
Minutes of the Meeting

of the Board of Trustees of

Orlando Church of Christ, Inc.

A Florida Nonprofit Religious Corporation

Mission Statement

In view of God’s grace and mercy, we devote ourselves

to loving God, His word, His people and His mission.


Time, Place and Attendance

The Board of Trustees of the Orlando Church of Christ, Inc. was duly convened and held a regular meeting at the time, on the day, and at the place set forth as follows:

Time:6:00 p.m., Local Time

Date: Thursday, December15, 2016

Place: Orlando Church of Christ Multipurpose Facility

2400 South Goldenrod Road

Orlando, FL 32822

The following Board members were present: Brandon Redler, Eddie Francis, Lisa Powell,Doug Kelly, Richard Runge and Reggie Price. JP Tynes attended the meeting. Jeff Sabotin chaired the meeting. Lucas Morriswas not present.


Call to Order and Quorum

Jeff Sabotindetermined a quorum was present and called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m.


Review of Minutes

Eddie Francis moved for the approval of the minutes from the November17, 2016 Board Meeting. Reggie Price seconded the motion. Motion unanimously carried.

The chair introduced the Agenda (attached)for the meeting.


Report on Action Items

  1. All Trustees – review/edit of assigned chapters from Minimum Standards [Corporate, Financial, and Risk Management Policies and Procedures Applicable to Church Operations] Use centralized google document for editing.
    - Lisa Powellsent email out list to all board members on November 29th, 2016.
    - Board needs to continue this until completedPage 6, Action Item 1
  2. Jeff Sabotin – Add the instructions for Text Giving through the ACS System on the Church website.
    - The instructions are on the website. No further action required
    Discussion took place on allowing non-members to give online.
    - Jeff Sabotin will see if it is possible for non-members to give via text giving.Page 6, Action Item 2
  3. Jeff Sabotin – Work with Aneda Price to determine costs of upgrading to ACS Realm.
    Jeff Sabotin provided information on some of the new features/benefits of the Realm software.
    - Jeff Sabotin provided a comparison of costs between ACS Pay Plus and Realm.
    - Reggie Price moved to approve upgrading to ACS Realm. Richard Runge seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
    - No further board action required
  4. Eddie Francis – Continue to work with Aysha Pizarro to upload older redacted minutes.
    - Eddie Francis will continue working to get older minutes up on web sitePage 6, Action Item 3
  5. Eddie Francis – Contact Mike and Cindy Morris about Teen Camp write off to get their feedback and find out how the balances due will be handled in the future.
    Discussion took place again on writing off unpaid Teen Camp fees from prior years.
    - Richard Runge willcontact Mike and/or Cindy via email. Page 6, Action Item 4
  6. Doug Kelly – submit the special exception in December and provide update and bring proposal for drive way application traffic study.
    - Doug submitted the special exception in December and it is in the system with the county.
    - Doug Kelly will provide an update at the January meeting. Page 6, Action Item 5
  1. Lisa Powell - check with Mike and Cindy Morris to find out what their position is on having cameras in the Kingdom Kids classrooms.
    - Lisa Powell contacted Cindy Morris and provided the following feedback:
    Cindy Morris recommends that the Orlando Church continues to stringently follow the current Kingdom Kids Policies and Procedures to ensure the safety of the children in the classroom. The current policies have safeguards in place such as having at least 2 teachers in the room at all times, having children signed in and out, having teachers sign in and out, and making sure that all rooms have a window or an open door. Due to the nature of renting space (in schools or other facilities) in some of the regions, it would be difficult to implement a camera policy in rented spaces. In addition to the Kingdom Kids policies and procedures, Orlando Church staff and elders share in the input and responsibility of keeping the children safe in other situations (i.e. when membership groups are meeting in the church building while youth and family ministry groups are there also).
    - Cindy Morris also felt that any leader involved with the use of the building on a regular basis should express their opinion on this as well.
    - No further Board action required.
  2. JP Tynes - meet with elders and discuss potential changes in insurance (after numbers are run to see if savings could be obtained with changes to deductibles etc.) and potential staff changes before final budget can be created. See notes Section VII item a.
    - No further Board action required.
  3. Eddie Francis – work with Aneda Price and obtain additional bids from other cleaning companies and get additional bids with different cleaning frequencies.
    - Eddie Francis provided several estimates from companies varying in cleaning frequency and cost.
    - Reggie Price moved to contract with Vanguard Cleaning Systems for 1 time a week during the day at a cost of $275 per month. Doug Kelly seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
    - No further Board action required.


