RowanCounty Senior High School

499 Viking Drive

Morehead, KY 40351


Dear guardians and students,

Welcome to my class! I am looking forward on working with you for a productive and successful 2015-16 academic year. Whatever mathematical experience you have before, we will build on it. Do not hesitate to tell me you don’t understand. I will help. Learning takes place only when we communicate.

In order to provide students with a quality education, I will need parent’s or guardian’s help to ensure that their child is working to their full potential. In return, I will be working very hard to make sure that each student learnsin my class as much as possible.

As you are aware, our school has adopted the new state standard for mathematics. Attached is the class syllabus aligned with the new standards. I also included the class rules and procedures which will be thoroughly discussed and practiced during class. Please read them and sign the detachable portion on the bottom of this letter in order to indicate your understanding and support of the classroom system. There is also space provided for you to express any questions, concerns or comments. Students please return that portion to meonMonday (August 17, 2015).
If your student needs additional assistance with math, I am tentatively planning on tutoring after school on Monday. If you have any problems or concerns with the class, please contact me at (606)784-8956 ext 2637 or email me at . Together we can find a solution.

Thank you for your time to read over the syllabus.

Mr. Michael Short

I understand all the information attached with this letter. Also, I will do my best to work with you and the school to ensure academic success in this class.

Student Name:______Signature:______

Parent Name: ______Signature:______

Email/telephone: ______Email/telephone: ______

The best way to contact the parent/guardian during the day is: ______

Comment: ______



Course Title: Algebra 2

Course Description:Algebra 2 is a required subject in secondary education. The key aspects of Algebra 2 – the equations, graphs and application will help the students understand how mathematics relates to the world.It is designed to help students improve and excel in Mathematics as they work tomaster the concepts and skills of the state standards in preparation for ACT and end of course assessment. Use of graphing calculators and computer drawing programs are encouraged

Course Prerequisites: Successful completion of Geometry A and B or equivalent course.

Instructor:Michael Short,

Required Text and other learning Resources:

1 McDougal Littell Algebra 2 (class text)

2. Class Website – Access through Teacher Pages @

3. Khan Academy(

Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course students should develop the proficiency and confidence required to take pre- calculus.

The course is divided into Algebra 2A, Algebra 2B and Algebra 2C

  • Unit 1 - Complex Numbers
  • Unit 2 – Inequalities
  • Unit 3- Systems of Inequalities, and Linear Programming
  • Unit 4 - Matrices
  • Unit 5 - Factoring Quadratics
  • Unit 6- Solving Quadratic Equations
  • Unit 7– Properties and Graphs of Quadratics
  • Unit 8 – Polynomials and Polynomial Functions
  • Unit 9 - Transforming Functions
  • Unit 10– Rational Functions
  • Unit 11–Conics
  • Unit 12 –Radical Functions and Rational Exponents
  • Unit 13- Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
  • Unit 13- Trigonometry
  • Unit 14–Trigonometric Functions
  • Unit 15 –Sequence Series and Probability

Required Materials: Each student will need the following items in addition to pencils and papers:

  • 1 – one inch (1’) binder
  • 1 – package of 5 tab dividers(optional)for: Learning Targets, Bell Ringers, Notes, Assignments, Grades earned on tests & quizzes so you know if & what you need to re-take.
  • Loose-leaf notebook paper
  • pencils

Wish List: If each student could bring in the following, it would help with classroom supplies. Thanks.

  • AAA batteries (4)
  • Dry Erase markers (2)

Grading Policy: Students will be graded using the following criteria.

  • 20% of the student’s grade will come from: homework, class activities, course work, Khan Academy assignments, admit/exit slips.
  • 60% of the student’s grade will come from: quizzes, projects, formative and summative exams, unit tests
  • 20% of the student’s grade will be come from the final exam or the EOC assessment

NOTE: Points will be assigned to all assignments but remember the overall grade will be determined by the percentages not points accumulated divided by points possible.

There are NO RETAKES on the UNIT TESTS and NO RETAKES on the FINAL EXAM or EOC. Once the unit test has been taken, retakes for that particular unit will be closed.

