EMDR International Association Executive Limitations

Policy Type: Executive Limitations

Policy Title: Global Executive Limitation

POLICY NO. 1.0DATE OF ADOPTION: 5/17/03; 6/26/05; 7/15/07; 8/24/11

The Executive Director shall not cause or allow any practice, activity, decision, or organizational circumstance

that is unlawful, imprudent, or in violation of commonly accepted business practices and professional ethics.

This policy section includes the following:

1.1 Treatment of EMDRIA Consumers

1.2 Treatment of Staff

1.3 Financial Planning and Budgeting

1.4 Financial Condition and Activities

1.5 Emergency Executive Director Succession

1.6 Asset Protection

1.7 Compensation and Benefits

1.8 Communication and Support to the Board

1.9 EMDRIA Foundation

1.10 EMDRIA Credit Programs

Policy Type: Executive Limitations

Policy No. 1.1 Treatment of EMDRIA Consumers

DATE OF ADOPTION: 5/17/03; 9/10/08; 9/28/10; 8/24/11

With respect to interactions with EMDRIA consumers, the Executive Director shall not cause or allow conditions, procedures, or decisions that are unsafe, undignified, unprofessional,untimely, unnecessarily intrusive, or that fail to provide appropriate confidentiality or privacy.

1.1The Executive Director shall not:

1.1AElicit information for which there is no clear necessity.

1.1BFail to protect member information against improper access to the material elicited.

1.1CFail to provide a reasonable level of privacy, both visual and auditory in the conduct of EMDRIA business.

1.1DFail to administer programs efficiently and adequately manage risk.

1.1EOperate without taking reasonable steps to encourage the involvement of EMDRIA members in the organization.

1.1F.Operate without encouraging membership diversity and involvement of diverse members.

1.1G.Operate without informing EMDRIA members of this policy, and without providing a complaint response process to those who believe they have not been accorded a reasonable interpretation of their protections under this policy. (See Appendix 1A)

Policy Type: Executive Limitations

Policy NO 1.2 Treatment of Staff

DATE OF ADOPTION: 5/17/03; 3/20/04; 4/25/10

With respect to the treatment of paid and volunteer staff, the Executive Director may not cause or allow conditions that are unfair, unsafe, arbitrary, undignified or unprofessional.

1.2The Executive Director shall not:

1.2AOperate without ensuring employees are provided with written personnel policies that clarify personnel rules for staff, provide for effective handling of grievances, and protect against wrongful conditions.

1.2A.iOperate without written policies that clarify the association’s expectations with respect to employee use of technology and protection of confidential information

1.2BRetaliate or allow retaliation against an employee for non-disruptive, internal expression of dissent, or for reporting to management or to the Board of Directors (per the process for handling of grievances in the personnel policies) acts or omissions by EMDRIA personnel, management or the Board of Directors that the employee believes, in good faith and based on credible information, constitutes a violation of state or federal law or a governing policy of the Board.

1.2B.i.Staff may not be prevented from taking a grievance to the board when (1) internal procedures have been exhausted, and (2) the employee alleges that board policy has been violated.

Policy Type: Executive Limitations

Policy NO. 1.3 Financial Planning and Budgeting

DATE OF ADOPTION: 5/17/03; 3/20/04; 1/20/07; 7/15/07; 4/25/10; 9/28/10

Financial planning for any fiscal year or the remaining part of any fiscal year shall not deviate materially from the board’s Ends priorities, risk fiscal jeopardy, or fail to be derived from a multiyear plan.

1.3The Executive Director shall not allow budgeting that:

1.3ARisks incurring those situations or conditions described as unacceptable in the “Financial Conditions and Activities” Board policy.

1.3BContains too little information to enable credible projection of revenues and expenses, separation of capital and operational items, cash flow, and disclosure of planning assumptions.

