TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE (TLO): At the completion of this lesson, the student will:

ACTION: Plan a flight mission IFR or VFR in accordance with weather conditions stated in FM 1-230 and AR 95-1.

CONDITION: In a classroom environment.



ACTION: The student will be able to interpret the heading of a METAR report.

CONDITION: In a classroom environment and given a student handout.


a. Type report and station identification.

(1) Type report.

(a) METAR--record report.

(b) SPECI--special report.

(c) COR--correction to previous report.

(2) Observation stations, usually located at airports, use a four-letter identification system.

(a) KOZR--Cairns AAF.

(b) KMXF--Maxwell AFB.

(c) KLSF--Lawson AAF.

(d) KBIX--Keesler AFB.

(e) KBKF--Buckley AFB.

(f) KFCS--Butts AAF.

(g) KFLV--Sherman AAF.

(h) KMIB--Minot AFB.

b. The date and time of observation is given in Universal Coordinated Time (ZULU). Observations are normally completed within 10 minutes prior to the hour to the nearest minute, hourly. Special observations are made as significant weather changes occur.

NOTE: All times given in military and civilian weather transmissions are in Universal Coordinated Time unless otherwise designated. The time can be converted by subtracting 6 hours for Central Standard Time.

Z - 5 = EST Z - 7 = MST

Z - 6 = CST Z - 8 = PST

Subtract 1 hour for Daylight Saving Time, e.g., Z - 5 = CDT


ACTION: The student will interpret wind information contained in a METAR report.

CONDITION: In a classroom environment and given a student handout.


a. Wind direction is in reference to TRUE north and is reported to the nearest 10°.

b. Wind speed is a 2 minute average reported to the nearest knot. VRB is used when direction is variable and speed is less than or equal to 6 knots.

c. Calm wind is shown as 00000KT.

d. Gust. Rapid fluctuations in wind speed with a variation of 10 knots or more between peaks and lulls during the past 10 minutes. Reported by placing “G” and peak speed after the average speed (27015G25KT).

e. Varying. A “V” is used when wind varies 60° or more and wind is greater than 6 knots. (20015KT 180V260).

f. Peak wind. Peak wind is reported in remarks when instantaneous speed is greater than 25 knots. Example, 22030/15, means that a maximum wind speed of 30 knots occurred at 15 minutes past the hour.

g. Interpretation of wind.

(1) METAR KOZR 121455Z 18005KT.

(2) METAR KMXF 121455Z 19006KT.

(3) SPECI KLSF 121435Z 31010KT.

(4) METAR KBIX 121455Z 24012G23KT.

(5) METAR KBKF 121455Z 34012KT.

(6) METAR KFCS 121452Z 33008KT.

(7) METAR KFLV 121455Z 03004KT.

(8) METAR KMIB 121455Z 01024KT.


ACTION: The student will interpret visibility information contained in a METAR report.

CONDITION: In a classroom environment and given a student handout.


a. Visibility. The greatest horizontal distance specified objects can be seen and identified. It is reported in statute miles and fractions of miles.

(1) Prevailing visibility. The greatest horizontal distance that specified objects can be seen over at least one-half of the horizon, not necessarily continuous.

(2) Variable visibility. Variable visibility is explained in the remarks section.

(3) Interpretation of visibility.

(a) METAR KOZR 121455Z 18005KT 1/2SM.

(b) METAR KMXF 121453Z 19006KT 1SM.

(c) SPECI KLSF 121454Z 31010KT 8SM.

(d) METAR KBIX 121450Z 24012KT 1 1/2SM.

(e) METAR KBKF 121455Z 34012KT 75SM.

(f) METAR KFCS 121450Z 33008KT 60SM.

(g) METAR KFLV 121452Z 03004KT 4SM.

(h) METAR KMIB 121454Z 01024KT 1/2SM.

(4) Runway Visual Range (RVR).

(a) Given in feet when the prevailing visibility is 1 sm or less and/or the measured runway visibility for the designated instrument runway is 6,000 feet or less.

(b) Given as a 10 minute RVR value.

(c) Ends with FT to indicate feet (R06/2000FT).

