Physiology Study Guide 5: Homeostasis & Thermoregulation 14

Steven A. Fink; Instructor




____ 1. Health data is most frequently reported in terms of 40-year old mature males.

____ 2. Normal human body temperature is 95.8°F.

____ 3. There is normally a higher concentration of protein in the blood plasma than in the tissue fluid.

____ 4. There is normally a higher concentration of protein in the blood plasma than in the cytoplasm of the cells.

____ 5. If a person who does not have a fever takes an aspirin, his body temperature will become lower than normal.

____ 6. The Corpus Luteum is the name for the Ovarian Follicle after the ovum has been ovulated.

____ 7. Menstruation is caused by the rapid decline in progesterone level in a woman at the end of each menstrual cycle.

____ 8. Most of the water in the body is found inside the cells.

____ 9. You will feel cold whenever your actual body temperature is lower than the set-point of your Thermoregulatory Reflex Center.

____10. Ovulation does not normally occur during pregnancy.

____11. Day 1 of the Menstrual Cycle is defined as the date of ovulation.

____12. Menstruation will occur in regular cycles following the removal of the ovaries as long as the pituitary gland continues to function normally.

____13. Viruses are the smallest living cells.

____14. The blood plasma comprises about 2/3 of the extracellular fluid (ECF).

____15. All definitive actions initiated by the nervous system are either muscle contractions or glandular secretions.

____16. Most of the blood flow through the skin is for purposes of temperature regulation.

____17. The Thermoregulatory Reflex Center influences sweating, shivering, & cutaneous blood flow.

____18. The higher the air temperature, the slower the rate of heat loss by radiation.

____19. Hypothyroidism can lead to weight gain.

____20. No progesterone is secreted during the follicular (preovulatory) phase.

____21. We exhibit both innate & learned reflexes.

____22. Body temperature is normally highest at about 3 P.M.

____23. A woman's body temperature is normally higher after she ovulates.

____24. Antihistamines would have an antipyretic effect.

____25. Shivering stimulates the rate of cellular respiration in the skeletal muscles.

____26. Aspirin reduces fever by inhibiting the neuronal activity of the Thermoregulatory Reflex Center.

____27. Burning your finger will cause it to become inflamed.

____28. Prostaglandins cause the “thermostat” of the brain to maintain a higher body temperature than normal.

Multiple Choice

____29. Heat Loss Reflexes become ineffective when the surrounding air is:

(a) hot & dry

(b) cold & dry

(c) hot & humid

(d) cold & humid

____30. The hormone that prepares a woman's uterus (womb) for possible pregnancy is:
(a) progesterone
(b) adrenal androgen
(c) insulin
(d) Chorionic Gonadotropin
(e) estrogen

____31. Aspirin acts an an anti-pyretic by:

(a) directly alterring the activity of neurons in the Thermoregulatory Reflex


(b) blocking the conduction of action potentials in the thermoreceptors

throughout the body

(c) inhibiting the release of pyrogenic toxins by pathogenic


(d) blocking the synthesis & release of prostaglandins by cells

(e) stimulating the release of endorphins from neurons in the

Thermoregulatory Reflex Center

____32. Menstruation signals:
(a) that fertilization has occurred
(b) the time of ovulation
(c) the beginning of a new menstrual cycle
(d) that implantation of the embryo has occurred

____33. The tissue fluid is to tissue cells as the ______is to blood cells.

(a) serous fluid

(b) plasma

(c) transcellular fluid

(d) intracellular fluid

(e) cerebrospinal fluid

____34. All of the following are chemical mediators of inflammation EXCEPT:

(a) histamine

(b) epinephrine

(c) kinins

(d) prostaglandins

(e) leukocytic pyrogen

____35. All of the following are part of a generalized Inflammatory Response EXCEPT:

(a) pain

(b) localized vasoconstriction

(c) localized swelling

(d) localized warmth

(e) fever

____36. A ______control system compensates for changes, returning the condition of the body back to its original state.
(a) positive feedback
(b) negative feedback
(c) feedforward
(d) biofeedback
(e) cybernetic

____37. Which one of the following acts to lower body temperature?

(a) cutaneous vasoconstriction

(b) shivering

(c) sweating

(d) increased secretion of Thyroxin

(e) assimilation of food

____38. All of the following would probably affect the body temperature of a normal, healthy person EXCEPT:

(a) quickly drinking several glasses of ice cold water

(b) a vigorous work-out of calisthenics

(c) an intravenous injection of progesterone (in a woman)