Grading Scale: The following scale applies:

A = 90 – 100%

B = 80 – 89%

C = 70 – 79%

D = 60 – 69%

F = below 60%


Classroom Rules/Guidelines

  1. Have all materials needed at your table and be seated when the bell rings.
  2. Follow directions the first time they are given.
  3. Adjust your voice level to suit the activity.
  4. Stay on your assigned seat unless you have permission to do otherwise.
  5. No personal grooming during class.

Special Guidelines:This classroom is a “No Whining Zone”.

That means that there will be no whining, for ANY reason. Everything that I do is in your best interest, so please respect the “No Whining Zone” this semester

If you choose to follow the rules…

  1. Nonverbal- smiles, thumbs up, head nods etc. (daily)
  2. Verbal-praise of specific efforts. (daily)
  3. Positive call to parents or notes home. (random)
  4. The joy of learning. (each day of the school year)

If you choose to break a rule…

1st time: Warning and documentation.

2nd time: Privileges removed – must report to my room during break and do assigned duties.

3rd time: Privileges removed - report to my room during break and do assigned duties. Call to parents/guardian.

4th time: Disciplinary Referral. Request for Parent-Teacher-Student conference.

Severe Clause: Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY.

Cell Phone Policy

  • Cell phones and other electronics (Laptops, I Pods, I Pads, etc.) are not permitted at any time unless specifically instructed by the teacher.
  • I will collect the device and hold turn it into the office where the student must go to collect the device at the end of the day. I will also contact the guardian of the offending student.
  • Any cell phone that “goes off” in class will be subject to the offences above.
  • If a parent needs to contact a child during the day, they may do so by calling the main office of the school at 606-784-8956.
  • Students will not be permitted to leave the class to use their cell-phone or other device unless special circumstances deem it necessary.



Procedures are part of life. We follow procedures when we use a telephone book, board an airplane, approach a traffic light and attend a wedding. The reason we have procedures in life is so that people can function in society knowing the acceptable and efficient ways other people do things. There are also procedures in this classroom. These procedures establish our classroom culture. Our culture will be one of academic emphasis, positive attitude, cooperative effort and a safe and supportive environment. These rules and procedures ensure a positive atmospherein the classroom.

Beginning of Class

  1. Before the bell rings, please enter the classroom quickly and quietly while getting your calculator before you go to your seat.
  2. Make sure that you have all materials needed such as Math book,pencil, paper, calculator, etc.
  3. Place your homework, if assigned from the previous day in the designated folder.
  4. Please be seated, back in chairs, with feet down, and hands to yourself at voice level 0-1.
  5. Read the learning target for the day and write it in your notebook.
  6. Work silently on your bell work.This will need to be done in your notebook too.
  7. After the bell rings, you have 5 minutes to do the bell work.
  8. If you have question about bell work, you may talk at voice level 1 only to the person sitting next to you. You should talk not more than 1 minute then back to silent work.
  9. If you are done, you can read your math book or help students at your table at their request, otherwise sit silently and wait for further instruction from the teacher.
  10. If you are previously absent, looks for missed work with your name on it from the “missed work” folder, then get to work. If you have questions,ask your seatmate at voice level 1. If he/she can’t help you, then you can raise your hand.

During Class

  1. Please follow class expectations every activity.
  1. Seating Chart. Seat plan will be given at day 1. Students will sit on their assigned seat. Seating chart willchange regularly.
  1. Student’s Attention. When the teacher raises her hand or says “Stop talking”, it means

a.your mouth stops moving,

b.all sound stops coming out of your body, and

c.your attention goes to the teacher.

  1. Class Participation. All students are expected to participate in class.
  1. If you know the answer, have comment or question, raise your hand and wait to be called. Remember: No calling out.Be nice and let everyone think about the question.
  2. If no one volunteers to answer a question, the teacher will let the calculator decide who will answer the question. Always be ready. 
  3. During presentation (answering teacher’s question or explaining math problems), the presenter should speak using his/her “stage voice” (clear and modulated) while the rest of the students are expected to be a “good audience” (listening). Other students will be called upon to explain what the presenter did to make sure that everyone understands.
  4. When giving feedback after a presentation, follow the rule of “2hugs and a Help” or 2 Hugs and a Huh?”2hugs means saying two things that are good about the student’s presentation. A help means one suggestion on how to improve the presentation. A huh?means one question about the presentation.
  1. Paper Heading. Student must write their name, calculator number, class period, date and title of classwork on allpapers, even if the paper will not be turned in for a grade.

