Coat of Arms Project

In the Middle Ages during the 12th century, knights began to wear armor.They soon discovered that during wars and tournaments, they could not recognize friend from foe. As a result, markings were painted on knights’ shields since it was the largest piece of equipment the knights had, and it was easily seen from far away. Over time, shields’ designs became enduring symbols of their owners and their owners’ families.


Design a coat of arms about you using the following information so that your friends would recognize it as being yours.

Step 1: Choose a blank coat of arms template. You can design your own by dividing it up with lines or using one Ms. Rosales has provided for you.

Step 2:Choose your charges (symbols or figures)! You must have a total of four from the list below (you can include at least other modern day symbol):

  • agile- leopard
  • ambitious- snake
  • beauty- peacock, butterfly
  • bravery- griffin, unicorn, lion, tiger, dragon, swords, horns and antlers
  • clever/wise- fox, grasshopper, cubes, dice, crescent
  • decisiveness- lightning
  • dutiful/obedient- axe
  • faith- hand
  • enthusiasm- falcon, hawk, fire
  • grace- mermaid
  • hard-working- bees, camel
  • honest & truthful- heart
  • imposing- crown
  • intelligent- eagle
  • invincible- boar
  • kind- pelican
  • leader- eagle, crown, bridge
  • loyal- dog, wolf, horse, ring, heart
  • peace & harmony- stag, elk, deer, moon
  • protective- tower
  • regal- swan
  • ruthless- falcon
  • strong- bear
  • traveler- oyster shell
  • trustworthy- raven, gold circle
  • vigilance- griffin

Step 3: Choose your mark of cadency that tells the order in which you were born in your family. You must include your mark on your shield!

Step 4:Choose your tinctures (colors), and you must choose at least two! These shields were meant to be seen from a distance and clearly read. Make sure that you use contrasting colors (for example- do not use orange and yellow).

  • black- constancy or grief
  • blue- truth and loyalty
  • gold or yellow- generosity
  • green- hope, joy, and loyalty in love
  • maroon- patient in battle and yet victorious
  • orange- worthy ambition
  • purple- royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice
  • red- brave, warrior or martyr; military strength
  • silver and white- peace and sincerity

Step 5: Create your motto! This appears on your coat of arms and would normally be three words describing why the knight would be a good ally. Think of three words (or it could be a saying) that sum up your strengths.

Motto: ______