(d) sudden exposure to freezing wind while dressed very lightly

(e) ingestion of 2 full-strength aspirin tablets

____39. All of the following would occur when the weather is hot EXCEPT:

(a) increased thirst

(b) vasoconstriction of the cutaneous blood vessels

(c) voluntary decrease in activity level

(d) increased sweating

(e) decreased secretion of Thyroxin

____40. The largest ECF compartment is the:

(a) tissue fluid

(b) blood plasma

(c) cerebrospinal fluid

(d) serous fluids

(e) transcellular fluids

____41. Arrange the following events in the Menstrual Cycle in the correct sequence:

(1) Menstruation
(2) Ovum is not fertilized
(3) Ovarian Follicle develops
(4) Endometrium of uterus becomes more vascularized
(5) follicle cells secrete progesterone
(6) Corpus Luteum shrinks
(7) Ovulation
(8) follicle cells secrete estrogen

The correct sequence should read:

(a) 1, 2, 4, 7, 5, 3, 8, 6
(b) 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 4, 2, 6
(c) 1, 3, 8, 5, 7, 4, 2, 6
(d) 1, 3, 8, 7, 5, 4, 2, 6
(e) 1, 3, 8, 7, 5, 6, 4, 2
(ab) 1, 5, 4, 7, 6, 3, 8, 2
(ac) 1, 5, 4, 7, 8, 3, 8, 6
(ad) 1, 4, 2, 3, 8, 5, 6, 7
(ae) 1, 5, 7, 3, 8, 2, 6, 4
(bc) 1, 7, 5, 3, 8, 2, 6, 4


____42. High body temperature can be fatal because it causes:
(a) the blood to coagulate
(b) denaturation of proteins
(c) cardiac arrythmias
(d) nerve impulses from the brain cease

____43. The home pregnancy kits that let you know when pregnancy has occurred detect for the presence of:
(a) estrogen
(b) Chorionic Gonadotropin (CG)
(c) Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
(d) oxytocin
(e) thryoxin

____44. In a 28-day menstrual cycle, during which of the following days is a woman most likely to become pregnant?
(a) 1st to 7th day of cycle
(b) 10th to 14th day of cycle
(c) 12th to 20th day of cycle
(d) 18th to 28th day of cycle
(e) 20th day of one cycle to the 5th day of the next cycle

____45. The home ovulation kits that let you know when ovulation has occurred detect for the presence of:
(a) estrogen
(b) Chorionic Gonadotropin (CG)
(c) Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
(d) oxytocin
(e) thryoxin

____46. If the ovum is NOT fertilized:
(a) the ovary (Ovarian Follicle) secretes estrogen until

pregnancy occurs
(b) the ovary (Corpus Luteum continues to grow and) secretes

progesterone until pregnancy occurs
(c) the ovary (Corpus Luteum shrinks and) stops secreting

(d) the ovary (Corpus Luteum shrinks and) stops secreting

(e) the uterus stops secreting progesterone and shrinks in size

____47. In the female, FSH stimulates the follicle cells of the ovary to produce:
(a) progesterone + estrogen
(b) testosterone
(c) estrogen
(d) Chorionic Gonadotropin (CG)
(e) Luteinizing Hormone (LH)

____48. The cervix is the area between the:
(a) uterus and the fallopian tubes
(b) fallopian tubes and the ovaries
(c) vaginal canal and the uterus
(d) urethral canal and the ureters

____49. Neutrophils:
(a) produce antibodies
(b) phagocytize foreign agents
(c) cause blood clotting
(d) transport oxygen

____50. “Macrophages” are:
(a) Neutrophils
(b) Eosinophils
(c) Lymphocytes
(d) Monocytes
(e) Basophils

____51. Most of the protein in the body is found:

(a) inside cells

(b) in the bloodstream

(c) in the tissue fluid

(d) equally distributed inside & outside the cells

____52. What would be the estimated Total Blood Volume (TBV) for a child weighing 44 pounds?

(a) .8 L

(b) 1

(c) 1.6

(d) 2

(e) 2.25

(ab) 3.5

(ac) 4.2

(ad) 4.6

(ae) none of the above

____53. Which one of the following is NOT part of a feedback system:
(a) control center
(b) stimulus
(c) receptor
(d) effector

____54. In a homeostatic control system, the Control Center receives information from:
(a) stimuli
(b) effectors
(c) receptors
(d) the efferent pathway
(e) the alimentary canal

____55. Which system helps maintain body temperature and protects the body?
(a) urinary
(b) respiratory
(c) skeletal
(d) integumentary
(e) digestive

____56. Body temperature is ultimately regulated by the:
(a) skin
(b) hypothalamus
(c) cerebral cortex
(d) pituitary gland
(e) amount of glucose ingested

____57. Total Body Water (TBW) is normally about _____ liters.
(a) 5
(b) 15
(c) 25
(d) 40
(e) 60
(ab) 80

____58. Most of the water in the body is located in the:
(a) lymph
(b) blood plasma
(c) interstitial fluid
(d) cerebrospinal fluid
(e) cytoplasm

