Cradle Tracks
The intention of this website is to provide information on all the important bush tracks that walkers use to access the more remote parts of Tasmania. The information provided should be enough to plan bushwalks and be able to located the track in the bush.
There are many walking guides that detail walk suggestions but there are no guides that provide a complete inventory of tracks in a particular area. Topographic maps often don’t show the tracks and general knowledge of tracks amongst walkers is diminishing. As a result tracks are becoming over grown and some have disappeared, restricting access to some remote areas. This website attempts to fill the gap.
If you would like to contribute, update or correct any information on this website, send an email to
More information is required for everything highlighted in yellow, in particular for the Riggs Pass and Maryland Track.
Tracks within the Cradle Mountain area are mostly well maintained, described and mapped and it is not the intention of this website to duplicate this effort, except for a few exceptions. For good information on tracks in the Pencil Pine, Lake Dove, Lake Rodway areas and for the Overland Track and its major side tracks, including tracks to Cradle Mountain, Barn Bluff, Old Pelion, Mt. Oakleigh, Pelion East and Mt Ossa refer to Chapman, J and M. and Siseman, J. (1998). Cradle Mountain Lake St Clair and Walls of Jerusalem National Parks.
Name /Ossie’s Track
Purpose / Provides access to Reynolds Falls, originally cut by Ossie Ellis and Laurie Wootton in 1979Location / Between Fleece Creek and Reynolds Falls on the Vale River.
Grid reference (AGD 66) / Fleece Creek 407170E, 5394640N; Reynolds Falls 400280E, 5393450N (Determine by using a 1:25000 Topo map)
Type and condition / Well worn and cut track through rainforest. First part to Pandani Creek follows a disused vehicle track.
Signage / None
Height difference
Walking time
Route description / From Cradle Lodge, cross the creek on the foot bridge immediately southwest of the lodge car park and take the track to the west through rainforest to Speeler Plain (formerly Fury Plains), continue west across the plain following snow poles to a fork in the foot track, the southern branch (a disused vehicle track) is the start of Ossie’s Track. After 600m track crosses Fleece Creek, after another 1.5km track crosses Pandani Creek. Track ends at the Vale River near Reynolds Falls.
Map reference / Shown on Tasmap 1:100,000 Map Sophia Edition 5 (1992) and Australian Geographic Map “ The Overland Track” (1993).
Further reference / Hobart Walking Club (1991). The Tasmanian Tramp, Number 28. pp.27-31.
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Speeler Plains Track
Purpose / Disused vehicle track that can be used to access Mt RemusLocation / Speeler Plains
Grid reference (AGD 66) / Northern end 407860E, 5394900N; Southern end 402450E, 5390620N (Determine by using a 1:25000 Topo Map)
Type and condition / Faint
Signage / None
Height difference / 8.5km
Walking time
Route description / From Cradle Lodge, cross the creek on the foot bridge immediately southwest of the lodge car park and take the track to the west through rainforest to Speeler Plain, continue west across the plain following snow poles until you cross a faint pad on a high point of the plains at 407950E, 5394560N. This is the Speeler Plains Track that starts 350m north of here. The track traverses the tops of Speeler Plains to the south.
Map reference / Refer to Tasmap 1:25000 scale map sheet, Pencil Pine.
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Penguin – Cradle Trail
Purpose / An extension of the Overland Track to the north coast at PenguinLocation / Between Cradle Lodge, Pencil Pine and Penguin and crossing Speeler Plains, traversing the Black Bluff Range, Levens Canyon and Dial Ranges.
Grid reference (AGD 66) / Pencil Pine 410640E, 5394510N; Penguin Beach (Determine by using 1:25000 Topo Maps)
Type and condition / Well marked track
Signage / Walking Track signs on Montgomery Road Penguin
Height difference
Walking time
Route description / From Cradle Lodge, cross the creek on the foot bridge immediately southwest of the lodge car park and take the track to the west through rainforest to Speeler Plain, continue west across the plain following snow poles. From Penguin, starting at the beach, head for one of the railway crossings on Main Street. Either crossing intersects Crescent Street which should be followed around to Ironcliffe Road; follow it south for 2.8km to Montgomery Road. 400m down Montgomery Road the start of the track is on your right with parking on the left. Commence walking south from the “Walking Tracks” sign, and after 120m Myrtle Creek is crossed. For more see the route route guide that is downloadable from the NWWC website.
