Mrs. Tippets 801-452-4661 Moodle: .
Welcome to Health class. My name is Ann Tippets. This class is designed to follow the State Core Curriculum. Wellness, fitness, self-concept, emotional needs, decision making skills, stress, friends, relationships, dating, marriage, parenthood, nutrition, balanced diets, eating disorders, Refusal Skills, drug prevention (alcohol, tobacco, etc.), HIV/AIDS, peer pressure, communicable and non-communicable diseases, first aid, consumer health, shaken baby, bullying, child abuse, internet safety and how the body functions are topics that will be covered. There will also be a week-long ABSTINENCE based unit. Please refer to attached State permission slip.
Items needed for class: 1. A loose-leaf paper with folder. 2. Pen or Pencil.3. Planner (school)I use Moodle: . I post what we will do in class on the back white board in the room. If students miss a class or they do not understand a lesson, have your child log into this website and download lessons or worksheets. This website can also be used to take pretests.
Classroom rules:1.Be PREPARED every day (have folder, pen/pencilwith you)
2.School Rules: S.O.A.R—Safe, On time, Act respectful, Responsible --SchoolCELL PHONE policy will be enforced. Candy, pop, sports drinks or other food items are not allowed in class. Water is allowed.
3.Pay attention, be respectful and do not bother others
**Failure to abide by the rules (classroom, school, or district) will result in one or more of the following consequences: 1. verbal warning, 2. conference with teacher, 3. reassigned seat, partners, or group, 4. contact with parents—5. Referral to administration.
Daily Agenda:Students will write bell work almost every day. Entries will be kept in folder and will be turned in daily.
Grading:Grading scale is posted on the wall in the room. Grades can be accessed online any time through the portal. Assignments and grades will be entered at least once a week, always by Friday afternoon.
Homework:All assignments are due on the assigned date, with 5 points loss for each day it is late. You have 2 weeks to make up any assignments/tests if you are sick or absent. this website for any makeup work that was missed.
Assessment:Grades will be determined through participation, bell work, homework, projects, and quizzes/tests.
Extra Credit:Extra credit will be given once a quarter. You may also receive extra credit by attending any school function. You must write a ½ page summary of the function you went to and why you attended. Limit 2 times. It is worth 10 points.
Videos:Videos or video clips watched will follow Weber School District Policy and apply to our health curriculum. Movies we will watch: Super Size Me and Dying to Be Thin.
Problems/concerns:If problems arise, I strongly encourage contact through e-mail, phone calls or a personal conference. I am here at 7:15 am and until3:15 pm every school day. I am available during the morning before or after school.
Parent/Guardian Contact Info:
Parents/Guardian Name(s):______
Email Address: ______
To the Parent/Guardian:
Please use this space below to tell me about your child, ask questions, or voice any concerns that you may have. Thanks for being a part of your child’s education!
Does your child have access to a computer/phone/ipad & the internet at home? Yes or NO
It is okay for student pictures/videos or work samples to be posted on moodle or blog? Yes or NO
I have read, understand and accept the guidelines Mrs. Tippets has outlined in this 8th Grade Health.
Student Signature______Date______Period______
Parent Signature______Date______