategies: as market regulator, employer, legislator and conciliator.
- Understanding the role of government in the changing of political and economic of the world and understand how the changes such as the formation of European Union, GATT/WTO affect the industrial relations system of a country.
- Understand the Malaysian Ministry of Human Resource and its Industrial Relations Role
Part 3: This part explains processes involve in industrial relation that include;
Chapter 9:Collective bargaining
- Objective.
- Requirement.
- Structure of collective bargaining.
- Content of collective bargaining.
- Multi employer bargaining.
- Industry or sectoral agreement; advantage, disadvantage.
- Single employer bargaining; advantage, disadvantage.
- Collective agreement (CA).
Chapter 10:Employee involvement and participation
- Understand the different in concept, strategy and form between employee ‘involvement’ and employee ‘participation’.
- Understand the different approach to involvement and participation.
- Understand the concept of industrial democracy.
- Understand the relationship between employee involvement and human resource management HRM.
Chapter 11 and 12:Industrial action Resolution of conflict
a) Industrial action
- Understand the different between trade dispute and industrial action.
- Role and form of industrial action.
- Function of industrial action.
- Strike indices.
b) Understand the process of;
- Mediation.
- Conciliation and
- Arbitration.
c) Relationship to collective bargaining.
c) Government policy objective.
Part 4: Explain the practices involved in industrial relation system which include:
Chapter 13: Negotiation
- Essential characteristic of negotiation.
- Power in negotiation.
- Perceived relative bargaining advantage.
- Understand the model of negotiation behaviour.
- Task and skill of negotiator.
- Negotiation encounter.
- Negotiator–response to goal conflict.
- Negotiation convention.
Chapter 15: Grievance, discipline and redundancy procedures
- Understand the grievance process.
- Typology of employee expression of dissatisfaction: complaint, grievance, trade dispute.
- Grievance policy, grievance procedure, grievance interview
- Understand the Malaysian Context
- Disciplinary process.
- Unfair dismissal
- Discipline policy, discipline procedure and discipline interview
- Understand the Malaysian Context
- Understand the meaning of redundancy:
- Management and union.
- Redundancy–legal framework.
- Step in handling redundancy.
- Handling redundancy-issues.
- Understand the Malaysian Context