(d) Value is prefixed with a P to indicate a value higher or an M to indicate a value lower than the RVR reportable values, e.g., R06L/P6000FT; greater than 6,000 feet.

(e) If variable during a 10 minute period, the variability is reported, e.g., R06L/2000V4000FT.

EXAMPLE: METAR KOZR 121455Z 18005KT 1/2SM R06/2400FT

b. Weather. Reported when phenomena are occurring at the time of report, regardless of the effect it has on visibility or ceiling.

(1) Abbreviations.

(a) RA--rain.

(b) SN--snow.

(c) DZ--drizzle.

(d) PL--ice pellets.

(e) GR--hail.

(f) SG--snow grains.

(g) GS--snow pellets/small hail.

(h) IC--ice crystals.

(i) UP--unknown precipitation.

(2) Intensity indicators.

(a) Light. -

(b) Moderate. No sign.

(c) Heavy. +

(3) The time precipitation began and/or ended must be shown in the remarks section. (Example: RAB42 means that rain began at 42 minutes past the previous hour.)

(4) Descriptors. These symbols are used to better describe weather phenomena.

(a) BC--Patches.

(b) BL--Blowing.

(c) DR--Low Drifting.

(d) FZ--Supercooled/freezing.

(e) MI--Shallow.

(f) PR--Partial.

(g) SH--Showers.

(h) TS--Thunderstorms.

(5) Interpretation of weather symbols.

(a) METAR KOZR 121455Z 18005KT 1/2SM R06/2400FT -DZ.

(b) METAR KMXF 121455Z 19006KT 1SM -RA.

(c) SPECI KLSF 121435Z 31010KT 8SM RA.

(d) METAR KBIX 121455Z 24012KT 1 1/2SM +TSRA.

(e) METAR KBKF 121455Z 34012KT 75SM.

(f) METAR KFCS 121452Z 33008KT 60SM.

(g) METAR KFLV 121455Z 03004KT 4SM -SN.

(h) METAR KMIB 121455Z 01024KT 1/2SM +SN.

c. Obstruction to visibility.

(1) When reported <7SM.

(2) Abbreviations used.


(a) FG--fog.

(b) HZ--haze.

(c) FU--smoke.

(d) DU--dust.

(e) BR--mist.

(f) SA--sand.

(g) VA--volcanic ash.

(h) PO--dust/sand swirls.

(i) SQ--squalls.

(j) FC--funnel cloud.

(k) +FC--tornado/water spout.

(l) SS-sandstorm.

(m) DS - dust storm.

(n) PY--spray.


NOTE: No intensity symbol is used with obstruction to vision other than +FC.

(3) Interpretation of obstructions to vision.

(a) METAR KOZR 121455Z 18005KT 1/2SM R06/2400FT -DZ FG.

(b) METAR KMXF 121455Z 19006KT 1SM -RA BRHZ.

(c) SPECI KLSF 121435Z 31010KT 8SM RA.

(d) METAR KBIX 121455Z 24012KT 1 1/2SM +TSRA.

(e) METAR KBKF 121455Z 34012KT 75SM.

(f) METAR KFCS 121452Z 33008KT 60SM.

(g) METAR KFLV 121455Z 03004KT 4SM -SN BR.

(h) METAR KMIB 121455Z 01024KT 1/2SM +SN BLSN.


ACTION: The student will interpret the ceiling information contained in a METAR report.

CONDITION: In a classroom environment and given a student handout.


a. How cloud coverage is obtained.


(1) SKC (manual)/CLR (automated)--No clouds below 12,000 feet.

(2) FEW--1 to 2 Octas. (An Octa is an eighth.)

(3) SCT--3 to 4 Octas.

(4) BKN--5 to 7 Octas.

(5) OVC--8 Octas.

(6) VV--Used to indicate vertical visibility for an indefinite ceiling, e.g., V V004; means vertical visibility is 400 feet, ceiling height not available.

(7) VVIII--indefinite ceiling height not available.

(8) BKN000--indicates less than full obscuration covering 5/8 to 7/8 sky coverage (surface based phenomena).

b. Ceiling.

