Laura Azilee (McArdle) Powell, Ph.D
Home Address: Work Address:
7740 Mallard Drive University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL 36695 Department of Psychology, LSCB 320UCOM 1000
Phone: (251) 786-4839 Mobile, AL 36688
Cell: (251) 391-1059 Phone: (251) 460-6371
Email Addresses: Email Address:
University of Southern Mississippi Ph. D. Experimental Psychology May 2005
Dissertation: Preferences for Human Faces in Dolphins?
University of South Alabama M.S. Experimental Psychology May 2000
Thesis:Perceptual Differences in English, Spanish, and Monkey Listeners for Voicing Contrasts
University of South Alabama B.A. Psychology/ Minor in English May 1998
Academic Positions
2009 – present Assistant Professor: University of South Alabama, Psychology Department, Mobile, AL
2007-2008 Full-time Instructor: Bishop State Community College, Mobile, AL
2005-2006 Postdoctoral Research Associate: University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
Worked with Dr. Joan Sinnott
2001-2009 Part-time Instructor:
University of South Alabama
University of Phoenix Online
Springhill College
University of West Florida
USM Gulf Coast
University of Southern Mississippi
Research Posters
Shelly-Tremblay, J. & Powell, L. (October, 2013) A new laboratory course using an open source statistical package ® and an eBook to enhance learning, and research methods literacy retention. Society for Teaching of Psychology Best Practices Conference: Research-Based Approaches to Teaching Psychology. Atlanta, Georgia.
Powell, L.A, Kuczaj, S.A., & Langlois, J.H. (2005, December). Dolphins Prefer Attractive Human Faces. 16th
Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Diego, CA, USA.
Davis, J., Kuczaj, S., Hendry, J. Powell, L. & Solangi, M. (2004, February). Developmental changes in the
social interactions of a captive-born Atlantic bottlenose dolphin calf (Tursiops truncatus). 68th Annual Meeting of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences, Biloxi, Mississippi.
Kuczaj, S., Hendry, J., & Powell, L. (2001, November). How a new calf affects the behavior of a group of
bottlenose dolphins. 14th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
McArdle, L. A*. (2000, March). Perceptual differences in English, Spanish, and monkey listeners for voicing
contrasts. 6th Annual University of South Alabama Research Forum, Mobile, Alabama.
Research Presentations
Powell, L.A. & Shelly-Tremblay, J. (October, 2013) Classroom demonstration of experimental method using levels of processing theory. Society for Teaching of Psychology Best Practices Conference: Research-Based Approaches to Teaching Psychology. Atlanta, Georgia.
Powell, L.A. & Shelly-Tremblay, J. (May, 2013) Classroom demonstration of experimental method using levels of processing theory. South Alabama Conference on Teaching and Learning. Mobile, Alabama.
Powell, L. A. (2001, March). Perceptual differences in English, Spanish, and monkey listeners for voicing
contrasts. Comparative Cognition Conference, Melbourne, Florida.
Research Publications
Sinnott, J., Speaker, A., Powell, L, & Mosteller, K. (2012). Perception of scary halloween masks by zoo animals
and humans. International Journal of Comparative Psychology.25, 83-96.
Sinnott, J.M., Powell, L.A., and Camchong, J. (2006). Using monkeys to explore perceptual “loss” vs.
“learning” models in English vs. Spanish voice-onset-time perception. Journal of the Acoustical Society, 119(3), 1585-1596.
Sinnott, J. M., & McArdle, L. A.* (2000). Comparative perception of voicing contrasts. Journal of the
Acoustical Society, 107(5), 2856.
* Last name was McArdle until my marriage in 20010
Professional Society Memberships
Society for the Teaching of Psychology
Alabama Association for Behavior Analysis
Multimedia Experience
· Use of Respondus, Camtasisa, and Sakai for online course education
· Use of eCollege online platform for online course education
· Use of Desire2Learn online platform for online course education
· Use of University of Phoenix online platform
· Proficiency in SPSS, Microsoft Office components including Word, Excel, PowerPoint
· Proficiency with multimedia components such as overhead projectors and computer projectors
· Proficiency with Internet and webpage design
· Exposure to Moodle, Camtasia, iTunes University, Respondus
2011-13 College of Arts and Sciences Professional Development Award
2005 Sinnott Postdoctoral Fellowship
2000 University of South Alabama Psychology Graduate Student of the Year
1998-2000 Carol P. Sinnott Graduate Research Fellowship
1998 University of South Alabama Psychology Undergraduate of the Year
1994-1998 Bedsole Foundation Scholarship
1994-1998 University of South Alabama Presidential Scholarship
1994 University of South Alabama Children of Employees Scholarship
Related Work Experience
Spring 2008-2011 Grading Semifinalist Essays for the JL Bedsole Scholarship Program
June 2004 - August 2004 Clinician at Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes
June 2002 - August 2003 (one on one intensive work helping children, teenagers, college students, and adults with phonemic awareness and reading comprehension issues)
Professional References
Dr. Larry Christensen (251) 460-6371
Psychology Department Chair, University of South Alabama
Mrs. Malvereen Harris (251)405-7138
Department of Social Sciences Chair, Bishop State Community College
Dr. Jennifer Hendry (858)583-4008
Senior Scientist, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)SAIC
Dr. Lisa Turner (251)460-6371
Psychology Full Professor, University of South Alabama