Map reference / Special maps published by North West Walking Club
Further reference / North West Walking Club website
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Mount Kate Logging Track
Purpose / Once a logging track, now used to climb the Unnamed Hill (1086m) south of Mt. Kate. From this this hill, Mt Kate is easily reached through low and sometimes thick shrubbery.Location / South side of Mt. Kate, Cradle Mountain National Park
Grid reference (GDA 94) / Near Lodges Ronny Creek, 412618E, 5390126N; Major Track Junction 413122E, 5390860N; Unnamed Hill, 413193E, 5390860N. (Determine using
Type and condition / A former logging track, very well clear, topmost section is narrow track. Somewhat confusing, so keep alert, but generally easy grade although steep-ish in places. The start is by no means obvious, but by following your nose and these directions the track becomes well defined.
Signage / None. Look for the ‘river bed’ that is actually an ex-logging road below the Lodges. Also watch for where the old logging road deviates right (413122E, 5390144N (GDA94)), this heads up a valley rather than Mt Kate.
Height difference / 1.7km long
250m elevation rise
Walking time / 1 hour
Route description / Start by crossing Ronny Creek south of Ronny Creek Car Park, follow ‘duck boarded’ track toward Mt. Kate House and Blandfordia Lodge. Before the lodges, you will see a (usually dry) river bed/ road when looking towards Cradle Mountain. Follow this parallel from the road for a short distance before it begins heading uphill. Continue uphill following the before mentioned watercourse, where you will begin to pick up cairns and old tapes. After several hundred metres if the tapes are followed properly you will find yourself on the easy to follow track to the top of the Unnamed Hill (1086m). Mt. Kate is visible to the north. This track is good for accessing Mt. Kate.
Map reference / Tasmap 1:25000 Cradle and Pencil Pine sheets. Part of the track is shown on the Pencil Pine sheet. The roads are shown poorly on
Further reference / Wilkinson, B. (Ed.) (1994) The Abels, Tasmania’s Mountains Over 1100m High,Vol. 1. Tasmanian Outdoors Collection, Launceston.
Information correct to / 2011-12-11
Supplied by / Marco D’Alessandro
Name /
Little Horn Track
Purpose / To access the summit of Little HornLocation / Cradle Mountain, Cradle Mountain National Park
Grid reference (GDA94) / Face Track, 413606E, 5385847N (Determine using
Type and condition / This track was once marked and maintained by Parks, nowadays it is still well defined but little used compared to The Face Track. The track is steep, lightly overgrown, some scrambling up small ledges.
Signage / None, but if you keep your eyes peeled once you are facing the north facing slopes of Little Horn you will find the track.
Height difference / 200m
300m climb
Walking time / 30mins
Route description / Starts from the Face Track, just before the Face Track descends to the Lake Rodway Track Junction. There are two minor tracks that head east from the Face Track, both go to the Little Horn Summit. The eastern most is the most scenic and least steep, the western route ascends the big gully on the north face of Little Horn, the eastern route meets this further up. (There is also a route that comes up from the Weindorfers Tower saddle, but this is much harder.).
Map reference / Not shown on maps. Refer to Tasmap 1:25000 Cradle sheet.
Further reference
Information correct to / 2011-12-11
Supplied by / Marco D’Alessandro
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Pelion West Track
Purpose / Provides access to Mt Pelion WestLocation
Grid reference (AGD 66) / (Determine by using 1:25000 Topo Maps)
Type and condition
Height difference
Walking time
Route description
Map reference
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Thetis Track
Purpose / Provides access to Paddy’s Nut and Mt. ThetisLocation / Pelion Plains
Grid reference (AGD 66) / Overland Track 419300E, 5368400N; Paddys Nut 418450E, 5365200N (Determine by using 1:25000 Topo Maps)
Type and condition / Worn pad through heath land
Signage / Old track markers nailed to trees start approximately 50m from Overland Track
Height difference / 3.5km
Walking time / 1.5 hour
Route description / The beginning of the track is a bit disguised. You can find it 200m west of a tributary of Douglas Creek, after you emerge from thicker vegetation into an open flat area of Eucalypt vegetation look for faint pads heading south. Markers start after about 50m.
