Kristin Dybvig-Pawelko, Ph. D.

The Hugh Downs School of Human Communication(office) 480-965-5141

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences(mobile) 602-793-6482

Arizona State University(fax)480-964-4291

Tempe, AZ


Ph.D., 2007Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona

Dissertation: “Sexual initiation strategies: Explication and validation of a concept”

Advisor: Daniel Canary

Emphasis: Interpersonal Communication/ Research Methods

M.S., 2001Cornell University, Ithaca, New York

Thesis: “Predicting breast self-examination behavior using the Theory of Planned Behavior”

Advisor: Michael Shapiro

B.A., 1997 Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona Major: Political Science

Minors: Women’s Studies and Communication Honors: Cum Laude

Academic Experience

The Hugh Downs School of Human Communication

-Internship Director, August 2008- present

-Lecturer, August 2006- present

-Course Coordinator, COM 308, August 2006- August 2008 and August 2010- present

-Assistant Director of Forensics, August 2002-May 2006

-Graduate Associate, August 1999-May 2002

Department of Communication, Cornell University

-Graduate Teaching Assistant, August 1998-May 1999

-Forensics Assistant, August 1997-May 1999

-Research Assistant, Summer 1998

Courses Taught

Cornell University

-COMM 203Argumentation and Debate, Teaching Assistant.

-PAM 350Women and Health, Undergraduate Section Leader.

-COMM 303Forensics

-COMM 403Public service practicum

Arizona State University

-COM 100Introduction to Human Communication

-COM 207Introduction to Communication Inquiry

-COM 225Public Speaking

-COM 308Advanced Research Methods

-COM 312Communication, Conflict, and Negotiation

-COM 316Gender and Communication

-COM 394Communication in the Electronic Age

-COM 400Communication in Professions

-COM 407Advanced Critical Methods in Communication

-COM 410Advanced Interpersonal Communication

-COM 484Internship

Online Courses Taught and/or Developed

Arizona State University

-COM 100Introduction to Human Communication

-COM 308Advanced Research Methods

-COM 312Communication, Conflict, and Negotiation

-COM 394Communication and Technology

-COM 452Communication and Leadership

Academic Papers/Presentations

Dybvig, K. C. (2000a, November). Dual programs: An analysis of coaching structures. Paper presented at the National Communication Association, Seattle, WA.

Dybvig, K. C. (2000b, November). Topical counterplans: An appropriate check on ground?. Paper presented at the National Communication Association, Seattle, WA.

Dybvig, K. C. (2002a, March). An Evolutionary perspective on sibling rivalry. Paper presented at the Western States Communication Association, Long Beach, CA.

Dybvig, K. C. (2002b, March). Eminem, hate crimes, and MTV: An analysis of the redemption of quasi-guilt. Paper presented at the Western States Communication Association, Long Beach, CA.

Dybvig, K. C. (2002c, November). An examination of speaker point variance across populations. Paper presented at the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.

Dybvig, K. C. (2002d, November). Theoretical predictors of breast self-examination: An evaluation of the theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior. Paper presented at the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.

Dybvig, K. C., & Henson, D. F. (2002, July). The influence of familial history on the performance of breast self-examination. Paper presented at the International Conference on Personal Relationships, Halifax, NS.

Dybvig, K. C., & Iverson, J. O. (2000, October). Can cutting cards carve into our personal lives: An analysis of debate research on personal advocacy. Paper presented at the International Debate Education Association, Budapest, Hungry.

Dybvig, K. C., & Lindemann, K. (2002, November). Personality and forensics: An analysis of argumentativeness among forensics students. Paper presented at the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.

Dybvig, K. C. & Stepp, P. (1998, November). Public debate: Programs, Benefits and Recognition. Paper presented at the National Communication Association, New York, NY.

Henson, D. F., & Dybvig, K. C. (2002, July). Depression and the usage of relational maintenance behaviors. Paper presented at the International Conference on Personal Relationships, Halifax, NS.

Henson, D. F., Dybvig, K. C. & Canary, D. J. (2001, July) The effects of loneliness and communication apprehension on relational maintenance behaviors: An attributional perspective. Paper presented at the International Network on Personal Relationships, Payson, AZ.


Henson, D. F., Dybvig-Pawelko, K. C. & Canary, D. J. (2004) The effects of loneliness and communication apprehension on relational maintenance behaviors: An attributional perspective. Communication Research Reports.


Dybvig, K. C., Henson, D. F., & Myers, K. (2003). The yoga of marriage: Conflict and attributional flexibility.. Paper submitted to the Western States Communication Association. Selected Top Student Paper, Interpersonal Division.
