
Adult Faith Formation
Several opportunities throughout the year will be available for those seeking to increase their knowledge of our Catholic Faith. These opportunities will include Scripture study sessions, sessions on the adult catechism, speakers, and other sessions with specific topics. Please watch the Sunday Bulletin for dates, times and location of meetings. For more information, please email .
Adult Volleyball
Group that meets every Sunday night in the parish gym for an impromptu game of volleyball. All individuals ages 16 and older are invited to play. Please check the Sunday Bulletin for times. For more information email .
Altar Servers
Our young people are taught to assist the priest at the altar, where they perform a valuable service in assisting with the smooth flow of the Sacred Liturgy. This role is open to students from the 5th grade and above. Please contact for more information.
Altar Society
The Altar Society is responsible for the maintenance and cleaning for the altar linens. For more information please contact .
Art Decorating and Enhancement
Baptismal Prep - Pre-Jordan
The whole parish community, rooted in their own Baptism, is called to take responsibility for preparing adults and children for the sacraments of initiation. By actively participating in the formation and initiation of new members, the faithful, themselves, are gradually renewed in their baptismal vocation. The Baptismal Prep Team assists parents to be aware of these truths as they prepare themselves for the Baptism of their children. There is a need for faith-filled individuals or couples to assist in this ministry as facilitators and welcoming parishioners. Training and support will be provided. Those interested may contact the Michelle Palumbo at .
Bible Study
Please contact John Nall at
Boy Scouts
This group consists of boys in the 6th through 12th grades who are interested in outdoor activities like camping, hiking, backpacking, and white-water rafting. The groups meet weekly. For more information please contact Tom Johnson at .
For more information contact Susan Hunter at
Children's Sunday School
For more information contact Laura Hritz at
Church Cleaning
This group gathers periodically throughout the year to clean the church. Those interested in helping with this work are asked to please contact the Parish Office.
Cub Scouts
For more information contact Thomas DeRosa at .
CYO Sports
Catholic Youth Organization Sports is one component of a parish’s comprehensive youth ministry program which enables the partnership of parents, coaches, priests, religious, teachers and adult leaders to manage and support a sports program that allows youth to grow in their relationship with God and come to better understand themselves and the Catholic Faith. For more information contact Bill Booth at .
Decorating Committee
Different times of the year, especially Christmas/Easter this committee gets together and decorates the interior and exterior of the church. For more information please contact the church office.
Eucharistic Perpetual Adoration
The Little Flower Perpetual Adoration Chapel
Eucharistic adoration is the act of worshiping God as He is present in the consecrated Eucharist. Parishioners are invited to spend time in the presence of our Lord in the Little Flower Adoration Chapel attached to the rectory. A commitment of one hour a week to adore, give thanks, petition for our needs, and ask for forgiveness of our sins will continue to be a blessing to our community. Our Chapel is open 24 hours a day seven days a week. Check the church bulletin for more information on scheduling an hour a week for this spiritual and personal ministry.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extra-ordinary ministers of Holy Communion assist by administering Holy Communion at Mass and by bringing Holy Communion to parishioners who are not able to be at Mass. Training and support will be provided. Interested parishioners may contact the Parish Office.
Fair Committee
This annual event has become a popular and well-liked tradition in our parish and community, and it is a substantial fundraiser. The Parish Fair occurs every year in mid-July. It has proven to be the highlight of the summer with wonderful homemade food, games and rides. Hundreds of volunteers are needed throughout the year to make the Fair a reality. Watch the Sunday Bulletin for announcements regarding meetings and volunteer sign-ups.
Finance Committee
This consultative body advises the pastor regarding the administration of the temporal goods of the parish. Its members review the yearly budget as well as the annual financial report and share their expertise with the pastor as he strives to be a good steward of the parish’s material blessings. Members serve at the pastor’s invitation.
(Help Everyone Always Remain Together)
This group was formed to assist our fellow parishioners and provide support to one another in times of need. For more information please contact the HEART email at .
The Hospitality Committee comes together to plan and prepare various “fun” raisers and fundraisers throughout the year, including our famous Fellowship Sundays. New members are always welcome. Watch the Sunday Bulletin for meetings and events. For more information contact Emanuela at .
Greeters provide hospitality to those coming to Mass. In addition, they respond to emergencies and perform other valuable functions in maintaining liturgical order. Please contact Cecelia at for more information.
The King's Men
The Sacred Heart TKM Formation Group meets Wednesday evenings at 7:10 PM in Meeting Room A on the second floor of Fr. Sheehan Hall. The group is for men 18 years and older. The King's Men is a national lay apostolate headquartered within the Archdiocese of Philadelphia with groups in 19 dioceses in 13 states. Its mission is "To unite and build up men in the mold of leader, protector, and provider through Education, Formation, Action, and Healing." For more information please contact Bob at or visit The King's Men website at

Knights of Columbus

The K of C is the oldest fraternal benefit society in the United States. Its founding principles of charity, unity, and fraternity have provided, through its membership, economic security and stability to families. In addition, its members have time and energy to service in local parish communities. New membership is always welcomed. For more information please contact Ralph Sirico at .

Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary

For more information please contact Pam Santoro at .


