State of Connecticut, Board of Education and Services for the Blind, Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Division

Summary of Input and Recommendations of the State Rehabilitation Council; Response of the Designated State Unit; and Explanations for Rejection of Input or Recommendations

The State Rehabilitation Council (SRC) for the Vocational Rehabilitation Program at the Board of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB) continues to be a valuable and active contributing partner to the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Division and the Agency as a whole. Over the course of the past fiscal year, the Council members have participated in many activities on behalf of the Program, as well as continuing their existing responsibilities as identified in the Rehabilitation Act.

SRC Recommendation:

Build into every SRC meeting a presentation by a BESB Vocational Rehabilitation client.

Agency Response:

During the 2009 fiscal year, the State Rehabilitation Council continued its initiative for the Vocational Rehabilitation Program whereby a standing agenda item for every Council meeting consists of a “VR Success Story”, in the form of a presentation by a BESB consumer who has achieved an employment outcome, together with their employer. Typically explaining the type of work they are involved in and how BESB support helps them with that work, both the agency and consumers continue to respond positively to this initiative, as it provides the SRC with an opportunity to hear value-added and diverse perspectives on BESB’s ability to support consumers and employers in the workplace.

In addition to being a valuable resource in BESB’s ongoing efforts, these consumer presentations can also be very uplifting and inspiring, as was the case of a young woman who told her story about overcoming numerous challenges, at the September SRC meeting. Through her own motivation and determination, this consumer discovered an organization that offered programs teaching people to live independently in the community. Being the first person with a visual impairment to enter into their program, and after learning such everyday tasks as laundry, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, and budgeting, her resolve and ability so impressed the staff of this organization, that it hired her as a bookkeeper and receptionist. As a result of being the first person with a visual impairment in the program, it turned out to be a “wonderful learning experience” for the organization as well as the consumer.

SRC Recommendation:

To develop a VR Business Plan Guidance Document

Agency Response:

During the 2009 fiscal year, the State Rehabilitation Council worked in concert with the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors and BESB’s Business Plan committee to successfully develop and approve a Business Plan Guidance document, which standardized, streamlined, simplified, and enhanced BESB’s funding for Self Employment for consumers, to the benefit of maximizing both resources, and the successful outcomes for those consumers who wish to pursue self employment plans/opportunities. This guide is now available on the BESB website.

SRC Recommendation:

Continue to take the proactive steps necessary to be both fully informed with respect to, and fully prepared to address the potential of, an Order of Selection.

Agency Response:

In anticipation of the possibility of going into an Order-of-Selection process in future budget years, the SRC authorized two initiatives.

·  The first was to authorize the SRC Chair to write to the Secretary of the Connecticut Office of Policy and Management to request a continuance of the waiver on Indirect Costs that was issued in 2005 and has now expired. The SRC received a favorable response from the Secretary, who extended the waiver for one additional year, covering the time period through September 30, 2009.

·  The second initiative was to establish a subcommittee in preparation for the anticipated need to implement an Order of Selection for federal fiscal year 2010. However, with the extension of the indirect cost waiver for one additional year, combined with the agency receiving $500,000 in new funding under the America Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), this committee’s primary focus shifted to assisting with the development of goals and priorities for the FY2010 state plan.

SRC Recommendation:

Perform a customer satisfaction survey of BESB Vocational Rehabilitation client recipients for FY 2008.

Agency Response:

The SRC commissioned the Center for Public Policy and Social Research (CPPSR) at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) to conduct a customer satisfaction survey of VR service recipients for fiscal year 2009. Similar surveys have been conducted in previous fiscal years. The purpose of these surveys is to evaluate the services that consumers received from the Vocational Rehabilitation Division at BESB.

The use of CPPSR at CCSU represented a departure from the SRC’s use of the Center for Survey Research and Analysis (CSRA) at the University of Connecticut, which although satisfactorily conducting the survey for a number of years, was unavailable do to its closing.

In 2009, BESB continued to receive high marks for their Vocational Rehabilitation Services and counselors. An outstanding nine out of ten clients (90%) reported that they would recommend BESB Vocational Rehabilitation Services to a friend.

SRC Recommendation:

Provide advocacy to the public for vocational rehabilitation.

Agency Response:

From an advocacy perspective, the State Rehabilitation Council continues to offer their support to the Program in regards to matters that directly impact on public vocational rehabilitation, voting to continue sponsorship of numerous statewide mentoring initiatives.

Membership was renewed for Council representation in the Connecticut Association for Community Transportation, or CACT, an organization that continues to lead the discussion on, and endeavors to improve the status of transportation throughout the State of Connecticut.

The State Rehabilitation Council continued to sponsor two programs that focus on providing leadership and educational opportunities to transition age youth with disabilities:

·  The Youth Leadership Forum (YLF) is an annual week-long leadership training program for transition age youth with disabilities. The SRC is a co-sponsor of this program and considers both its co-sponsorship and continued funding to be very important and worthwhile.

·  The Governor’s Coalition for Youth with Disabilities, which awards scholarships every spring to high achieving students with disabilities.

The SRC continues to participate in the development and approval of the annual updates of the State Plan, as well as reviewing comments received from the public and from the Rehabilitation Services Administration. Based upon that review, and reflecting back upon the content of the draft annual updates as well as proposed policy changes, the State Rehabilitation Council approved the submission of the State Plan annual updates.

The State Rehabilitation Council looks forward to continuing to work closely with BESB staff in the upcoming fiscal year.

Attachment 4.2(c): Page 4 of 5 Pages

FY 2011 State Plan