Task 7: Prepare a loan application on behalf of mortgage broking clients

Case Study — Evaluating and processing a loan application

Read the following case study then answer the questions that follow.

Ross and MelissaCooper are a young couple who have been married for five years, during which they have been renting an apartment while saving to buy an apartment of their own. They do not have any children at this stage.

After some months searching, they have found a small two-bedroom apartment that suits their needs. The purchase cost of the property is $480,000, and they have provided a deposit of $60,000. You are recommending a standard variable loan.

Ross has been working at Gaines Consulting Pty Ltd. for 12 years and has a salary of $80,000. Melissa has been working at Jackson Equipment Hire Pty Ltd for 8 years and has a salary of $70,000. Neither has had previous employment, apart from casual work when they were younger.

The full details of Ross and Melinda that you have collected are as follows:

Applicant 1 / Applicant 2
Loan purpose / Purchase home (owner occupied)
Amount and type of loan sought / $480,00, standard variable rate
Deposit / $60,000
Address / Unit 2, 27 High St.,
Mackville, NSW. 2080 / Unit 2, 27 High St.,
Mackville, NSW. 2080
Status / Renting / Renting
Years there / 5 years / 5 years
Contact details / Phone (W) Phone (H) / 02 9200 1111 (w)
02 9400 9900 (h) / 02 9310 2000(w)
02 9400 9900 (h)
Mobile / 0400 100 156 / 0418 960 000
Email / /
Number of dependants / Nil / Nil
Employment / Gaines Consulting Pty. Ltd / Jackson Equipment Hire Pty Ltd
How long? / 12 years / 8 years
Gross income (p.a.) / $80,000 p.a. / $70,000 p.a.
Credit history / Personal loan to purchase a car — since repaid.
Personal credit card with Central Bank with a limit of $3,000. Current balance: $300
Note: All credit cards are repaid in full when due. / Personal credit card with Northern with a limit of $2,000. Current balance: $300
Store card with Wilson’s Department Store. Current balance: S250
Note: All credit cards are repaid in full when due.


Assets / Liabilities
Details / Market value / Details / Monthly payments / Amount owing
Cash at bank / $15,000 / Credit card limit: $2,000 / $3,000 / $300
Deposit paid on property / $60,000 / Credit card limit: $3,000 / $2,000 / $300
Motor vehicles:
2. / $15,000
$7,000 / Other:
Personal effects / $30,000
Business value / Nil
Total assets / $127,000 / Total liabilities / $600

Surplus/deficiency: $126,400


They are seeking a loan term of 25 years. Other requirements are:

proposed settlement date — 6 weeks time

ability to make additional payments from time to time without penalty

monthly repayments

redraw facility.

The applicants will have no other financial commitments other than their monthly mortgage commitments, rates and utility costs and strata fees.

The current variable home loan rate is 6% pa.

Note: For the purposes of this assignment, any first home purchase assistance should be ignored.


APRA is concerned that interest rates may rise and because of this it is requiring all lenders to “stress test” all housing loans at a borrowing rate of 7% p.a.

Task 7.1.

Apart from requiring the presentation of a Credit Guide, the NCCP Act says nothing about what a mortgage broker should say about him/herself at the beginning of a client interview. In the space below, make a few brief points about what you would say about yourself and your firm at this stage. Remember that at the outside the client is primarily looking for assurance that the broker is concerned about them and their interests.


Task 7.2.

List in point form the important information a Credit Guide conveys to the credit applicant.

 / /3

Task 7.3.

Under the Anti-money Laundering and Counter-terrorism Financing Act 2006 (AML/CTF Act), mortgage brokers are required to establish the identity of their clients. To do this they must cite original copies of at least three primary documents and one secondary document. List three primary documents and one secondary document below.


Sub-total /8


Task 7.4.

Mortgage brokers should present adequate information to clients to enable them to make a choice between loans. This involves conducting research to determine suitable loans and presenting clients with a choice among, say, three loans that are considered to be suitable for the client’s requirements. The characteristics of the three selected loans are then presented to clients in a way that allows a comparison to be made. The presentation may be made a piece of paper, or other means such as a Powerpoint overhead.

You are now required to use the internet or other sources to choose three loans that you believe will meet the requirements of Ross and Melissa. The relevant details should be placed in the spaces provided.

Credit Provider / /6
Product Name
Interest Rate Type (%)
Comparison Rate (%)
Minimum Loan Amount ($)
Maximum Loan Amount ($)
Minimum Loan Term
Maximum Loan Term
Maximum LVR (%)
Maximum Insured LVR (%)
Mortgage Offset Account (Yes/No)
Loan Redraw Facility (Y/N)
Split Loan Facility (Y/N)
Fixed Interest Option (Y/N)

Task 7.5 (a)

Explain significant features of the loan products that you have chosen in words that the client would understand. Your answer should be restricted to features relevant to the clients.


Sub-total /8


Task 7.5 (b)

Credit providers always have other fees and charges beyond their stated interest rates. Select one of the loans you have set out in Task 7.4 as the one preferred by Ross and Melinda, and explain any additional fees and charges in a manner that your clients can understand.