God’s Word calls us into discipleship. We hear God’s Word proclaimed in many ways but most importantly, we hear the Word of God proclaimed at the Sacred Liturgy, when we gather with other believers as the people of God. In the presence of the community of believers, when the Scriptures are proclaimed, the lector becomes the mouthpiece of God. The lector does not just pronounce words. The lector communicates a divine message. These are all reasons why the one who proclaims the word of God must maintain a relationship with God and must provide ample time for preparation in order to do one’s best. The only exposure to the Word that many people have is at the Sunday Liturgy. The lector needs to be aware that his or her proclamation assists the homilist in giving meaning to the Word. Training and support will be provided for all adults and students who are interested. Contact Sister Marganne Drago at .

Maintenance Committee

This volunteer group assists the pastor in developing capital improvement projects, developing schedules, and making professional recommendations for their implementation. In addition, they provide much of the required skilled labor to bring the projects to completion. This committee meets on a regular basis and seeks interested parishioners who have expertise in electricity, plumbing and heating, carpentry, painting and masonry. For more information please contact the Parish Office.

Men's Basketball

This group follows Adult Volleyball on Sunday nights in the parish gym. All men ages 16 and older are invited to play. Please check the Sunday Bulletin for times. For more information please contact Dan Quinn at .

Parish Library

The purpose of the Parish Library is to make available to our parishioners some of the very best religious literature. Books on the saints and the sacred Scripture can help one to know and love God better. Apologetics and Catholic classics provide support for our beliefs. The major part of our collection is devoted to spirituality, which is of continuing interest to parishioners. For more information contact .

Pastoral Council

The pastoral council is the only ecclesiastical body that exists solely to do pastoral planning. The purpose of the council is to plan in a consultative way by using the interrelated process of investigating and considering pastoral needs and proposing recommendations to the pastor. Each year, elections are held to fill three-year terms on the Pastoral Council. Any parishioner in good standing can be nominated to run for council. For more information please contact Father DiMaria at .

Prayer Shawl Ministry

For more information please contact .

Project Outreach

This is our parish-based community service program that is responsible for the gifts to St. Martin de Porres Church in Philadelphia, and the Giving Tree at Christmas. This program also runs food drives at various times of the year. The generosity of our parishioners helps many of their brothers and sisters to get through difficult times. Volunteers are always needed. For more information please contact .

Respect Life

At various times of the year the Church asks us to be especially aware of the threat which the “culture of death” brings, and to reaffirm our commitment to respect life from conception to natural death. Respect Life Sunday in October and on Mother’s Day is a particular time of emphasis, but we try to keep the respect-life message prominent all through the year. For more information contact .


The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is the normative process for those adults who seek Christ in Baptism and initiation into the Catholic Church. Sacred Heart Parish provides a complete and thorough formation and information process for catechumens (un-baptized adults) and for those baptized into another Christian community who wish to become members of the Catholic Church. Those interested in the RCIA please contact Father DiMaria at the Parish Office.

Religious Education - PREP and SHARE


Students from 1st through 6th grade who attend public or private school are invited to the Parish Religious Education Program. At these sessions, held on Tuesdays/Wednesdays, the students learn the essentials of the Catholic faith and are exposed to our tradition and prayer life. Attendance in these sessions is mandatory beginning in 1st grade and continuing through 6th grade, especially in preparation for the sacraments of First Penance, first Eucharist and Confirmation. Catechists (teachers) and aides are always needed for all sessions. Training and support are provided.
Sacred Heart Adolescent Religious Education is the process by which the 7th, 8th, and 9th graders of Sacred Heart Parish will experience religious education /youth group. This program is open to ALL students in Grades 7-9 who attend public, private, or Catholic school.

For any information regarding Religious Education please contact Laura at .

Special Needs

Our parish is pleased to offer religious education, rooted in the Word of God, for children and young adults with special needs. The sessions meet on Thursday evenings. Please contact the Sacred Heart Office of Religious Education through the Parish Office for more information on this program.

St. Vincent DePaul

The members of the St. Vincent de Paul Sacred Heart Parish work to reach out to those experiencing difficulties dealing with their life situation. We provide information about resources available to our clients to support and counsel them. Sometimes, we provide food, financial and material to those in need. Our funds come from the poor box in the back of the church and private donations. All of the money donated goes to helping those in our community. The uniqueness of our ministry is that we serve as teams of two people who visit the homes of those in need. Meetings are held once a month to discuss each client’s situation and how best to help them.

Vacation Bible School

Each summer, Sacred Heart Parish offers a week of Vacation Bible School (VBS) for students who are 4 years old through completion of 4th grade. BVS takes place Monday through Friday, 9:00am - 12:00pm. VBS is week-long program of Catholic religious education in which students participate in learning Bible Stories, religious songs, arts and crafts, snack, and outdoor activities. Announcement of the dates, registration, and theme for that year's VBS are made in the early spring. Adult volunteers are always needed to assist during the week of VBS. Those students who have completed 5th grade are welcome to volunteer as Youth Helpers. For more information contact Laura at .

Silver Liners Sr. Circle

Silver Liners is a social organization for senior citizens. We meet on the 2nd Monday of each month from 11am to 1pm in the St. Katherine Drexel Room. We also organize day trips for our cultural & social enrichment. For more information please contact the Parish Office.