CAT3182Department of Spanish and Portuguese StudiesSpring 2015

Introduction to Catalan 2

Language and Culture


CAT3182Department of Spanish and Portuguese StudiesSpring 2015

Instructor: Francesc Morales

Section 03H9

Office: 202 Yon Hall

Office hours:



CAT3182Department of Spanish and Portuguese StudiesSpring 2015


The goal of this course is to help students acquire a working knowledge of Catalan, a language spoken in four European countries (Andorra, France, Italy and Spain). Emphasis will be given to the four basic linguistic skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) and to culture. The course is designed for students who has previous experience with Catalan or with another Romance language. By the end of the course, students will have the necessary linguistic and cultural tools to perform at a level above basic communicative functions. Designed to introduce students to the culture and society of the Catalan speaking territories through language and cultural expressions, this course fulfills a humanities with international focus requirement for general education.


Week / Days / Unit / Notes, Assignment, Presentation, Test, and Others
1 / 7 Jan. / Presentation
9 Jan. / Introduction
2 / 12 Jan. / Introduction
14 Jan. / Introduction
16 Jan. / Introduction
3 / 19 Jan. / Holiday
21 Jan. / 1
23 Jan. / 1
4 / 26 Jan. / 1
28 Jan. / 1
30 Jan. / 1
5 / 2 Feb. / 1 / Test 1
4 Feb. / 2
6 Feb. / 2
6 / 9 Feb. / 2
11 Feb. / 2
13 Feb. / 2
7 / 16 Feb. / 2 / Test 2
18 Feb. / 3
20 Feb. / 3
8 / 23 Feb. / 3
25 Feb. / 3
27 Feb. / 3
9 / 2 Mar. / Spring Break
4 Mar.
6 Mar.
10 / 9 Mar. / 3 / Test 3
11 Mar. / Exam
13 Mar. / 4
11 / 16 Mar. / 4
18 Mar. / 4
20 Mar. / 4
12 / 23 Mar. / 4 / Proposal of readings from students
25 Mar. / 4 / Test 4
27 Mar. / 5 / Presentation proposal
13 / 30 Mar. / 5
1 Apr. / 5
3 Apr. / 5
14 / 6 Apr. / 5
8 Apr. / 5 / Test 5
10 Apr. / 6
15 / 13 Apr. / 6
15 Apr. / 6
17 Apr. / 6
16 / 20 Apr. / 6 / Essay due
22 Apr. / 6 / Test 6

Method of Evaluation and Their Grade

Reading/Written Test

Each student has to find and read a piece of text in Catalan. That could be a newspaper article, a short story, a novel, or any other source that student and instructor agreed. There is a day marked in the calendar for the proposals of the students, and another day for due an essay in Catalan about the text. The essay has to be 1-2 pages long (5-6 for graduate students). The perspective for the essay is totally free: plot, genre, context, main thesis, summary with a discussion, etc. It has to follow the Modern Language Association format and citation style.

Exams and tests

These will include listening comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, questions, and reading sections. There is a test for each unit of the textbook. We have also two exams (longer than the regular tests): one at the middle of the semester, and the final. The final exam includes contents from the whole semester.

As part of the course we will watch the TV series Oh! Europa (1993). It is a thirteen episodes show, and ideally we have to watch two episodes before each test because they will be on the tests (and, of course, in the final exam).


For cultural assignments the instructor will provide a list of festivities or Catalan traditions, as well as movies and TV shows (see recommended materials). In the calendar is marked when the student has to communicate the topic or the movie to the instructor. Then, a day for the presentation will be fixed: 5 minutes long (10 for graduate students).

Student Preparation and Participation

Since the main source of oral input that you will receive comes from interaction in the class, your attendance and your active participation in class are essential for success in this course.


·  Class participation: 20%

·  Tests: 20%

·  Exams: 20%

·  Presentations: 20%

·  Reading/written test: 20%

Attendance Policy and Make-Ups

Requirements for class attendance and make-up exams, assignments, and other work in this course are consistent with university policies that can be found in the online catalog at:


Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation.

Textbooks and other materials


Mas, Marts, and Albert Vilagrasa, ed. Veus 2: Llibre de l’alumne. 2nd ed. Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2010. Print.