Task 7.6

It is important to verify the information that you obtain from clients, particularly information that relates to income. List the documents that you should ask for and then examine to verify the incomes of Ross and Melissa.


Task 7.7

In dealing with clients, it is important to explain technical concepts in ‘plain English’ so that they understand them. In the first two spaces below, explain the terms ‘LVR’ and ‘insured’ LVR’ in terms that that your clients will understand. Then, in the third space, explain how Lender’s Mortgage Insurance is normally paid, once again expressing yourself in a way that the clients are likely to understand.

No. / Mark
1. / /1
2. / /1
3. / /1

Task 7.8

Mortgage brokers assist their clients to complete their preferred lender’s credit application form, as well as applications for the First Home Buyer’s Grant and (where applicable) stamp duty exemption. Examples of these forms are set out over the following pages and you are required to complete them on behalf of Ross and Melissa. Remember that each form must be signed by the client, so facsimile signatures must be attached,

The forms for the following pages can be found at:
(application form only) ((application form only) / /15

Sub-total /23


Task 7: Prepare a Loan Application on Behalf of Mortgage Broking ClientsContinued

Task 7.9.

It is important to keep clients informed about the steps involved in the credit approval process. Indicate how your organization keeps your client informed as the loan application proceeds. What are the likely normal time intervals for each step that you explain to your clients.

No. / Mark
1. / /2

Task 7.10

Assess the loan application of Ross and Melissa Cooper against the five C’s.


How would you assess the applicants’ character?



(i)What will the applicants’ monthly payment be, given the current variable lending rate of 6% p.a.? (Hint: visit a website such as:

(ii)Using the ‘income percentage method’, assess the applicants’ capacity to repay the loan (25 words)

No. / Mark
1. / /1
2. / /1
Sub-total /6


Task 7: Prepare a Loan Application on Behalf of Mortgage Broking ClientsContinued


(i)How would you verify the equity the applicants intend to contribute to the purchase?

(ii)What should you be careful about regarding this contribution? (50 words)

No. / Mark
1. / /1
2. / /1


(i)Assuming the valuation placed on the property is $480,000, calculate the loan to valuation ratio (LVR).

(ii)Given the LVR that you have calculated, what steps might the bank take to protect its position? (25 words)

No. / Mark
1. / /1
2. / /1


Using the information that has been presented, identify any ‘conditions’ that might impact on this loan application. How should they be handled?


Task 7.11

What is your organization’s policy about notifying applicants of the outcome of their application?


Sub-total /8


Task 7.12

The credit application that is forwarded to the credit provider is accompanied by supporting documentation used to verify the information concerning the financial position of the client. List four types of document that are likely to be forwarded. In the case of Ross and Melissa Cooper.

No. / Mark
1. / /1
2. / /1
3 / /1
4. / /1
5. / /1
6. / /1

Task 7.13

What should be the rules regarding access to client files?


Task 7.14

There are times that you might suggest to clients that they should have a fixed interest loan for a period. Explain why you would do this.


Task 7.15

List the information you should include on a client file.


Sub-total /11


Total /79

Task 8: Steps Taken by the Credit Provider

8 Build and maintain business networks and relationships / As indicated, the process of interviewing a client, carrying out a preliminary assessment, and forwarding a credit application to a credit provider should take no longer than two days. The credit provider’s task, however, is more involved and takes longer because there are more matters to consider than the final assessment, which is normally carried out soon after the credit application has been received from the mortgage broker.
These matters include having the security valued and negotiating any additional support, checking all details, preparing an offer letter, preparing security documentation, having the loan documentation signed, attending settlement, registering the mortgage and having the mortgage documents stamped.
The offer letter is in fact the loan contract the mortgage broker becomes involved once again – to check that the requirements of the loan purpose are met and to ensure that the client understands all terms and conditions.

Task 8.1.

The final assessment of the credit application is carried out by an officer of the credit provider, or at a higher level if that officer’s authority is exceeded. What is that officer’s responsibility in terms of the NCCP Act.


Task 8.2.

Give examples of the information that the mortgage broker may be asked to obtain at the time of the final assessment.


Task 8.3.

Sometimes additional support, such as a third party guarantee is required in housing loans. Indicate when such support may be required and the matters about which the credit provider should seek to be satisfied. How is the required evidence about those matters normally obtained?

No. / Mark
1. / /1
2. / /1
3. / /1

Sub-total /7


Task 8.4.

Distinguish between the credit provider’s final assessment and the credit review carried out by the credit provider?


Task 8.5.

List five of the checks the credit provider would normally perform before preparing an offer letter.

No. / Mark
1. / /1
2. / /1
3. / /1
4 / /1

Task 8.6.

Why do mortgage brokers become involved once again when the offer letter is forwarded to the client? What legal responsibility under the NCCP Act leads to this involvement?

No. / Mark
1. / /2
2. / /2

Task 8.7.

List four other matters relating to the offer letter that the mortgage broker should check.

4. / /1

Sub-total /13


Task 8.8.

Imagine that you are the client’s solicitor writing to the client. In words that the client is likely to understand explain: what happens at settlement; how funds are normally disbursed following settlement; and how the title document is registered.

No. / Mark
1. / /1
2. / /1
3. / /1

Sub-total /3

Total /23

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