150 Verbs/Adjectives + PrepPage 1 of 3

  1. adapt to (become accustomed to)
  2. adjust to (make necessary changes in order to adapt)
  3. afraid of
  4. agree on something
  5. agree with someone
  6. apologize to
  7. apply to a college for admission/apply to a country for a visa
  8. appropriate for
  9. approve of
  10. argue with
  11. arrive in a town (city, country)
  12. arrive at a school (station, work, or any specific place)
  13. ashamed of oneself or someone else
  14. associate with
  15. aware of
  16. believe in Santa Claus (think something is real)
  17. believe in the death penalty (agree with something)
  18. belong to
  19. blame for
  20. borrow something from someone
  21. bring up (raise a child)
  22. capable of
  23. care for (enjoy something, watch over someone)
  24. care about (feel something is important)
  25. cast a spell on
  26. caught with one's pants down (embarrassed, humiliated)
  27. change into
  28. check on
  29. choose between
  30. co-operate with
  31. come from (a city or country)
  32. complain to
  33. concentrate on
  34. contribute to
  35. convinced of
  36. critical of
  37. depend on someone or on a condition
  38. die of a disease
  39. different from
  40. disagree with
  41. discourage someone from doing something
  42. dream of/about
  43. equal to
  44. escape from
  45. except for/with the exception of
  46. faith in someone or something
  47. familiar with
  48. famous for (well-known due to an ability)
  49. fight with
  50. figure out (finally understand)
  51. fill in (the blank spaces)
  52. fill out (complete a form)
  53. forget about (stop thinking or worrying about someone or something)

  1. forgive someone for doing something
  2. get back from (return)
  3. get out of bed/get out of town
  4. get to (come to)
  5. get with the program (work well with coworkers)
  6. get away with (do something bad without punishment)
  7. get in someone's way (prevent someone else's movement or functioning)
  8. get behind (support someone or something)
  9. get on (a bus, train, plane)
  10. go on (continue)
  11. good at something
  12. grateful to someone
  13. grateful for something
  14. happy about something
  15. have on (wear an item of clothing)
  16. have trouble with
  17. hear about
  18. hear from (receive a letter or phone call)
  19. hear of (know about someone or something's existence)
  20. help with something
  21. hide from someone
  22. hold on (grab something, or wait)
  23. identical to (the same as)
  24. imported from (received from a far away place)
  25. independent of (someone)
  26. insist on doing something
  27. instead of
  28. interfere with someone or some process (bother, annoy, disrupt)
  29. jealous of (envious of)
  30. keep secrets from someone
  31. keep on (continue)
  32. know about
  33. known for (famous for)
  34. laugh at (a joke or someone foolish)
  35. leave for (go to)
  36. limit to
  37. listen to
  38. look at (see, watch, observe)
  39. look for (search)
  40. look forward to (wait with excitement or anticipation)
  41. loyal to
  42. made of
  43. mess with (bother or annoy someone)
  44. object to
  45. participate in
  46. pay for
  47. pay attention to
  48. play with someone or something
  49. point at someone or something
  50. prefer doing one thing to doing another thing
  51. prevent someone from doing something
  52. prohibit someone from doing something
  53. protect someone from danger
  54. proud of
  55. provide with (supply necessary things)
  56. put off (postpone, delay)
  57. put up with (accept something or someone that annoys or bothers)
  58. put on (clothing)
  59. recovered from (an illness)
  60. rely on (depend on)
  61. respect for (have respect for someone)
  62. responsible for (in charge of)
  63. run out (have no more of something)
  64. same as (the same as = equal to, identical to)
  65. say something to something
  66. separate from someone
  67. show something to someone
  68. similar to (almost the same as)
  69. smile at something or someone
  70. sorry about (feeling ashamed about a mistake or unkind act)
  71. sorry for (feeling pity for an unfortunate person)
  72. steal something from someone
  73. succeed in doing something (have success with something)
  74. suffer from (a disease, illness, inability, weakness)
  75. suitable for (appropriate, the right thing)
  76. superior to (better than)
  77. suspicious of someone (not believing or trusting)
  78. take someone out (for dinner, a movie, a date)
  79. take off (leave the airport and go into the sky)
  80. take care of someone or something necessary to do
  81. take orders from someone
  82. talk about someone behind someone's back
  83. think of (have an opinion, remember someone)
  84. think about (consider, put someone or something in mind)
  85. tired of doing something
  86. tolerant of someone
  87. transform into something new
  88. try on (clothes)
  89. turn on (a light, a TV)
  90. turn off (a light, a TV)
  91. upset about something
  92. useful for (helpful)
  93. wait for
  94. wear out (use something so much that it stops being useful)
  95. work with someone or a tool
  96. work for a company or someone
  97. worry about a person or problem