Mendocino County Lodging Association
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Point Arena City Hall, Point Arena, CA
The meeting was called to order by President Jan Rodriguez at 12:45pm. Present were Scott Schneider (ED), Jeff Stanford, Cally Dym, Renata Dorn, Richard Strom, Josie Perla, Chris Knoerdel, Phil Walker, Louis Bohannan (guest), Aimee Hanson (guest), Gail Brodsky (guest), Jannine Heidemann (guest), Pauline Zamboni (guest), Lynn Bell (guest), Lyndell Gooch (guest) Jessa Lemke (guest), Ken LaBoube (guest), Marcia DeChedeneux (guest) Elaine Carmichael (guest), Kevin Gallagher (guest), Mia Gallagher (guest), Elaine Bryant (guest). Phone: PamAmante, Jo Bradley, Christina Affinito,
Privilege of the Floor
- Introductions were held
President’s Report – Correspondence from Point Arena Lodging Properties – Letter received insisting Kevin Gallagher be reinstated to the Board. Discussion ensued regarding the transparency of Kevin Gallagher’s removal. Renata motions we put the reinstatement of Kevin Gallagher as a Board Member on the May agenda. Chris seconds. 3 AYES and 6 NAYES. Motion Fails.
Approval and Posting of Last Meeting’s Minutes
Cally moved to approve January minutes as edited. Josie seconded. Motion passes.
Treasurer’s Report
Savings Account - $79,884.29
Checking Account -$21,258.62
Jeffmotions to approve treasurer’s report. Cally seconds. Motion Passed.
MCPA Report:
- Approved $2,000 funding for setting up Visit Mendocino County, Inc.
- Purchasing a used server to assist in connecting two offices and information
- Approved $500 for Day of the Dead Festival
- Approved the contract with Visit Mendocino County, Inc. for FY 2009-2010
- Approved $1,000 funding for establishment of Mendocino County Promotional Foundation
Administration Report
- National Heritage Area Update – Richard Strom reported consultants are in the area touring sites and strategizing for the National Heritage Area (NHA). NHA in other areas has increased tourism significantly.
- Geotourism Update – Marcia and Richard presented the Geotourism project and requested MCLA members fill out nomination forms for the website that will launch in 2010.
- BID Renewal Process –
- Public Hearing April 28 @ 10:30am in Ukiah
- Presented to Leadership Mendocino – there was much enthusiasm over the Marketing Study and the formation of Visit Mendocino County, Inc.
- Providing bags to MWWC for their media tasting event in San Francisco on April 7
- Office is now open at 120 S. Franklin Street, Fort Bragg. Members are invited to stop by to see what MCLA is up to, ask questions, etc.
- Scott has accepted an invitation to sit on the CalTIA Board of Directors
- Annual Meeting to be held in September – Scott requested ideas on location and theme
- Saved $2,000 on the “Road Trips” publication and would like to use those funds for a spring photography shoot obtaining quality Countywide photos for promotional purposes. Jeff motions to use the $2,000 saved on a spring photography shoot and ask MCPA to match those funds. Cally seconds. Motion Passes.
- Would like to update the graphics on the travel show booth – request $2,500 from JMC funds to update the messaging and photos to be more in accordance with the recommendations described in the Mendocino County Travel Research Study. This is to be on the agendafor May.
- Moved into new office at 120 S. Franklin St. in Fort Bragg. Members greatly encouraged to stop by and see the office, ask questions and find out what is happening with BID funds.
Marketing Activities
- Visit Mendocino Update
- Election to seat on Visit Mendocino County, Inc. – Josie felt she cannot take on the additional responsibility of a seat on the Visit Mendocino County, Inc. Board. She is offering her seat to another Board member. The President has the authority to appoint Josie’s replacements and an election is felt to be a democratic way to appoint the open seat to VMC. Pam and Renata both volunteered to serve. Both candidates had an opportunity to explain their qualifications and motivation for occupying the seat. Pam was voted in to fill the vacant seat.
- Scott to send out marketing plan once the plan is approved by VMC. Scott to request email questions regarding the plan prior to the May meeting so they can be addressed at the meeting.
- Four committees have been set up within VMC. Media committee will oversee media plan, public relations and website. Visitor Services committee will oversee visitor services, fulfillment, partnerships and events. Finance will oversee finances with Jo being chair of the committee as MCLA Treasurer. Personnel will oversee staff.
- Visitor Guide Update – Scott gave a history of why Striker Media Group was chosen for the 2009-2010 Visitor Guide. Local promotional organizations were asked for recommendations on publishers both in and outside of the area. Phone calls were made to publishers of local magazines. 12 proposals were sent out with 4 received back. Striker was chosen based on their award-winning publications, commitment, price and timeframe.
- Discussions ensued regarding how to list lodging and whether to list all vacation rentals in the County as well as whether lodging should be listed by region or as a separate chart.
- Cally motions to send forms to all lodging for inclusion in the visitor guide. Only returned forms will be included in the visitor guide. Vacation Rentals will be given a single line and be listed by region. Vacation Rental Agencies will receive a regular listing as an Inn or Motel would be listed. A reminder mailing will be sent to all lodging to encourage returning of the form. Pam seconds. Motion Passes.
- Partnership Requests
- Paul Bunyan Days–Requests $1,500 for the Fort Bragg July 4th Fireworks – tabled to May meeting
- Mendocino Heritage Days – Requests $1,000 for May Festival – tabled to May meeting
Old Business
- By-Laws – Comments were received by members regarding the removal of two South Coast seats. Pauline Zamboni has come forward to serve as a South Coast At-Large seat. Jannine Heidemann has come forward to serve as an Elk representative. As there was not 2/3 of the sitting Board present. The By-Law changes will be on the May election.
- Jan appointed Pauline Zamboni as a new South Coast At-Large Board Member
- Jan appointed Janine Heidemann as the Elk Board Member
New Business
- Contract with Visit Mendocino County, Inc. – Board Members asked for clarification questions regarding the contract. Board to send comments by April 15.
- MCLA Board Election timeline for 2009-2010 FY – a nomination committee is created opening the nomination process today for a 4 week period. Jan, Christina & Pam will be on the committee.
Next Meeting
Scheduled for May 6 @ 11am,Baechtel Creek Inn, Willits, Ca