(1) Defined as the lowest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomena that is reported as BROKEN, OVERCAST, or OBSCURED. Ceiling and other cloud heights are reported in hundreds of feet above the surface (to the nearest hundred feet). Cloud type will follow sky condition when towering cumulus or cumulonimbus are present, e.g., OVC 010 CB.

(2) Variable ceiling. When the ceiling is below 3,000 feet and is rapidly increasing or decreasing between two reportable values. Variability is explained in the remarks section.

c. Interpretation of sky condition.

(1) METAR KOZR 121455Z 18005KT 1/2SM R06/2400FT -DZ FG FEW000


(2) METAR KMXF 121455Z 19006KT 1SM –RA FG VV003.

(3) SPECI KLSF 121435Z 31010KT 8SM RA OVC007.

(4) METAR KBIX 121455Z 24012KT 1 1/2SM +TSRA SCT020 BKN030CB.

(5) METAR KBKF 121455Z 34012KT 75SM CLR.

(6) METAR KFCS 121452Z 33008KT 60SM SCT150 BKN250.

(7) METAR KFLV 121455Z 03004KT 4SM –SN BR OVC006.

(8) METAR KMIB 121455Z 01024KT 1/2SM +SN BLSN OVC040.


ACTION: The student will interpret the surface temperature and dew point information contained in a METAR report.

CONDITION: In a classroom environment and given a student handout.


a. Surface temperature followed by dew point. (Example: 20/15)

b. Reported in degrees Celsius.

c. Prefixed by an M when below zero.

d. Look for condensation (fog or clouds) when spread is within 2°.

e. Interpretation of temperature and dew point.

(1) METAR KOZR 121455Z 18005KT 1/2SM R06/2400FT -DZ FG FEW000 OVC035 16/16.

(2) METAR KMXF 121455Z 19006KT 1SM -RA BRHZ VV003 18/18.

(3) SPECI KLSF 121435Z 31010KT 8SM RA OVC007 17/15.

(4) METAR KBIX 121455Z 24012KT 1 1/2SM +TSRA SCT020 BKN030CB 20/17.

(5) METAR KBKF 121455Z 34012KT 75SM CLR 2/M4.

(6) METAR KFCS 121452Z 33008KT 60SM SCT150 BKN250 M3/M7.

(7) METAR KFLV 121455Z 03004KT 4SM -SN BR OVC006 M27/M28.

(8) METAR KMIB 121455Z 01024KT 1/2SM +SN BLSN OVC040 M21/M22.


ACTION: The student will interpret altimeter setting information contained in a METAR report.

CONDITION: In a classroom environment and given a student handout.


Method of Instruction: CO. Instructor to student ratio is: 1:40.

Time of Instruction: 0005 minutes.

Media: 35mm slide 33.

a. Reported to nearest one-hundredth of an inch of mercury (Hg).

b. Reported in four figures preceded by the letter A, e.g., A2992.

c. Interpretation of altimeter settings.

(1) METAR KOZR 121455Z 18005KT 1/2SM R06/2400FT -DZ FG FEW000 OVC035 16/16 A2942.

(2) METAR KMXF 121455Z 19006KT 1SM -RA BR VV003 18/18 A2984.

(3) SPECI KLSF 121455Z 31010KT 8SM RA OVC007 17/15 A2987.

(4) METAR KBIX 121455Z 24012KT 1 1/2SM +TSRA SCT020 BKN030CB 20/17 A3003.

(5) METAR KBKF 121455Z 34012KT 75SM CLR 2/M4 A3045.

(6) METAR KFCS 121452Z 33008KT 60SM SCT150 BKN250 M3/M7 A3040.

(7) METAR KFLV 121455Z 03004KT 4SM -SN BR OVC006 M27/M28 A2992.

(8) METAR KMIB 121455Z 01024KT 1/2SM +SN BLSN OVC040 M21/M22 A2965.


ACTION: The student will interpret the remarks contained in a METAR report.

CONDITION: In a classroom environment and given a student handout.


a. Mandatory.

(1) Amount of partial obscuration. (Example: FG SCT000--fog obscuring 3/8th to 4/8th of the sky; FU FEW000-smoke obscuring 1/8th to 2/8th of the sky; and FGHZ BKN000--fog and haze obscuring 5/8th to 7/8th of the sky.)

