Held at 14:30 hours, March 16, 2011
In Attendance: Jim Bailey, Gina Bennett, Pauline Bennison, Jason Colombo, David Dick, Bev Evanchu, Rusty Gahr, Karen Langan, Adam MacDonald, Lil McPhail, Wendy Panchyshyn, Aurora Poole, Shahida Rashid, Nick Rubidge, Hilary Segarty, Norma Sherret, Doris Silva
Regrets: Doug McLachlan, Marilyn Petersen, Kevin Szol, Kelsey Voysey
1. Agenda
1.1 Introduction of new member
Jim welcomed Shahida Rashid, Manager, College Library Services, to Education Council. Round table introductions were made.
1.2 Amendments - None
1.3 Approval – The agenda was approved as presented.
2. Confirmation of the Minutes
Moved by MacDONALD, seconded by EVANCHU to accept the minutes of February 16, 2011 as presented. CARRIED.
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
3.1 Policy 2.5.5 Flexible Assessment
This policy has been approved by the Executive Committee and will be presented to the College Planning Committee on April 13th. It will then come back to EdCo in April for final approval.
Discussion followed on where we go from here. Strategies will need to be developed for communicating the Flexible Assessment policy to faculty and students with the development of a website or an orientation package or a one pager for distribution. Pauline suggested a short presentation be given during PD days in May to those interested faculty. Also we should make some of our community aware, like Columbia Basin Trust, KRIC and Community Futures. Adam noted that he had recently visited the University of Lethbridge and they do not appear to have a policy like this.
4. New Business
4.1 CASC Recommendations
Moved by BENNETT, seconded by PANCHYSHYN that EdCo approve the recommendations of CASC to approve the course outlines for HKIN 154; MKTG 385 and OFAD 285; also the program outline for AEWS. CARRIED.
5. Reports
5.1 Chair’s Report
Jim reported that the next meeting of the Academic Governance Council will be held at the end of April.
5.2 Vice President Education Report – No report
5.3 Committee Reports
· Awards Committee
Doris reminded everyone that the Awards Ceremony will take place on April 6, 2011, 3:30 pm in the Lecture Theatre.
· Curriculum & Articulation Standing Committee (CASC)
· Articulation Report for CASC
CASC has requested that the bimonthly Articulation Report be forwarded to Education Council on a regular basis. Karen will ensure that Nancy has an electronic copy to send with the agenda.
· Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition Committee
In light of the Flexible Assessment Policy being created, this committee will no longer regularly report to Edco but could continue to meet as a committee.
· Classroom & Information Technology Committee
Gina reported that the committee met on February 28th and will be going forward with a survey of faculty regarding their educational technical needs.
· Program Planning Committee
The next meeting will be held April 13th, 2011.
6. Correspondence - None
7. Information
Nick provided background on the new cabinet sworn in this week by the Lieutenant-Governor. The new Minister of Advanced Education is Naomi Yamamoto and Nick has extended an invitation to her to visit us. Minister Yamamoto served on the Board of Governors at Capilano University for six years.
8. Next Meeting: - 2:30 p.m., April 20, 2011
9. Adjournment
Dr. James Bailey, Chair