—. Veus 2: Llibre d’exercicis i gramàtica. 2nd ed. Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2010. Print.

Oh! Europa. Televisió de Catalunya. 1993. Television.

Recommended Materials

4cats. Institut Ramon Llull, 20 Aug. 2014. Web.

Catalan Dictionary: English-Catalan, Catalan-English. London: Routledge, 1994. Print.

Catalonia Today. Girona, 2014. Web.

Collin, P. H. Business Glossary: English-Catalan/Catalan-English. Teddington: Peter Collin, 1997. Print.

Descalç sobre la terra vermella. Minoria Absoluta, 2014. Television.

Diccionari de la llengua catalana multilingüe. Enciclopèdia Catalana, 2014. Web.

El coronel Macià. Dir. Josep Maria Forn. Perf. Abel Folk, Marta Marco, Molly Malcolm, Fèlix Pons. Diafragma PC, 2006. Film.

Gallifa i Mas, Rosa, and Juliane P. Harris. La Jenny. Barcelona: Cat&Company, 2001. Print.

La ciutat cremada. Dir. Antoni Ribas. Perf. Xabier Elorriaga, Francisco Casares, Ángela Molina, Pau Garsaball, Jeannine Mestre, José Luis López Vázquez, Joan Manuel Serrat. Leo Films, 1976. Film.

Llibre d’estil de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 25 Feb. 2005. Web.

Mas Prats, Marta, and Albert Vilagrasa Grandia, ed. Veus 1: Llibre de l’alumne. 2nd ed. Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2010. Print.

—. Veus 1: Llibre d’exercicis i gramàtica. 2nd ed. Barcelona: Publicacions de l’Abadia de Montserrat, 2010. Print.

Neugaard, Edward J., ed. Anthology of Catalan Folktales. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 1995. Print.

Pa negre. Dir. Agustí Villaronga. Perf. Francesc Colomer, Marina Comas, Nora Navas, Roger Casamajor, Lluïsa Castell. Massa d’Or Produccions, 2010. Film. Institut Ramon Llull. Web. 7 Dec. 2014.

Pop ràpid. Televisió de Catalunya, 2011-13. Television.

Servei Lingüístic. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, 6 June 2014. Web.

Speakcat. Intercat, 2006. Web. 7 Dec. 2014.

Teresina S.A. Televisió de Catalunya, 1992. Television.

Xurriguera, Joan Baptista. Els verbs catalans conjugats. Barcelona: Claret, 1998. Print.

Grades and Grading Policies


CAT3182Department of Spanish and Portuguese StudiesSpring 2015

A = 100–93

A- = 92–90

B+ = 89–87

B = 86–83

B- = 82–80

C+ = 79–77

C (S) = 76–73

C- (U) = 72–70

D+ = 69–67

D = 66– 63

D- = 62–60

E = 59–0

NOTE: A grade of C- will not be a qualifying grade for major, minor, Gen Ed, Gordon Rule or Basic Distribution Credit courses. For further information regarding passing grades and grade point equivalents, please refer to the Undergraduate Catalog at (


CAT3182Department of Spanish and Portuguese StudiesSpring 2015

Course Evaluations

Students are expected to provide feedback on the quality of instruction in this course based on 10 criteria. These evaluations are conducted online at Evaluations are typically open during the last two or three weeks of the semester, but students will be given specific times when they are open. Summary results of these assessments are available to students at

Class Demeanor

Any classroom issues, disagreements or grade disputes should be discussed first between the instructor and the student. If the problem cannot be resolved contact the Professor Ana de Prada Pérez (). She will require documentation of the problem as well as all graded assignments for the semester. Final grades cannot be changed unless there is an error. Students must present the graded materials as evidence that a mistake was made.

Academic Integrity

All students are required to abide by the Academic Honesty Guidelines, which have been accepted by the University. The UF Honor Code reads: “We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity.”

On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied: “On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.” For more information please refer to

Counseling and Wellness

A variety of counseling, mental health and psychiatric services are available through the UF Counseling and Wellness Center, whose goal is to help students be maximally effective in their academic pursuits by reducing or eliminating emotional, psychological, and interpersonal problems that interfere with academic functioning. The Center can be found online at or reached by phone at 392-1575.