Review Financial Statements

JP Tynes presented the preliminary budget for 2017 and 2016 Projection through November. Discussion took place on questions on some items that are in the preliminary budget and line item numbering correction.

A finalized budget for 2017 will be presented to the Board at the January meeting prior to the All Church service/Financial Meeting. Page 6, Action item 6


Review Policies & Procedures

Board members will continue to review assigned items and update google doc. Page 6, Action item 1


Items/Resolutions for


  1. 2017 Health Benefits–Discussion on BCBS health plans available for 2017. To keep a plan similar to last year would be almost a 45% increase in premiums.
    - Lisa Powell moved that the board approved offering BCBS 16452 (plan A) and that church employees could pay the difference for BCBS 16202 (plan B) to cover some out of network costs. Brandon Redler seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
    - No additional Board action required.
  1. 2017 Housing Allowance Resolution – Brandon Redler moved to approve the housing allowance designation. Richard Runge seconded the motion. Eddie Francis abstained from voting. The motion carried unanimously.
    - No additional Board action required.
  2. 2017 Budget–JP presented preliminary budget. Changes were recommended for expenses (i.e. include So/SW ministry).
  1. Space Coast Funds Disbursement– When the initial presentation was made to the church the $150,000 was collected for the purpose of supporting the Space Coast Church.
    - Brandon Redler moved that the balance of the $150,000 collected to support the formation of the Space Coast Church minus expenses to date at the time of the establishment of Space Coast Church 501c3 status be transferred to Space Coast Church. Reggie Price seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
    - No additional Board action required.
  2. 2017 Special Missions Resolution –Special Missions Contribution Resolution for 2017 was signed by all Board members present.
    - No additional Board action required.


Risk Assessment

  1. Outstanding items –[Redacted]
  2. Waivers – None reported
  3. Additional Discussion – No fireworks during New Years Eve celebration or at any other time. No alcohol to be served on premises at any time.


Board Training

Nothing new to report.


Officer records all discussion, votes and Resolutions


Schedule Next Meeting of the Board

The next meeting of the Board will be held on January 19, 2017, at 6:00 pm at the Orlando Church of Christ Multipurpose Facility.


Adjourn the Meeting

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:09 p.m. Reggie Price moved to adjourn the meeting. Brandon Redlerseconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Doug Kelly closed with a prayer.

Action Items for next scheduled

meeting for January19, 2017

  1. All Trustees – review/edit of assigned chapters from Minimum Standards [Corporate, Financial, and Risk Management Policies and Procedures Applicable to Church Operations] Use centralized google document for editing.
    Board – continue updates/edits until completed. Section IV, item 1
  1. Jeff Sabotin– Add the instructions for Text Giving through the ACS System on the Church website. Section IV, item 2
  1. Eddie Francis – Continue to work with Aysha Pizarro to upload older redacted minutes.Section IV, item 4
  1. Richard Runge – Contact Mike and Cindy Morris about Teen Camp write off to get their feedback and find out how the balances due will be handled in the future.Section IV, item 5
  1. Doug Kelly – Status report on the special exception.Section IV, item 6
  1. JP Tynes – present 2017 Budget to Board at January meeting. Section V

Agenda for the Meeting

of the Board of Trustees of

Orlando Church of Christ, Inc.

A Florida Nonprofit Religious Corporation

Mission Statement

In view of God’s grace and mercy, we devote ourselves

to loving God, His word, His people and His mission.

December15, 2016

  1. Call to Order
  1. Corporate Secretary Determines whether Quorum is Present
  1. Review Minutes from Previous Meeting
  1. Report on Action Items
  1. Review Financial Statements
  1. Review Policies & Procedures
  1. Items/Resolutions for Discussion/Ratification/Approval
  1. 2017 Health Benefits
  2. 2017 Housing Allowance Resolution
  3. 2017 Budget
  4. Space Coast Funds Disbursement
  5. 2017 Special Missions Resolution
  1. Risk Assessment
  1. Outstanding Items
  1. Board Training
  1. Officer records all discussions, votes and resolutions
  1. Schedule date and time for next meeting
  1. Adjourn the meeting

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