Unit 8 and 9 Syllabus and Study Guide: The Cold War
Attention! You will need to know facts about all these terms, keep good notes, and pay attention to survive this unit! This unit is a beast. If you are chronically absent, good luck to ya! There are 4 tests as the units are broken down. There will be a 45 pointOPTIONAL project to be announced as well in a couple of weeks that can help you improve your grade.
Know the Presidents of the Cold War (a quiz on ______over these Presidents and years in office! Memorize!)
Harry Truman: April 1945-1953
Dwight Eisenhower: 1953-1961
John Kennedy: 1961-November 1963
Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ): 1963-1969
Richard Nixon: 1969-Aug 1974
Gerald Ford: 1974-1977
Jimmy Carter: 1977-1981
Ronald Reagan: 1981-1989
George H. W. Bush: 1989-93
Test #1: Red Scare and The Cold War (1945-1989)
Test Date ______
Essential Questions
A)Explain decisions that “set the stage” for a Cold War with the Soviet Union immediately following WW2.
- United Nations
- Security Council
- Yalta/Potsdam Conferences
- Division of Germany
- Creation of C.I.A. and Department of Defense
- NATO/Warsaw Pact
- Iron Curtain
- “satellite nations”
- Atomic weapons
- Truman Doctrine
- containment
B)What were some ways Americans reacted to the Cold War at home?
- Second Red Scare
- hysteria
- "Duck and cover"
- Fallout Shelters
- House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)
- Hollywood Blacklist
- McCarthyism
- Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
C)Explain containment and some successful and unsuccessful examples of containment across the globe prior to 1963?
- Marshall Plan
- Berlin Airlift
- China/Mao/Chaing Kai Shek
- Korean War
- DMZ (demilitarized zone)
- Bay of Pigs
- Fidel Castro
- Cuban Missile Crisis
D)Explain how Berlin became the symbolic location of the Cold War during the 1960’s.
- John F. Kennedy
- Nikita Khrushchev
- Berlin Wall
- East Berlin/West Berlin
E)In what ways was the Soviet Union advancing during the 1950’s and 1960’s in the “space race”?
- U-2 Incident
- Sputnik
- Arms race
- Space race
- National Education Defense Act
F)What events and actions of Presidents ultimately led to the end of the Cold War from the 1970’s through 1991?
- Vietnam
- Leonard Brezhnev
- Mikael Gorbechav
- Détente
- SALT Treaties
- M.A.D.
- “Star Wars” aka SDI
- Perestroika
- Glasnost
- Fall of the Berlin Wall
- Nov 9 1989
- Velvet Revolutions
- Tiananmen Square (what does “tank man” represent?)
- Unification of Germany
- End of the Cold War (date, results today…what is Russia like now?)
Test #2: Civil Rights Movement
Test Date: ______
Essential Questions
A)How was the stage set for the Civil Rights movement during the 1940’s?
B)Detail events of the Civil Rights Movement during the 1950’s, making sure to include how Eisenhower handled these events.
C)What advancements and setbacks occurred for civil rights during the 1960’s?
D)In what ways was non-violent protest effective?
E)Why did some civil rights leaders (give examples) move toward more aggressive protest tactics?
Integration of military (Executive Order 9931, which president?)Jackie Robinson
SNCC (Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee)
Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas (1954)
Thurgood Marshall
Earl Warren
Rosa Parks
Montgomery bus boycotts
Martin Luther King, Jr. / Little Rock School integration
Freedom Riders
24th amendment
Selma marches
March on Washington
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Malcolm X
Black Power Movement
Stokely Carmichael
Black Panthers
Nixon’s Southern Strategy towards African Americans
Test #3: Vietnam Conflict
Test Date: ______
Essential Questions
A)For what reasons did America become involved in the Vietnam Conflict?
B)What was the strategy of fighting/winning on the part of America thoughout all the Presidential Administrations involved?
C)For what reasons did American support for the war decline by the end of the 1960’s?
D)What lessons have been learned from this conflict up to today?
Geneva Accords
Domino theory
Ho Chi Mihn
Ngo Diem (who is he/what happens to him)
Ho Chi Minh Trail
Dien Bien Phu
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
Operation Rolling Thunder
Robert McNamara
General Westmoreland
Problems with draft deferments
Agent Orange/Napalm
Tet Offensive
“search and destroy”
“body counts”
“zippo raids”
My Lai Incident
“the Living Room War”
Cambodia/Laos bombing
Kent State
Pentagon Papers
New York Times v. U.S. (1971)
26th Amendment
Paris Peace Accords
War Powers Act (1973)
Fall of Saigon, 1975
What we learned from Vietnam (should be the last thing in your notes from Vietnam)
Test #4: Cultural Changes Throughout the Cold War
Test Date: ______
Essential Questions
A)Why did cultural changes related to conformity and rebellion occur during the 1950’s?
B)What positives and negatives occurred during President Kennedy’s administration?
C)Describe the Great Society and its impact on Americans.
D)What social movements of the 1960s, 70’s, and 80s were inspired AFTER the Civil Right’s Movement and how were they successful?
E)What occurred during the Nixon and Ford administrationthat led to disillusionment with government?
F)Explain American’s involvement in the Middle East beginning with Eisenhower to today?
Eisenhower Presidency- 1950’s consumerism, conformity and rebellion
- GI Bill of Rights
- “I Like Ike”
- McCarthyism
- Beatles/Elvis Presley
- Federal Interstate Highway Act
- Levittown
- Military Industrial Complex
- Eisenhower Doctrine
- CIA overthrow of Iranian leader Mossadegh, “675,000 barrels of oil a day cannot be ignored”
- first televised Presidential debate
- Peace Corps
- Camelot
- “New Frontier”
- Kennedy’s assassination
- Lee Harvey Oswald
- Warren Commission
LBJ Presidency
- “Great Society”
- War on Poverty
- 1968 Democratic convention riots
- Vietnam issues
- Watergate
- United States vs Nixon
- Clean Air Act/Clean Water Act
- Environmental Protection Agency
- 25th Amendment
- Disillusionment with government
Ford Presidency
- Nixon pardon
- Stagflation
- OPEC energy crisis/1973 oil embargo
- Camp David Accords
- Crisis of Confidence Speech
- Iran Hostage Crisis
Reagan Presidency
- Conservation Resurgence
- Moral Majority
- Phyllis Schafly
- Jerry Falwell
- Rep. takeover of Congress
- Supply side or “tickle” down economics (Reaganomics)
- Deregulations
- Budget Cuts (what types of spending cuts)
- “Evil Empire”
- Teflon President
- Iran Contra
- Sandra Day O’Connor
- Counterculture/hippies
- Haight-Ashbury
- Betty Friedan - The Feminine Mystique
- National Organization for Women
- Gay Right’s Movement
- Women's Liberation
- Roe v. Wade (1973)
- César Chávez
- Stonewall/Gay Rights Movement
- Earth Day/ecology movement
- Racheal Carson/Silent Spring