Name:______calculator #____


Title of class assignment

  1. If seatwork has been completed. Turn your paper upside down on your table. Work on unfinished Math assignments.Review vocabulary words. Start working on tonight’s homework. Go to supplemental Activities folder.
  1. Checking of classwork: When grading another student’s work:
  1. Use red or any colored pen. (No one should be holding a pencil by this time.)
  2. If the student answered the item correct, do not mark anything.
  3. If the student answered the item wrong,, write the correct answer neatly on the paper.
  4. Do not write anything unnecessary. Remember: Respect your classmate’s work.
  1. Turning in papers. Every class has assigned tray for classwork/homework and missed work.
  1. If the teacher asks to turn in papers, the student will pass their papers across the rows to their left.
  1. Starting at the rightmost row, the students will place their papers on the table next to their left.
  2. When you receive a paper, place yours on top and continue passing the stack to your left.
  3. To those students seating on a table, each student will place their paper on the middle of the table.
  4. I or an assigned student will come by and collect all stacks.
  1. If the bell rings, student must neatly turn in papers on the assigned tray.
  1. Did not complete Homework or Classwork. If you do not complete homework or classwork, you will not receive credit for that assignment until that work is made up.
  1. Sharpening of pencil.You may sharpen pencil one at a time EXCEPT during Teacher Direct Instruction. If in case you need to borrow a pencil please return it after class.
  1. Smartboard/Whiteboard. The teacher will assign a student to use the board during class time. Do not write anything on the board that is not necessary.
  1. Use of Materials and Supplies. There will be a designated area for students to use any materials in the classroom such as stapler, hole-puncher, tape, scissors, construction paper, rulers, markers and crayons. Students must return them to their proper place before leaving class. Doing so, shows respect to your classroom. Students may access this area without the teacher’s permission if, and only if it is necessary for the task at hand, and it does not disrupt the class.
  1. Out of room policy. There is only one hall pass. Students must use a hall pass every time they will leave the class for any reason such as for restroom, fountain, office and library. Student may only leave if the hall pass is at designated place. No hall passes during Teacher Direct Instruction and bellwork. Only 2 hall passes per semester allowed.
  1. Absent student. If a student is absent the notes and assignments for that day will be gathered and placed in the corresponding folder for the student to pick up on their next day in class.
  1. Tardy student. If a student is tardy: an excused tardy (note from teacher, administrator, doctor, etc.) Will be removed from file, if unexcused, you will fill out the action plan and then, he or she will get to work. For the 2nd unexcused tardy fill in the after school detention log.
  1. Scheduled Check Out.Please let me know as you enter the classroom. Quietly raise your hand to get my attention. Pack your materials and leave at the scheduled time. If it is an emergency, quickly get my attention and I will assist you.
  1. Behavior during interruption.
  1. Announcement. When a school wide announcement is madethe students will stop whatever the activity is and listen at voice level 0.
  2. Visitor. Any visitor who comes in the classroom should be treated with respect. If somebody knocks on the door, the student nearest to the door may open it. Students will responds in a polite greeting, listen silently for instruction and or continue working.
  3. Drills. Students willcalmly and silently follow the procedures of each drill.
  1. Fire Drill. All students will exit the building through designated door in a silent, single file line, 100 yards away from the building. Wait silently for further instructions. Stay together as a class & I will meet you and take attendance.
  2. Earthquake Drill. All students will get under tables and wait silently.
  3. `Severe Weather/Tornado Drill. –All students will go to math commons and kneel silently toward wall with hand over heads.
  4. Lockdown. All students will sit silently on floor near the designated corner of the room.

End of Class

  1. Please place class assignments in designated tray before leaving class.
  2. All students must be seated for class dismissal.
  3. Please pick all the trash (ex. papers) on the floor, even if they are not yours.
  4. Bell does not dismiss the class. It is a signal for the teacher to dismiss the class.
  5. Class is dismissed when teacher says, “Have a great day!”

Thank you! 

-Mr. Short


Text reminders for students and parents

Enter this number

This is the Remind number we created to keep your personal number private.


Text this message

This is the unique class code foralgebra 2 4th-5th. Students and parents use this to join the right class.