____59. Most of the extracellular fluid in the body is located in the:
(a) lymph
(b) blood plasma
(c) interstitial fluid
(d) cerebrospinal fluid
(e) cytoplasm

____60. The major anion in ECF is:
(a) SO4-2
(b) Cl-
(c) OH-
(d) HCO3-
(e) Na+

____61. If the body's internal set point for temperature suddenly became lowered:
(a) sweating would occur
(b) the core body temperature would increase
(c) shivering would occur
(d) the blood sugar level would rise
(e) the body temperature would remain unchanged

____62. The surge in LH is critical for:
(a) initial development of the ovum
(b) maintaining follicle cells which feed the ovum
(c) ovulation
(d) suppression of oögenesis
(e) initiation of child birth

____63. In the menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs on about:
(a) Day 1
(b) Day 7
(c) Day 14
(d) Day 21
(e) Day 28

____64. Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) is chemically most similar to:

(a) intracellular fluid

(b) blood plasma

(c) tissue fluid

(d) urine

(e) gastric juice

____65. Which one of the following is a univalent anion?
(a) Na+
(b) Ca+2
(c) Cl-
(d) PO4-3
(e) H+

____66. The major cation found in the intracellular fluid (ICF) is:

(a) Fe+2

(b) Cl-

(c) K+

(d) Na+

(e) PO4-3

____67. Water makes-up approximately _____% of a person's body weight.

(a) 20

(b) 25

(c) 35

(d) 50

(e) 60

(ab) 75

(ac) 90

____68. Body temperature in women is normally:

(a) higher after ovulation

(b) lower after ovulation

(c) unchanged throughout the menstrual cycle

(d) higher at night and lower during the day

Use the diagram below to answer the next 4 questions:

____69. The structure labeled (I) is called the:
(a) cervix
(b) ileum
(c) myometrium
(d) endometrium
(e) gastric glands

____70. The structure labeled (II) is called the:
(a) cervix
(b) ileum
(c) myometrium
(d) endometrium
(e) palate

____71. The cells in the structure labeled (III) secrete:
(a) oxytocin
(b) Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
(c) Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
(d) estrogen
(e) progesterone

____72. The structure labeled (IV) is called the:
(a) epididymis
(b) pituitary gland
(c) corpus luteum
(d) endometrium
(e) islet of Langerhans

____73. If the Fallopian tubes are "tied-off", which one of the following could NOT occur?
(a) pregnancy
(b) menstruation
(c) ovulation
(d) sexual intercourse
(e) none of the above occur

____74. A patient who weighs 50 Kg would have an estimated Total Body Water (TBW) volume of:

(a) 2.5 L

(b) 9.5

(c) 10

(d) 15

(e) 18

(ab) 25

(ac) 30

(ad) 34

(ae) 40

(bc) 50

(bd) none of the above

____75. Viruses consist of:
(a) a cell membrane & mitochondria
(b) a cell membrane and a circular-spaped chromosomes
(c) a nucleic acid core with a protein covering
(d) a flagellum with a protein covering

____76. Which one of the following secretes “gonadotropic” hormones?
(a) thyroid gland
(b) thymus gland
(c) pituitary gland
(d) pancreas
(e) spleen

____77. Which one of the following clinical conditions may lead to denaturation of proteins in the body?
(a) hypothyroidism
(b) cancer
(c) an allergic reaction
(d) hyperthermia
(e) anemia

____78. Which one of the following pairs of drugs would reduce the inflammation associated with an allergic reaction?
(a) aspirin & lidocaine
(b) aspirin & penicillin
(c) antihistamines & lidocaine
(d) antihistamines & aspirin
(e) prostaglandins & antihistamines

____79. The lower portion of the uterus is called the:
(a) cervix
(b) myometrium
(c) endometrium
(d) fallopian tube
(e) vagina

____80. Claude Bernard called the fluid that surrounds the tissue cells, the ______.
(a) transcellular fluid
(b) plasma
(c) intracellular fluid
(d) serous fluid
(e) internal milieu

____81. If your TRC set-point was at 98.6°F, but your actual body temperature was 101°F, you would feel:
(a) cold
(b) normal
(c) hot
(d) impossible to predict

____82. If your TRC set-point had been lowered to 97°F, but your actual body temperature was 98.6°F, you would feel:
(a) cold
(b) normal
(c) hot
(d) impossible to predict

____83. All of the following organs are part of the Immune System EXCEPT:
(a) pancreas
(b) lymph nodes
(c) spleen
(d) tonsils
(e) appendix

____84. Viruses consist of:
(a) a cell membrane and mitochondria
(b) a cell membrane and a circular-shaped chromosome
(c) a nucleic acid core with a protein covering
(d) a flagellum with a protein covering

____85. Which one of the following diseases is NOT caused by a virus?
(a) colds
(b) chicken pox
(c) measles
(d) AIDS
(e) scurvy