1.3CPlans the expenditure in any fiscal year of more funds than are conservatively projected to be received in that period except to the extent that actual income has exceeded actual expenses in the two preceding fiscal years.

1.3DReduces the current assets at any time to less than twice current liabilities or allows cash, excluding long-term reserves, to drop below a safety reserve of less than an amount equal to one quarter of one year’s operating funds.

1.3D.i. When one quarter of one year’s operating fund is achieved, this percentage will be increased to one third of one year’s operating fund, and eventually, one half of one year’s operating fund.

1.3EProvides less for Board prerogatives during the year than is set forth in the Cost of Governance policy including reimbursement of required Board travel-related prudent expenses, including transportation, lodging, meals, and other prudent expenses related to Board required activities.

Policy Type: Executive Limitations

Policy 1.4 Financial Condition and Activities

DATE OF ADOPTION: 5/17/03; 3/20/04; 6/26/05; 6/25/06; 9/25/07; 4/25/10

With respect to the actual, ongoing financial conditions and activities, the Executive Director shall not cause or allow the development of fiscal jeopardy or a material deviation of actual expenditures from board priorities established in Ends policies.

1.4The Executive Director shall not:

1.4AExpend more funds than have been received in the fiscal year to date unless the liquidity provisions (1.4.B below) are met.

1.4A.iThe Executive Director shall not indebt the organization in an amount greater than can be repaid by certain, otherwise unencumbered revenue within 120 days.

1.4BConduct interfund shifting in amounts greater than can be restored to a condition of discrete fund balances by certain, otherwise unencumbered revenue within thirty days.

1.4COperate without settlingpayroll obligations and payables in a timely manner.

1.4DAllow tax payments or other government-ordered payments or filings to be overdue or

inaccurately filed.

1.4EMake any unbudgeted singular purchase or commitment of greater than $5,000.

1.4FAcquire, encumber, or dispose of real property.

1.4GOperate without aggressively pursuing material receivables after a reasonable grace period.

1.4H. Operate without adequate internal controls over receipts and disbursements to avoid unauthorized payments or material dissipation of assets

Policy Type: Executive Limitations

Policy NO. 1.5 Emergency Executive Director Succession

DATE OF ADOPTION: 5/17/03; 3/20/04

In order to protect the Board from sudden loss of Executive Director services, the Executive Director may have no less than one other member of the management team sufficiently familiar with Board and Executive Director issues and processes to take over with reasonable proficiency as an interim successor.

Policy Type: Executive Limitations

Policy NO. 1.6 Asset Protection

DATE OF ADOPTION: 5/17/03; 3/20/04; 6/26/05; 7/15/07; 4/25/10

The Executive Director shall not allow the Association’s assets to be unprotected, inadequately maintained, or unnecessarily risked. Assets will include, but are not limited to, financial, material, intellectual, and image of the organization.

1.6The Executive Director shall not:

1.6AAllow the Association to be uninsured against theft, liability, and/or casualty losses to at least 80 percent of replacement value and against liability losses to Board members, staff, and the organization itself in an amount greater than the average for comparable organizations.

1.6BAllow unbonded personnel access to material amounts of funds, or allow the Association to be uninsured against employee theft and dishonesty.

1.6CMake any purchase (1) wherein normally prudent protection has not been given against conflict of interest; (2) of over $2000 without having obtained comparative prices and quality; (3) of over $5000 without a stringent method of assuring the balance of long-term quality and cost.

1.6DReceive, process, or disburse funds under controls that are insufficient to meet the Board-approved auditor’s standards.

1.6EInvest or hold operating capital in insecure instruments, including uninsured checking accounts and bonds of less than AA rating, or in non-interest bearing accounts except when necessary to facilitate ease in operational transactions.

1.6FSubject property and equipment to improper wear and tear or insufficient


1.6F.iFail to budget for the replacement of appropriate depreciated assets.