Map reference / Tasmap 1:25000 scale map Achilles
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Forth Valley Track
Purpose / Originally used as an access track to Pelion Plains from the Wolfram mine at the head of the Forth Valley, 22km from Lemonthyme Power Station along a disused road. The road is now impassable. And makes this access track unfeasible. However, the track can now be used to visit the forests and mine in the upper parts of the valley as a day trip from Pelion.Location / Forth Valley and Pelion Plains
Grid reference (AGD 66) / Old Pelion Hut 419800E, 5368850N; Wolfram mine 419300E, 5374400N (Determine using a 1:100000 Topo Map)
Type and condition
Height difference / 6.5km
Walking time / 6 hours
Route description / From Old Pelion Hut, cross Douglas Creek and follow track across a old mining scar to the edge of the Forth Valley, track drops steeply into a magnificent tall forest before ending at the Wolfram Mine.
Map reference / Tasmap 1:25000 scale Achilles and Will
Further reference / Siseman, J. and Chapman, J (1984). Cradle Mountain National Park and Frenchman’s Cap - Walls of Jerusalem.
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Marions Lookout Track, Crater Lake Track, Horse Track, Cradle Mountain summit, Barn Bluff, Lake Will, Mt Ossa, D'Alton Falls and Fergusson Falls, Hartnett Falls
Grid reference (AGD 66) / (Determine by using 1:25000 Topo Maps)
Type and condition
Height difference
Walking time
Route description
Map reference
Further reference /
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Overland Track
Grid reference (AGD 66) / (Determine by using 1:25000 Topo Maps)
Type and condition
Height difference
Walking time
Route description
Map reference
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Web version of the table
Cradle Tracks
Forth Valley Track
Barn Bluff Side Track
Crater Lake Track
Cradle Mountain Summit Track
D'Alton and Fergusson Falls Side Track
Hartnett Falls Side Track
Horse Track
Lake Will Side Track
Little Horn Track
Marions Lookout Track
Maryland Track
Mount Kate Logging Track
Mt Oakleigh Track
Mt Ossa Summit Track
Ossies Track
Overland Track
Penguin – Cradle Trail
Pelion East Side Track
Pelion West Side Track
Riggs Pass Track
Speeler Plains Track
Thetis Track
Tracks are described from north to south
Penguin – Cradle Trail
This is an extension of the Overland Track to the north coast at Penguin. Located between Cradle Lodge, Pencil Pine and Penguin and crossing Speeler Plains, traversing the Black Bluff Range, Leven Canyon and Dial Ranges, grid reference (AGD 66) - Pencil Pine 410640E, 5394510N; Penguin Beach (Determine by using 1:25000 Topo Maps). This is a well mark track. From Cradle Lodge, cross the creek on the foot bridge immediately southwest of the lodge car park and take the track to the west through rainforest to Speeler Plain, continue west across the plain following snow poles. From Penguin, starting at the beach, head for one of the railway crossings on Main Street. Both crossings intersect Crescent Street which should be followed around to Ironcliffe Road; follow it south for 2.8km to Montgomery Road. 400m down Montgomery Road the start of the track is on your right with parking on the left. Commence walking south from the “Walking Tracks” sign, and after 120m Myrtle Creek is crossed. For more information see the route guide and maps that are downloadable from the North West Walking Club website,
Ossies Track
Provides access to Reynolds Falls, originally cut by Ossie Ellis and Laurie Wootton in 1979. Located between Fleece Creek and Reynolds Falls on the Vale River, grid reference (AGD 66) - Fleece Creek 407170E, 5394640N; Reynolds Falls 400280E, 5393450N (Determine using map grid). This is a well-worn and cut track through the rainforest. First part to Pandani Creek follows a disused vehicle track. From Cradle Lodge, cross the creek on the foot bridge immediately southwest of the lodge car park and take the track to the west through rainforest to Speeler Plain (formerly Fury Plains), continue west across the plain following snow poles to a fork in the foot track, the southern branch (a disused vehicle track) is the start of Ossies Track. After 600m the track crosses Fleece Creek, after another 1.5km the track crosses Pandani Creek. Track ends at the Vale River near Reynolds Falls. Track is Shown on Tasmap 1:100,000 Map Sophia Edition 5 (1992) and Australian Geographic Map “ The Overland Track” (1993). For further information refer to the Hobart Walking Club (1991). The Tasmanian Tramp, Number 28. pp.27-31.