The Board of Supervisors South Abington Township, Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania held its regular meeting on Monday, February 13, 2017 at the Township Building, 104 Shady Lane Road, Chinchilla, Pennsylvania.

Chairman Stanton called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM

. Giles Stanton Present

Joseph Sproul Present

Mark Dougherty Present

David G. O’Neill, Twp. Manager Present

William Jones, Solicitor Present

Christine Griswold, Sec’y. Treas. Present

Minutes of the meeting of 12/12/16 and 1/3/17 were read and approved as read.

Money was received from the following:

Susan McLane $ 5,332.80 ADT $ 51.41

Amerihealth $ 1,771.82 ROD $11,922.96

Lacka County $ 2,322.38 Magistrate $ 1,494.71

CJR $ 137.29 Crea $ 10.00

Newton $ 5,150.62 Davidson $ 29.75

Glatfelter $ 5,653.56 CG $15,321.16

J Falcone $ 1,103.13 AAGSL $ 500.00

SA Lions $ 200.00 Toth $ 90.00

AYSL $ 1,000.00 Ransom $ 4,346.41

Mark Dougherty motioned, Joseph Sproul seconded, and bills were unanimously approved for payment from the following funds:

General Fund $127,465.86 Sewer Fund $452,665.29 Highway Aid $24,081.14

Recreation Fund $12,304.45 Fire $5,630.08 PR 1, 2&3 $206,535.48

Mr. Kierzkowski, 822 Hilltop Drive, Clarks Summit, was present to voice his opinion that our zoning variance site signs are not big enough and are not located appropriately. Mr. Kierzkowski had visited the Township office and was not pleased with his contact with the Township Manager over this issue. Supervisor Dougherty recommended making the signs bigger and approaching neighbors for their opinion as to posting sites. It was unanimously agreed to advertise such hearing on our Township website.

Seven families from the Apple Valley subdivision were present to voice their concerns about the condition of Northern Spy Road. Dale Lindholm, 414 Northern Spy Road was the appointed spokesperson, and presented a petition of 24 names, out of 25 residents, to repair the road. The seven families in attendance all opined a either a reason for the problem, a solution to the problem, or how they were affected by the problem. Board members stated they will visit the neighborhood and place the road on the list for paving consideration. Supervisor Sproul apologized for the lack of “tarring” and promised it will be done this spring.

Mark Dougherty motioned to approve Resolution 17-01, appointing an auditor for the 2016 year. Giles Stanton seconded and the resolution was unanimously approved. Joseph Sproul motioned to approve Resolution 17-02, increasing the compensation for the elected real estate tax collector, beginning in 2018, to $2.60 per bill. The previous compensation was $2.30 per bill. Giles Stanton seconded and the resolution was unanimously approved. Joseph Sproul motioned to approve Resolution 17-03, revising Resolution 04-05, relating to retiree health benefits. Giles Stanton seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

Resolution 17-04, granting conditional preliminary approval for Hampton Estates, was unanimously approved after motion by Joseph Sproul and second by Giles Stanton. Joseph Sproul motioned to ratify previous action in 2012 granting a 5 year extension to Border Real Estate and to extending said extension another 5 years to 2/13/22. Giles Stanton seconded and the motion was unanimously approved.

Joseph Sproul motioned to approve purchase of Co-Stars contract #025-242, Tri Star Ford, for a 2017 Ford F550 Chassis XL, and purchase of Co-Stars contract #025-090, 2017 Ford F550 Upfitting, for a total cost of $69,034.05. Giles Stanton seconded and the purchase was unanimously approved.



Joseph Sproul motioned to contribute $1,500 to the Chinchilla Hose Co Scholarship Fund in the amount of $1,500. Giles Stanton seconded and the contribution was unanimously approved.

Giles Stanton motioned to hire two part time police officers, Matthew Sims and Matthew Batyko, on the condition of further positive background investigation and testing. Joseph Sproul seconded and the officers’ hiring was unanimously approved.

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:52 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Griswold

Township Secretary