1.6GAllow intellectual property, information, and files to be exposed to loss, improper accessor significant damage, or operate without maintaining documents and records in accordance with a Records Retention Schedule approved by legal counsel.

1.6HFail to establish and convey to Board and senior staff disaster/emergency management plans.

1.6IOperating without employing risk management practices to minimize exposure of the organization, its Board, or its staff to claims of liability.

1.6JEndanger the organization’s public image or credibility, particularly in ways that would hinder its accomplishment of mission.

Policy Type: Executive Limitations

Policy NO. 1.7 Compensation and Benefits

DATE OF ADOPTION: 5/17/03; 3/20/04; 9/25/07; 1/19/08; 4/25/10; 1/30/11

With respect to employment, compensation, and benefits to employees, consultants, contract workers, and volunteers, the Executive Director shall not cause or allow jeopardy to the Association’s fiscal integrity or public image.

1.7 The Executive Director shall not:

1.7APromise or imply anything other than “at-will” employment.

1.7BEstablish current compensation and benefits that deviate materially from the geographic or professional market for the skills employed.

1.7CPertaining to consultants and contract vendors, create obligations over a longer term than revenues can be safely projected.

1.7DEstablish or change retirement benefits so as to cause situations that are unpredictable for the Association or inequitable for employees.

POLICY TYPE: EXECUTIVE LIMITATIONSPolicy No. 1.8 Communication and Support to the Board

DATE OF ADOPTION: 5/17/03; 6/26/05; 6/25/06; 7/15/07; 7/13/08

The Executive Director shall not permit the Board to be uninformed or unsupported in its work.

1.8 The Executive Director shall not:

1.8ANeglect to send monitoring reports (including ED interpretations of board policies being monitored, as well as relevant data) required by the Board (see policy on Monitoring Executive Performance) in a timely, accurate, complete and understandable fashion...

1.8BLet the Board be unaware of relevant trends (e.g., changes in membership such as total, types, etc.; changes in demographics of members; macro trends such as overall trends in membership in associations) and material external and internal changes. Notification of planned internal changes is to be provided in advance, when feasible.

1.8CFail to inform the Board if, in the Executive Director’s opinion, the Board is not in compliance with its own policies on Governance Process and Board-Executive Director linkage, particularly in the case of Board behavior that is detrimental to the work relationship between the Board and the Executive Director.

1.8DFail to marshal for the Board as many staff and external points of view, issues, and options as needed for fully informed board choices.

1.8EPresent information in unnecessarily complex or lengthy form or in a form that fails to differentiate among information of three types: monitoring, decision preparation, and other.

1.8FFail to provide a mechanism for official intra board, officer, or committee communications, and for external communications between the Board and the membership as requested bythe Board in its Ownership Linkage concerns.

1.8GFail to deal with the Board as a whole except when fulfilling individual requests for

information or responding to officers or committees duly charged by the Board.

1.8HFail to report in a timely manner an actual or anticipated non-compliance with any policy of the Board.

1.8IFail to supply for the Consent Agenda, 2 weeks prior to the Board meeting, all items delegated to the Executive Director, yet required by law or third-party to be Board-approved, along with the applicable monitoring information.

1.8JFail to provide a financial statement to the Board on a quarterly basis

1.8K Fail to inform the Board of the status of the EMDRIA Foundation finances on a quarterly basis, untiltheFoundation becomes self-supporting.



The Executive Director shall not fail to support and direct the EMDRIA Foundation during the Foundation’s formative period (until self-supporting), providing appropriate time and assets for the development of the EMDRIA Foundation without jeopardizing the assets of EMDRIA.



The Executive Director shall not fail to approve programs for EMDRIA Credit that adhere to the EMDRIA Definition of EMDR (Appendix 1A).

1.10The Executive Director shall not:

1,10AFail to ensure that programs with modifications to the definition justify those modifications with appropriate literature review and/or scholarly consensus and/or empirical research in order to receive EMDRIA Credits.