David Hood

Matlock (Baileans) RUFC Ltd

9 Newell Way

Darley Dale



August 2016

Dear Supporter

This annual letter is being sent to both existing and prospective Vice Presidents and we hope to maintain VP support but also increase membership and stimulate interest in both the Senior and Junior sections of the Club.

This letter as you can see includes a message from our Matlock (Baileans) RUFC Chair,Dave Toone.

As is tradition we will hold our popular lunches for Vice Presidents on two Saturdays this season on29th October (Ashbourne) and 4th March (Coalville)

So I would encourage all VPs to attend and support the Club in their aim of getting back to Midlands 1 East. From time to time throughout the season we will be holding a number of attractive events including live autumn and 6 Nations international games at Cromford on the big screen!

Fully paid up Vice Presidents are also entitled to apply for International tickets through Chris Orridge who can be contacted via his email address . As you know registered members of the Club can access tickets.

It would be helpful if you could Gift Aid your subscription as, although it costs you as Vice President nothing extra, the Club itself benefits financially. In addition I would ask everyone to note your address and e-mail details to enable me to communicate more effectively with you. I would ask those paying by bank transfer to send me your subscription form duly completed. Please note that our bank account is now with the NatWest Bank, 19 Dale Road, Matlock DE4 3YA - credit of Matlock Rugby Club – account no: 53721756 – Sort Code: 60-14-15. Those who have standing orders please alter immediately.

Thanking you

Yours in Matlock Rugby,

David Hood & Ian McCluskey


Tel:01629 735 061

Mobile:07951 268 678

August 2016

Dear Vice Presidents,

Thank you for choosing to become a New VP or to renew your existing membership of Matlock Rugby Club. We are as you know entirely reliant on funding to run the club and your membership donation is very much appreciated. It goes towards our ability to run 3 sides consistently but also we hope to provide you with entertaining and interesting rugby in a wonderful setting at Cromford Meadows.

This season sees us in a different league having dropped down last season and brings with it more local teams to play.

All the lads you see each week play purely for enjoyment and really appreciate voices of encouragement from the touchline. We travel to most of the local clubs for away fixtures and it is great to see Matlock supporters on the touchline. If you could pick a couple of away games to go to as well as home ones it really peps the team up and often you get a pre-match buffet to! as we do for teams visiting us, so please come have a pint and a sandwich and cheer us on.

As part of your VPs membership you will receive a couple of invites to pre match lunches organised by David & Ian which are some of the best Rugby afternoons you will have and hopefully we win on the day too.

So if you fancy a chat anytime please come over and say hello I am normally to be found on match days running touch and after in the bar if there is anything you wish to discuss.

Once again thank you for your valued support.


Dave Toone


Matlock (Baileans) RUFC

Please note: When forwarding your payment and subscription form to David Hood please enclose a stamped addressed envelope and he will arrange to send you the fixture & membership booklet. Thank you