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Certificate in Management Development Programme for the Banking Sector
Version 3
Generated on 11/19/2013
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Response Sheet

This response sheet pertains to the complete service delivery scope for BANKSETA's Certificate in Management Development Programme for the Banking Sector function at various regions and must be completed in full by the prospective service provider. For purposes of this response sheet the Certificate in Management Development Programme for the Banking Sector function is divided into the following functional areas:

  • Certificate in Management Development Programme for the Banking Sector - Describes the provision of Selection and Training of Candidates for the Banking Sector Education and Training Authority (BANKSETA's) Certificate in Management Development Programme for the Banking Sector.

The following figure depicts the layout of the response sheet matrix together with a general explanation of the intent and use of each section of the matrix:

# / Service / Description / Service Requirement / Response / Alternate Response
Task - General description of the task, which together with the other tasks in this section describes the functional area.
A / B / C / D / E / F


  • Line 1 (Dark grey) – Header repeated on all pages.
  • Line 2 (Light grey) – Task name and task description. Repeated for every task in the functional area.
  • Service definition consisting of the following sections:

A – Unique identification number of the service level requirement and cross-referenced to the service element in the Service Definition which describes the service delivery associated with this service requirement.

B – Service Element name. Where the Service element contains more than one service definition this field is left blank for the second and subsequent service definitions.

C – Service Element description. A description of the Service Element including pertinent information on internal and external influences on the rendering of the service. Where the Service element contains more than one service definition this field is left blank for the second and subsequent service definitions.

D – A detail description of the prospective service provider’s responsibility in the rendering of this service requirement associated with the service element.

E – The prospective service provider must enter its ability and willingness to render this service element to the specifications and metrics defined in the corresponding Service Definition for this particular service element.

F – For those service level requirements where the respondent cannot adhere to the specifications and metrics defined in the accompanying Service Definition this field must be used to enter alternate specifications and metrics.

It is important to note that the format and layout of this document is part of the SourceIT™ methodology which is owned by iSource Investment Holdings (Pty) Limited (iSource) and employed by Concise Consulting Services (Pty) Limited and that no part of it may be used or altered without express written consent from iSource.

1.Certificate in Management Development Programme for the Banking Sector

Describes the provision of Selection and Training of Candidates for the Banking Sector Education and Training Authority (BANKSETA's) Certificate in Management Development Programme for the Banking Sector.

# / Area/Service / Description / Service Requirement / Response / Alternate response
Candidate Selection - Refers to a detailed description of how candidates will be selected.
CMD1.1 / Project Management / Describes the requirements related to Project Management. / Submit a project plan with detailed activities, deliverables and timelines. The plan must take the following into consideration:
  • It should produce suitable candidates, matching the agreed upon criteria.
  • Workshop the deliverables with the project team and obtain their input where needed
  • Attend all agreed progress meetings and facilitate sector consultation sessions

CMD1.2 / Ensure adherence to relevant governing "parameters" including BANKSETA's Prince 2 Methodology, allowing the PM team to actively monitor progress and to provide reliable and dependable tracking data and reports.
CMD1.3 / Provide a project plan with deadlines for BANKSETA sign-off for the nomination and selection process
CMD2.1 / Candidate selection / This refers to the process of candidate selection that commences in the year preceding the programme implementation. / Provide an end-to-end selection solution that is suitable, fair and transparent.
CMD2.2 / Provide the BANKSETA with all the nominations and selection report inclusive of candidate details (name, surname, ID number, gender, race, highest qualification, employer name, levy number, physical address, postal address, email address, contact numbers including cell phone numbers) (electronically and hard copy) for the selection process once concluded
CMD2.3 / Provide the BANKSETA with all the project files (electronically and hard-copy) of the selection process, once concluded. One should be housed by the provider and a copy to BANKSETA.
CMD2.4 / Develop or identify existing selection instruments to ensure the right candidates are selected.
CMD2.5 / Select candidates and do a pre-assessment to determine the need for a bridging course.
CMD2.6 / The appointed service provider will be expected to co-ordinate the nomination and selection processes as per BANKSETA requirements according to the specified quotas determined by BANKSETA.
CMD2.7 / The needs of candidates with disabilities must be identified, met and reported to BANKSETA
Candidate Training - Describes the requirements related to Candidate Training.
CMD3.1 / Candidate registration / This refers to the registration process required by the training provider if applicable. The needs of candidates with disabilities may include but are not limited to appropriate learning materials, delivery methods, and support as may be required. / Ensure that entry requirements to the qualification are met.
CMD3.2 / Assist the candidates with the registration process as per Service Provider requirements.
CMD3.3 / Provide BANKSETA with proof of registration for each of the applicants selected, as well as a report on the registration candidate.
CMD3.4 / Be responsible for all required registration documents and ensure they are submitted by each candidate including certified copies of ID, certified copies of matric certificates, motivation form completed and signed by candidate and line manager and copy of Curriculum Vitae.
CMD3.5 / Learner data to be captured on a Learner Management System (LMS).
CMD3.6 / BANKSETA to have Read access to the LMS.
CMD4.1 / Programme design / Programme design refers to:
- the programme content
- an induction/ orientation programme
- the time schedule for theoretical, practical learning
- the customisation of case studies assignments, exercises and projects to ensure alignment and applicability in the Banking sector where applicable / Customise / design the material and provide BANKSETA with:
the learning material for the qualification.
the programme content
the induction/ orientation programme.
Provide BANKSETA with the time schedule for theoretical, practical learning training.
Provide BANKSETA with details of the selected venue for approval.
Provide the candidates with the approved time schedule on the first day of the induction course
Develop learning material including but not limited to a facilitator guide, learner guide, case studies, hand-outs, slides, assessment guides, etc.
CMD4.2 / Ensure alignment to the SAQA qualification with input from subject matter experts in the Banking Sector.
CMD4.3 / Conform to the high level project plan.
CMD4.4 / Develop or identify an existing bridging course for delegates that have no prior exposure to financial management.
CMD4.5 / Provide the BANKSETA with a Master Copy of the training material (manual, cd, etc.) once final sign off by BANKSETA has been obtained by the appointed service provider.
CMD4.6 / Be responsible for providing a Management Development Programme targeting junior and middle management skills at an NQF Level 5.
CMD4.7 / The training modules should include:
  • Financial Management
  • Management and Leadership
  • Human Resource Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Project Management
  • Strategic Management

