Alice B. Landrum Middle School

SAC Minutes – 3/10/16


Chair:Erika Carpenter (Teacher)

Landrum Representatives:

Jewel Johnson (Principal)

Bonnie Curran (ILC)

Robert Campbell (Non-instructional)

Michelle Henzey (Teacher)

Rowena Barnard (Teacher)

Gwynn Paton (Teacher)

District Representative:Donna Soncrant

PTO Representative:

Katrina Geevers-Collins


Nadia Talbot

Michelle DiStefano

Eric Wendell

Pam Ervanian

Devon Witt

Susan Kelly

Frank Winczner

Community Partner:Chris Levchuk

A meeting of the Landrum Middle School Advisory Council (SAC) was held in the Media Center on Thursday, March10, 2015. Chair Erika Carpenter called the meeting to order at 2:12. Michelle DiStefano recorded minutes for the meeting. There was a typographical error noted on the minutes from the January meeting. The revised minutes were presented for approval.Chris Levchuck motioned to approve the January minutes. Eric Wendell made a second motion. The January minutes were unanimously approved. Gwynn Paton motioned to approve the February minutes. Katrina Geevers-Collins made a second motion. The February minutes were unanimously approved.

Principal’s News:

Principal Jewel Johnson reported her departure from Landrum at the end of the school year. She is working to plan and prepare the master schedule before the arrival of the new principal. Dr. Joyner, Superintendent of Schools wants to be transparent in the process of selecting a new principal for Landrum. There will be a meeting on March 14 at 3 pm for parent input on the characteristics most desired in a new principal.

Budget Update:

Treasurer, Frank Winczer reported the current available budget is $12,143.A revised expenditure for the committee approved mathematics supplemental resources totaled $210.19. It was previously reported as $212.98.

PTO Update:

Katrina Geevers-Collins announced that annual PTO Yankee Candle fundraising committee would distribute candles after spring break. The April PTO meeting will conduct elections of officers for the upcoming school year. Teacher Appreciation week is the first week in May.

New Business:

Ms. Erika Carpenter reminded the group to allow for and be respectful of opposing perspectives and that discussion of issues presented at the meeting should end with the adjournment of the meeting.

Survey Committee

Laurie Stanton reported that the survey is still available on-line. To date 192 parents and 10 faculty members have responded. In a reporting anomaly, there were over 1 million student responses. Ms. Stanton is working to remedy the issue. There will be e-mail blasts sent to parents to solicit participation.

Old Business:

During the February meeting it was revealed that there has been a misunderstanding of what is allowable under Sunshine State Laws for SAC funding. SAC funds may be used with slightly less stringency to the School Improvement Plan as previously thought and practiced. This allows for SAC to allocate funds for broader initiatives. As such, in an effort to solicit a broader range of funding requests, Ms. Carpenter presented a flyer to distribute to Landrum teachers to inform them of the rule changes and to note dates of future SAC meetings. Pam Ervanian motioned to approve the flyer. Michelle Henzey made a second motion. The request for the funding flyer was unanimously approved.

By-Laws Committee

The bylaws were amended to reflect the change in rules for funding requests (see above). Motion to approve: Nadia Talbot. Second: Devon Witt. Unanimously approved.


TheMarch meeting of the 2015-16 school year adjourned at 2:35. Thenext meeting will be Thursday, April14 in the Media Center. Motioned for adjournment: Eric Wendell. Second: Katrina Geevers-Collins.