27800 Longhill Drive
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
“a place in the sun”
September 2016
Dear Parents/Guardians of Fifth Grade Students,
We are now preparing for this year’s trip to the Los Angeles County Outdoor Science School. Our fifth graders are scheduled to attend from Monday, October 24 through Friday, October 28. This program allows our fifth grade students and teachers to attend Outdoor Science School which, again this year, will be at Wrightwood Outdoor Science School. This highly acclaimed program is operated and staffed by the Los Angeles County Department of Education of which Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District is a member. During their stay in Wrightwood, students will have the opportunity to learn about the water cycle, plant life, ecology, geology, and a host of other science related topics that are embedded in the California Standards for Science. We are pleased that we can, once again, offer this wonderful experience to our students.
The cost of the program this year will again be $385.00. This fee covers the cost of the transportation, lodging, meals, instruction, and supervision. This is an opportunity that none of our students should miss.
Outdoor Science School is an opportunity for enrichment. We do not want any students to be excluded due to the lack of funds. Please contact me if you have any question about participation.
In order for your child to attend, you will need to complete the attached registration form. Please be sure to fill in any information regarding prescription medication or allergies. In addition, make sure that you have signed in all of the designated places and checked the appropriate boxes for non-prescription medications. These forms and your check for $385.00 (check made out to SOLEADO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL) will be collected by your child’s teacher on Thursday, September 29.
We look forward to the adventures your child will share as they acquire a deeper understanding of the natural world around them. Please feel free to contact either your child’s teacher or myself if you should have any questions about Outdoor Science School.
Gina Stutzel