Administration of Prescription OnlyMedicines (POM)Policy

The Little Shepherd’s Preschool

Prescription only Medicine to be administered by Preschool Staff. This can be identified on the label of the medicine bottle by the wording “POM”.

Calpol and cough preparations or any other non prescription medicines are only to be given when supported by a Doctors note stating clearly the reasons for its use and the suitability of the child to be at the Preschool. They are not to be given at the request of the parent without the supporting letter from the child’s GP.

Prior to Administration

Written Consent to be obtained from the parent or principal carer prior to each session where a prescription only medicine should be given.

The written consent should contain the following information,

  • Full Name of the Prescribed Drug
  • Dosage of the Drug/ Amount of drug
  • Frequency of the dosage
  • Number and time of dosages to be administered at the Nursery.

A senior member of staff should discuss the following with the parents.

  • If medication has been administered at home, the time of this dosage.
  • Preschool Staff should NEVER give a first dose of any medication or topical preparation (lotions)
  • The child’s state of health or well being whilst taking the medication.
  • Check with the parents the Drug Label,

Child’s correct name,

Expiry date of the medication.

Correct storage

Administration of the Medicine

All medicines should be administered in the presence of two members of staff one of who must be a Senior Member (Level 3 qualified)

The medicine should be checked for the following

Child’s correct name,

Expiry date of the medication.

Name of Medicine is the same as those on the parents consent form.

Dosage specified on the label

Suitable spoon/or syringe used to ensure correct dosage if appropriate.

Post Administration of Medicine

The correct form (sample attached) for Administration of Medication to be completed recording the



Signed by Carer giving the medicine

Countersigned by carer witnessing the administration.

Parents must be informed of all the medicines administered to their child and sign the form to this affect when they collect their child.

Recording of Information

A record of all Medicines must be kept on the Premises.

The information should be kept for a minimum of 2 years but ideally for up to 21 years.

All records should be kept confidential and stored where they are only accessible to the staff.

Storage of Medication for Children

Medicines must be stored according to the guidance given on the container. If it requires refrigeration ensure it does not come into contact with food substances by placing it in an upright position in a plastic bag on a shelf away from food.

All medication other than self-held inhalers and children’s emergency medication should be stored in the kitchen area in a high level cupboard where the children have no access to.

Emergency medication should be stored in the child’s base room in a locked cupboard or high shelving unit all members of staff should be notified where they are kept

Staff Medication and Storage

All medication other than self-held inhalers and emergency medication should be stored in the staff’s personal belongings in their locker.

Medication that needs to be stored in a fridge needs to be clearly labelled and kept in a bag or box away from any food.

Self- held inhalers should be given to the preschool staff and then kept in a draw that is under adult supervision until needed.

Emergency medication should be clearly labelled with the member of staff’s name and the instructions on how to administer this if the case should arise.

A senior member of staff should be familiar with the condition and what First Aid actions need to be carried out.

This medication can be kept in the high level cupboard above the phone in the hall.

Staff training in the use of emergency medicine

Staff will be fully trained in the event of having a child start the nursery where a specific emergency medical treatment is needed such as ‘Epi’ pens.

Training will take place before the child is to start Preschool.Children who require asthma pumps,their parents/carers are to instruct senior staff in the use of medicines and the manner in which to use them.

Administration of Prescription Only Medicines
