Banning junk food from tuck shop

Benefits for students:

  1. It will be inconvenient for students to buy junk food but they will not suffer from obesity.
  2. In the long run, they will learn to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
  3. With less sugar, cholesterol or MSG, their studies will improve when they can concentrate more in the lessons.
  4. They will use less money on buying junk food, therefore more pocket money
  5. They can cultivate/ develop a good eating habit if the tuck shop can replace junk food with wholesome foods.

Benefits for parents:

  1. They can save more money when their children do not buy any junk food. They can use the money to buy uniforms, books or stationary so that students can study better.
  2. Junk food causes a lot of diseases. No junk food at school means less money will be wasted on medical care, such as seeing doctors.

Benefits for the tuck shop:

  1. It would gain high reputation for not selling junk food. Good image.
  2. It may gain more money when juice or salad can replace junk food.

Disadvantages for the students:

  1. They will not have a chance to learn how to make decision for themselves or how to manage their money or how to resist temptation.
  2. They will buy more junk food from stores or supermarkets near their schools.
  3. Their human rights are infringed. They cannot have some food to relax.
  4. It will take them more time to wait for their sandwiches or juice.
  5. They are deprived of the little luxuries to enjoy junk food.

Disadvantages for the tuck shop:

  1. It may lose money, lay off staff and even have to close down.
  2. It will take more time to prepare fresh food for students.
  3. It may need more space to prepare fresh food.
  4. It will need to follow the regulations laid down by the Food and Environmental Department if fresh food is prepared.