Acquisition Lesson Planning Form
Plan for the Concept, Topic, or Skill – Not for the Day
Unit 1 Lesson 5: Stormalong
Lesson Essential Question:
How do authors develop characters that serve a purpose? (Understanding characters)
How does characterization develop plot and influence the theme? (Predict and Infer)
What evidence does the author give me to draw a reasonable conclusion using the text? (Predict and Infer)
What do students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question? (chunk lesson and plan for formative assessment)
Assessment Prompt: Students will read a short story and complete a character’s feelings graphic organizer and answer a prediction question by using what they read and their background knowledge.
Assessment Prompt: Students will be able to complete a character’s feelings graphic organizer as they read the core story to make predictions.
Assessment Prompt: Students will determine the actions and relationships with others on their graphic organizer after being given the thoughts and feelings of the characters.
Activating Strategy: (Learners Mentally Active, Link to Prior Knowledge)
Complete the “What is an inference” notebook file game using the strategies, What I read, What I know, what I infer
Preview Key Vocabulary: Predict, infer
Build Background Knowledge of Concept:
Comprehension, Understanding Characters (anthology page 117)
Teaching Strategies: (Active Participation, Collaborative Pairs, Graphic Organizer, Vocabulary in Context, Writing)
Graphic Organizer:
Read Picos Bill Meets Rita Rio and complete the understanding characters graphic organizer (guided) projectable 5.2 / Vocabulary in Context:
Read Mighty Joe Magarac and ask students to predict (teacher read aloud) Comprehension, Understanding Characters (anthology page 117) / Writing:
See daily writing prompts
Collaborative Pairs Activities:
(Distributed Guided Practice)
Read The Helper, PB 49 / Collaborative Pairs Questions:
(Distributed Summarizing)
The sailors in New England spent a lot of time and money building a boat that was big enough for Stormy. Why did the sailors work so hard to make the boat? What do the sailors' action show about their feelings for Stormy? Would you do something that hard for a friend? Why or why not? / Extending Thinking Activity
AP#1: Students will read The Helper, PB page 49, and complete the graphic organizer and then answer a prediction question. (collaboratively)
AP#2: Students will complete the Character’s feelings graphic organizer as they read the core story, projectable 5.5a (guided)
AP#3: Students will fill in the missing information from their graphic organizer (projectable 5.4)
Summarizing Strategies: (Learners summarize, Answer Essential Question)
Students will create their own graphic organizer and then answer questions using details from the story (PB page 50)

**Also see the notebook file for this lesson, to give more details**

CAIU, Based on Learning Focused Strategies October 2009