Building space is a valuable university resource. During these times of growth, change, escalating construction costs and land values, the University must increase efforts to maximize the utility of both space types. In order for the University to better manage these resources, we are instituting a space review procedure.
A Space Request Form (SRF) must be completed to be considered in the University’s space allocation planning process. Please note the following:
- At the top of the form, fill in the Requestor information and Alternate Contact information if applicable.
- Your SRF must be reviewed, approved, and signed by the appropriate College Dean, Agency Director, Vice President or Vice Provost before submitting to Facilities Management.
- Under “Purpose of Request” be specify how the request fits in with the University Strategic Plan. Please note the specific categories and goals that you are referencing.
- Request the College Dean, Agency Director, Vice President or Vice Provost to forward the SRF via email with any comments to Kristi Buffington in Facilities Management for distribution to the Review Committee.
Once the SRF is received and the above information is verified, it will be submitted to the Space Review Committee, which is comprised of Facilities Management, VP of Operations, Provost’s Office representative, VP for Research representative, VP for Student Affairs, Assoc. VP for Finance and Dean of one of the colleges. After review and either approval or denial by the SRF the requestor is notified by email of the committees decision. If a request is controversial or of significants, the OC will have the final approval.
The University assigns space to support institutional priorities. Should space be vacated to occupy space granted through this process, the vacated space will be subject to reassignment to other priorities.
For more information about the space allocation process, contact Amy Parsons, Vice President for Operations, (970) 491-5257.