CMD4.8 / Each module or learning programme must have customization of case studies, assignments, exercises and projects to ensure alignment and applicability in the Banking sector.
CMD4.9 / The programme must be based on action learning principles including syndicate work.
CMD4.10 / The service provider and BANKSETA will agree on quality assurance process to be conducted and the monitoring of the project implementation, including:
  • Manage and agree code of conduct for students and staff, providing a report on any irregularities
  • Manage the integrity of learning delivery
  • Implement corrective actions where necessary
  • Gather and consolidate learner and facilitator feedback relating to the quality of delivery
  • Strictly adhere to agreed timetable ( should a DHET requirement arise to increase learners the provider needs to be able to accommodate this requirement)
  • Manage the integrity of assessments and moderations
  • Quality of learning materials and learning aids
  • Provide timely feedback on learner performance
  • Manage non-performance and provide remedial learning where necessary

CMD5.1 / Programme Delivery / Programme delivery refers to the delivery of training including taking responsibility for the logistical arrangements for the delivery including but not limited to the venue, lecturer, promotional item and material towards the registered programme. / The appointed service provider must provide a 3 day induction programme including all logistics in all participating provinces
The induction must include briefings of the programme learning outcomes and modules, administrative issues engaging with the institution, distribution of all study materials, timetables, student support and pertinent assessments.
The induction must make provision for sessions in study methods, career management, research methods, and action learning projects.
CMD5.2 / Be responsible for the delivery of training including taking responsibility for all logistical arrangements for the delivery including but not limited to venues, lecturers, material, secure safe close proximity parking and all catering.
CMD5.3 / Deliver training according to the signed-off time schedule.
CMD5.4 / Facilitate a discussion on acceptable behaviour where the output is a CMD "Code Of Conduct".
CMD5.5 / Notify the BANKSETA of any candidate absenteeism or any other irregularities or conduct.
CMD5.6 / Provide a detailed evaluation report after each module.
CMD5.7 / Provide a checkpoint report with invoices.
CMD5.8 / Deliver bridging course to candidates that require it.
CMD5.9 / Prepare delegates for assessment against the outcomes of the qualification
CMD5.10 / Assess candidates against the outcomes of the qualification.
CMD5.11 / A target pass rate of 75% is required.
CMD5.12 / Provide menus to BANKSETA for approval of catering; this should take into consideration various dietary requirements
CMD5.13 / Venues:
  • Learning venues should be easily accessible for people using both private and public transport;
  • Should have all the necessary equipment and should be conducive to learning
  • Supply venue details to the BANSETA for approval.