(2) Any variable condition. (Example: CIG 006V010 CIG 010--ceiling is variable between two reportable values such as 600 and 1,000 feet.)

(3) Time precipitation began or ended. (Example: RAB42--rain began at 42 minutes past the last hour.)

b. General remarks.

(1) Other significant information.

(a) HZALQDS--haze all quadrants.

(b) CIGRGD--ceiling ragged.

(c) SVR DWNDFTS NR MTNS--severe downdrafts near mountains.

(d) CB EBDD IN OVC--cumulonimbus embedded in overcast.

(e) SHRA U SE--rain showers, intensity unknown, southeast.


(2) Pressure--Selected stations will report the last three digits of sea level pressure in millibars.

(3) Temp/Dew point in Tenths--At selected stations temperature and dew point will be reported with tenths of a degree Celsius for greater accuracy. Positive temperatures are prefixed with a “0,” and negative temperatures are prefixed with a “1.”

c. Interpretation of remarks.

(1) METAR KOZR 121455Z 18005KT 1/2SM R06/2400FT -DZ FG FEW000 OVC035 16/16 A2942 RMK VIS 1/8V3/4 DZB27 SLP963 T01660156 FG FEW000.

(2) METAR KMXF 121455Z 19006KT 1SM -RA BR VV003 18/18 A2984 RMK SLP105 RAB40 T01830183.

(3) SPECI KLSF 121455Z 31010KT 8SM RA OVC007 17/15 A2987 RMK SLP115 RAB10E15B25 T01680146.

(4) METAR KBIX 121455Z 24012KT 1 1/2SM +TSRA SCT020 BKN030CB 20/17 A3003 RMK CIGO28V032 T02000167 SLP210 TSB40SHRAB45GRB50.

(5) METAR KBKF 121455Z 34012KT 75SM CLR 2/M4 A3045 RMK SLP312 T00171039.

(6) METAR KFCS 121452Z 33008KT 60SM SCT150 BKN250 M3/M7 A3040 RMK SLP295.

(7) METAR KFLV 121455Z 03004KT 4SM -SN BR OVC006 M27/M28 A2992 RMK SLP132 SNB15 T12671278.

(8) METAR KMIB 121455Z 01024KT 1/2SM +SN BLSN OVC040 M21/M22 A2965 RMK SLP041 T12061217 SNB10.


ACTION: The student will decode/interpret a METAR.

CONDITION: In a classroom environment and given a student handout.


a. Abbreviations.

A01 Automated Observation without precipitation discriminator (rain/snow)

A02 Automated Observation with precipitation discriminator (rain/snow)

BKN Broken

CA Lightning Cloud to Air

CC Lightning Cloud to Cloud

CG Lightning Cloud to Ground

CLR Clear at or below 12,000 feet (AWOS/ASOS report)

CONS Continuous – more than six lightning flashes per min


COR Correction to the observation

DSNT Distant – 10 to 30 miles

from station

FEW 1 or 2 octas (eighths) cloud coverage

FRQ Frequent – between one and six

flashes per minute

IC Ltg in cloud

LDG Landing

LTG Lightning

LWR Lower or lowering – used with ceiling

M In temperature field means “minus” or

below zero

M In RVR listing indicates visibility less

than lowest reportable sensor value

MOV Moved, moving, or movement

NO Not available, (e.g., SLPNO, RVRNO)

NSW No Significant Weather

OCNL Occasional – Less than

one flash per minute

OHD Overhead

OVC Overcast

P In RVR indicates visibility greater than highest reportable value

P6SM Visibility greater than 6 SM (TAF only)

PROB40 Probability 40 percent

R Runway (Used in RVR measurement)

RMK Remark

R/RWY Runway

SCT Scattered

SKC Sky Clear

SLP Sea Level Pressure (e.g., 1001.3 reported as 013)

SM Statute Mile(s)

SPECI Special Report

T01760158 In remarks, temperature and dewpoint to the nearest tenth

V Varies (wind direction ceiling heights, cloud cover, and visibility)

VC Vicinity (5 to 10 miles from station)

VRB Variable wind direction when speed is less than or equal to 6 knots

VV Vertical Visibility (indefinite ceiling)