CMD5.14 / Delivery must be flexible in order to accommodate possible changes to the number of candidates based on Sector needs
CMD5.15 / Be responsible for managing attendance, including signing of attendance registers at the start and end of each session, reporting on attendance and absenteeism to BANKSETA and the participating organisations, including follow up on actions related to attendance.
CMD6.1 / Issues and Risk Management / Disclosure of all risks and issues. / Provide a plan on how this programme will be governed including pertinent structures such as project steering committee meetings, status updates, performance reports, and risk and issues logs including mitigating actions
CMD6.2 / Undertake to notify BANKSETA in writing or at meetings of any issues or risks pertaining to programme delivery and any matter that poses a risk to BANKSETA's reputation and programme credibility.
CMD6.3 / Be responsible for managing attendance, including signing of attendance registers at the start and end of each session, reporting on attendance and absenteeism to BANKSETA and the participating organisations, including follow up on actions related to attendance
CMD6.4 / Notify BANKSETA in writing or at meetings of any issues or risks pertaining to programme delivery and any matter that poses a risk to BANKSETA's reputation and programme credibility
CMD7.1 / Certification and graduation / Certification refers to the issuing of a certificate to the candidates reflecting the learner's successful completion of the programme. / The appointed service provider will be responsible for the issuing of achieved certificates in line with the agreed qualification and the requirements of its accrediting body
CMD7.2 / Certification of successful candidates against nationally registered qualification.
CMD7.3 / Identify, source and fund a functional promotional item for use for the delegates in the programme. This must be branded according to the BANKSETA CI specifications.
CMD7.4 / Arrange graduation functions for each group in the province where they were trained. Each delegate will be allowed to bring two guests.
CMD7.5 / Report final candidate achievements relating to the qualification to BANKSETA in the required format.
CMD7.6 / Conform to the high level project plan.
CMD7.7 / All aspects for the graduation must be arranged by the provider. This includes the logistics for the graduation (incudes but is not limited to venue, order of events, invites, certification, gowns media for BANKSETA DVD, transport of BANKSETA tablecloths, banners, photographer, catering etc.).
CMD7.8 / Submit a report as well as individual proof of achievement for all certificated learners, including proof of completions to BANKSETA
CMD7.9 / BANKSETA will invite guests to attend the graduation ceremonies (up to 20 per graduation).
CMD8.1 / Impact Evaluation / This deliverable requires that the return on investment be defined and measured by the Provider. / Agree the frequency and method of impact evaluation with BANKSETA.
CMD8.2 / Avail its staff and pertinent information for the purpose of impact assessments
CMD8.3 / Specify the impact the qualification and training will bring to the personal growth of the applicant and the companies they work for.
CMD9.1 / Administration & Other / This item includes all sundry items not included in the previous deliverables. / Implement the BANKSETA Corporate Identity in all instances.
CMD9.2 / Meetings must be convened as agreed with BANKSETA either at the provider venue or BANKSETA.
CMD9.3 / The secretariat function must be provided by the provider.
CMD9.4 / Submit invoices and reports.
CMD9.5 / Identify and source a functional promotional item for use by the delegates in the programme. This must be branded according to the BANKSETA CI specifications.
CMD9.6 / All relevant contracts & documentation must be signed and completed. These will be retained by the Service Provider with electronic copies being lodged with the BANKSETA.
CMD9.7 / The necessary data capturing needs to be done onto the BANKSETA indicium system and NLRD (National Learner Record Database). The capturing needs to be completed in accordance with the BANKSETA quarterly DHET requirements.
CMD9.8 / Tracking, reporting on learner attendance, progress, achievements should be done for monthly meetings.
CMD9.9 / Auditing requirements such as identity documents of learners and agreements/contracts should be retrievable by the Provider.
CMD9.10 / Be responsible for the delivery of following administrative functions including:
  • Managing the completion of relevant document and or contracts and the signing thereof, with learners and employers
  • Capturing the Learnership contracts on the BANKSETA Indicium system
  • Tracking and reporting on learner attendance, progress, achievements and permanent employment
  • Updating and distribution of applicable policy and procedure documents and ensuring that these are in line with appropriate legislation and existing BANKSETA policies and procedures
  • Information management, including document management, for each learner as per the programme requirements

CMD9.11 / Provide audit information pertaining to the Programme upon request.
CMD9.12 / Submit invoices and progress reports in line with BANKSETA procedures and within BANKSETA deadlines and in accordance with agreed payment schedules.
CMD9.13 / Have storage systems for all documentation so that auditing requests are satisfied with the required deadlines.
CMD10.1 / Close-out / Submission of final report. / Facilitate a "lessons learnt" workshop with all relevant stakeholders.
CMD10.2 / Submit a detailed report and recommendations with the final invoice.
CMD10.3 / Submit a complete set of programme files with the final invoice.
CMD10.4 / All lessons learnt must be documented on a monthly basis and be captured into the close out report.

BANKSETA - Certificate in Management Dev Banking - Certificate in Management Development Programme for the Banking SectorCommercial in Confidence Printed 2018/09/28

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